The conversation between Su Ming and the Mao Bear Emperor ended quickly.

After more than an hour of communication, the Hairy Bear Emperor changed from a sad face to a smile.

Su Ming also blossomed in his heart.

Mao Xiong took out $15 billion to buy Su Ming’s technology, which can be regarded as a bloody cost.

After all, Mao Xiong’s previous military expenditure was only 60 billion US dollars a year!

If it weren’t for the fact that Eagle Sauce and the West kept arching the fire and providing weapons and equipment, let Ermao and Mao Xiong desperately.

This war has long been over.

As soon as the cannon sounded, ten thousand taels of gold.

Weapons and equipment are very expensive, tens of millions of dollars a tank, tens of millions of dollars a fighter, hundreds of thousands of dollars a missile, even the most ordinary shells and rockets, one tens of thousands of dollars.

Eagle sauce and the West spent hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ermao.

Now Mao Xiong only needs to master nano grenade technology.

Eagle sauce is useless even if the military aid is a trillion dollars of weapons.

The nanoworms will eat those weapons clean.

This war has become a bottomless pit.

Eagle sauce and the West, no matter how many weapons they provide military aid, are all for nothing.

Su Ming and the Maoxiong Emperor secretly signed a contract, and both sides were happy.

“Cool! Huasheng Group received a $15 billion super order. It’s time to earn money again to earn hand cramps! ”

“Hmm! I want to be an honest arms dealer, the hairy bear has already given money, then I have to provide the goods to the hairy bear early. ”

“It seems that I have embarked on the path of a warmonger.”

“Leave him alone! Eagle sauce can be a warmonger, why can’t I? Eagle sauce is not more advanced than me. ”

“As a person from the Dragon Country, I only consider the interests of the Dragon Country, the interests of the people of the Dragon Country, and my own interests, which is very reasonable and reasonable! There’s nothing wrong with that! ”

The first time he was a warmonger, Su Ming was a little entangled.

He comforted himself for a while, and there was no psychological burden.

This world is the law of the jungle!

Who the will sympathize with the weak.

So many small countries in the Middle East have been beaten by eagle sauce.

Did Eagle Sauce and the West sympathize with them?

Tens of millions of people around the world have been displaced as homeless refugees.

Who caused it?

Not yet the so-called Western and eagle sauce.

If you can use Maoxiong pit eagle sauce and the West, and you can make money, why not?

Su Ming thought for a moment, then quickly said goodbye to the big guys, left the capital, and returned to Tianhai City.

He can’t wait to complete the deal with the hairy bear.


Returning to Huasheng Group, Su Ming began to get busy.

A month later, all seven factories of Huasheng Group were put into production.

In the nano-biofactory, groups of biogeneticists are busy.

Scientists have cultivated nanoworms through the production line to make a red agent.

These red potions contain countless nanobugs.

In the ordinary state, the nanoworms in the agent are dormant, and only under the action of the high temperature of the explosion, the nanoworms will be activated.

Su Ming asked the military personnel to drip red medicine into a military grenade and mix it with the ammunition inside.

A simple version of the nano grenade was successfully manufactured.

Su Ming quickly contacted the military.

“Admiral Yang, my nano grenade has been manufactured, I want to test the power of this grenade.”

On the other end of the phone, Admiral Yang was also a little excited: “Comrade Xiao Su, there is an abandoned steel factory on the outskirts of the capital, which you can use to test the power of nano grenades.” But you must ensure safety, and absolutely do not let the nanoworm get out of control and become a disaster. ”

Su Ming was full of confidence: “Admiral Yang, please rest assured, these nanobugs have been strictly treated, and they can only live for half an hour at most.” ”

“Alright! If that’s the case, I’ll send a military plane to pick you up right away. ”

A few hours later, Su Ming flew to the capital.

Accompanied by a group of generals, a group of people rushed to an abandoned steel factory on the outskirts of the capital.

This steel plant was built in the 60s of the last century.

Due to the serious pollution of steelmaking and the aging of the equipment, it has no value.

This rusty steel mill is empty all around.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, you can do experiments.”

A group of generals looked at Su Ming expectantly, they wanted to see the power of nanotechnology.

“Guys, let’s see.”

Su Ming was full of confidence, took out the nano grenade, pulled the ring buckle, and Su Ming threw the grenade out fiercely.

With a loud bang, the grenade flew a hundred meters away, and after the explosion, a green smoke was produced.

The smoke spread with the wind and soon skyrocketed.

Where the green smog passes, steel mills are melting at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Those rusty irons, like melting ice in a blazing fire, are disappearing, and there is not even slag left.

The smoke is spreading rapidly, and the entire steel plant is shrouded in it.

About half an hour or so, the steel mill that had just stood in front of everyone disappeared.

Only empty flat ground remained, and countless cement blocks.

In this steel factory, there is no longer a piece of metal.

Hundreds of rats hiding in the steel mill, having lost their hiding places, squeaked and scurried around.

After expanding to a certain extent, the green smoke disappeared into the air.

These green smogs are nanobugs, which are very small and difficult to observe with the naked eye, but they are abundant in number, and together they become green smoke.

The nanoworm contains a super corrosive substance, which is more than 100 times stronger than sulfuric acid, and only acts on metal substances and does not harm living organisms.

Those generals, their eyes are almost glaring.

“This is also amazing, this steel mill, if it is dismantled manually, it will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars, and it will take several years.” In half an hour, he was eaten clean by nanobugs? If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s really hard to believe. ”

“Nanotechnology is terrifying! If nanomissiles are made, and several missiles hit the enemy’s base, then the entire base, within half an hour, will turn to ashes. ”

“Eagle Sauce has a lot of military bases around me, and a few missiles at one base can solve it, and it can never be repaired. The application of this technology to the military is terrifying. ”

“This nano grenade, one can scrap a warship, anti-Japanese dramas dare not shoot like this, but it has become a reality. It’s terrifying. ”

“It’s too good value for money. A grenade costs hundreds of dollars, and a warship costs hundreds of millions! Mastering this technology, all the navies of the Eagle Sauce Country are not enough for us to fight! ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, this technology must not be mastered by any country. Otherwise, there will be a great threat to our country. ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, this technique to Mao Xiong, I’m a little worried! What if one day the hairy bear uses this technology against our country? I have to guard against it! ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, this nano worm is devouring steel so fast. This technology is applied to building demolition, old city demolition, bridge demolition, and scrap metal treatment, which can bring great economic value to China! ”

It was exciting to see these generals.

Su Ming smiled: “Guys, the effect of nanotechnology is good!” This thing can be both military and civilian. Export to hairy bears, and I don’t worry that hairy bears dare to use them against us. ”

“I have mastered the cultivation of nanoworms, genetic programming technology. Except for us Huasheng Group, there is no company that can breed and breed nanoworms. ”

“This technology, used in the military, can destroy the enemy’s most expensive weapons in the cheapest way.”

“If it is used for civilian use, the efficiency of demolition and relocation will be increased by at least several thousand times.”

“Scrap metal disposal, very troublesome. And the cost is high, with these nanobugs, disposing of scrap metal, economical and cheap, and environmentally friendly. ”

“As you can see, these nanoworms are very small, only one 60,000th of a hair, and they eat nothing but metal. Hundreds of rats from the steel plant, alive and well! ”

“Ladies and gentlemen, our country should create a sufficient number of nanoweapons. Prevent the eagle sauce dog thing from interfering in the great cause of China’s reunification. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, he won the praise of all the generals.

“Yes, with this nanoweapon. All the military bases of Eagle Sauce, we can make him disappear in half an hour. The deterrent power of such weapons even exceeds that of nuclear weapons. I believe that Eagle Sauce and the little devils, knowing that our country has mastered this technology, will definitely not dare to stir up trouble. ”

“If the news of our country’s mastery of nanotechnology spreads, Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier will not dare to approach our country at all!” A few missiles will be able to scrap their carriers. This thing is simply an aircraft carrier nemesis. ”

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