Huasheng Group, company canteen.

On TV, a blockbuster news attracted everyone.

On the TV, the beautiful host spoke: “Dear audience friends, good noon.” ”

“Here’s an important piece of international news.”

“The war between Maoxiong and Ermao has been going on for more than a year.”

“Due to Western military aid, Mao Xiong’s military operations have been frustrated and have not been able to defeat Ermao.”

“But just yesterday, things took a shocking turn.”

“Mao Xiong launched hundreds of missiles and paralyzed more than a dozen of the most important military bases in Ermao Country.”

“The tanks, planes, artillery, and rocket launchers of the Western military aid to the Ermao Kingdom were all evaporated overnight.”

“In the area hit by the Mao Bear Country missile, all the metal evaporated, and things were very strange.”

“Preliminary estimates put the weapons and materiel destroyed by the bears worth $20 billion. With the loss of these weapons, the combat effectiveness of the Ermao Kingdom will go straight down the line. ”

“In addition to destroying the military supplies and transport supply lines of the Ermao Kingdom. The missiles launched by Mao Xiong destroyed 18 bridges, 25 highways, and more than 30 power plants in Ermaoguo. ”

“Now the national energy supply of Ermao is tight, and 60% of the area has fallen into a state of power outage.”

In addition to this country, Mao Xiong also launched hundreds of missiles to attack the army of Ermao Country. The power of these missiles is very terrifying, and it is actually 3 times more powerful than ordinary missiles. ”

“In the face of Mao Xiong’s heavy punch, Er Mao was seriously injured.”

“Western countries, led by Eagle Sauce, severely condemned Mao Xiong and said that they would provide more advanced weapons to help Ermao resist the invasion of Mao Xiong.”

“The Mao Bear Country has made breakthroughs in the military field. This has come as a shock to countries. ”

On TV, on the Internet, on the news, now it’s all hairy videos.

Those employees of Huasheng Group were stunned: “Lie in the groove!” How did the hairy bear become so awesome. Overnight, the fight was crushed, and the eagle sauce was angry and corrupted. ”

“Mao Bear won’t get the help of aliens, and technology will suddenly rise.”

“Groove! $20 billion in military equipment is just gone. $20 billion! That’s a lot of money! Er Mao, this loser, is really not in a hurry! Give him weapons, and before they worked, they were destroyed by hairy bears. Eagle-chan must have been angry. ”

“How did the hairy bear’s technology suddenly rise? Mao Xiong could not win the second Mao before, because the military equipment was too backward. Why did the hairy bear suddenly go against the sky? Who helped the hairy bear? ”

“I’ll go! The power of the Mao Bear missile is actually 3 times the power of ordinary missiles, what kind of technology is this, so awesome! It directly increased the combat power of the Mao Bear Country by 3 times. Did Mao Xiong also have a technological genius? ”

“Brothers, hairy missiles, evaporated weapons aided by Western troops. And in the Myanmar region, the weapons in the hands of those armed criminals have also been evaporated, these two things seem to ah! ”

“It won’t be the Mao bear who helped my country and killed those criminals in Myanmar.”

“I’m a little worried! If the Mao bear military rises, it may pose a threat to our country, and the half-dead Mao bear is a good Mao bear. ”

“Groove! Now there is a good show to watch. If Mao Xiong rises in military science and technology, Er Mao can’t resist beating, maybe Ying-chan will personally go to the battlefield. ”

“My day, Mao Xiong wants to go head-to-head with Eagle Sauce, will that induce a world war!”

“Damn, two super nuclear powers, if a war breaks out, the end of the world will become possible at any time!”

“Alas! Brothers, stop guessing. Mao Xiong is as poor as a beggar, and Eagle Sauce is the rich second generation. A rich second generation and a beggar, how can they desperately. Let’s just watch the play. Eagle sauce can’t be desperate for Ermao and Mao Xiong. ”


The company’s employees, the discussion of the hairy bear made Su Ming’s brows furrow.

In addition to a few generals of the Dragon Country, (AJCE) also knew that the advanced technology of the Maoxiong Country was all due to Su Ming.

The nano-bug liquid high-explosive ammunition technology provided by Su Ming has helped Maoxiong transform a large number of weapons into nano-weapons and high-explosive ammunition weapons after several months of efforts.

The combat effectiveness of the hairy bear increased by more than three times in an instant.

Under the attack of nanoweapons, Ermao’s arsenal is all within the range of Maoxiong’s strike.

Destroying weapons and equipment worth $20 billion, Ermao was heartbroken, and Eagle Sauce and Western countries were a little tearless.

Originally expected Ermao to use these weapons to severely damage Maoxiong and make Maoxiong lose his troops.

But unexpectedly, Mao Xiong destroyed $20 billion worth of weapons overnight.

This war, the scales of victory, have tilted in favor of the hairy bear.

Eagle sauce and the West kept arching the fire, the purpose was to think that they would pay for their own equipment, and Ermao would give their lives until they would drag down the weak Mao Bear.

Although Ermao did not argue, Yingchan and the West could only bite the bullet and promised to continue to aid Ermao.

This war is a contest between major powers.

If Eagle Sauce wins, the hairy bear will not be a threat from now on. Eagle Sauce can concentrate all his forces against the Dragon Kingdom.

If Eagle Sauce loses, then the strength of the superpower will be questioned, and the younger brothers may leave with a cold heart.

Once without the support of allies, it will be difficult for Eagle Sauce to call the wind and rain internationally.

The status of the superpower of Eagle Sauce will also plummet.

In this war, Mao Xiong can’t afford to lose, and Eagle Sauce can’t afford to lose.

This war that affects the whole world is just a game for Su Ming, and he has already controlled the overall situation.

As long as various advanced technologies are secretly provided, Mao Xiong can not only withstand the offensive of Eagle Sauce and the West, but even consume Eagle Sauce and the West.

Let Eagle Sauce and the West fight poorer and poorer, and finally fall into the quagmire of war.

Looking at the news, Su Ming fell into thought.

“Nice job of the hairy bear! But with nanoweapons, evaporate the arsenal of Ermao. This is exactly the same as China’s special forces in the Myanmar region used nano grenades to evaporate the weapons of Myanmar militants. ”

“These two things are global hot spots. The employees of the company can think of these two things together, and Eagle Sauce and the West will definitely think of them together. ”

“Once two things come together. Myanmar borders our country, and the hairy bear also borders our country. Our country will certainly be doubted. ”

“Mao Xiong’s technology, for decades, has not made breakthrough progress, suddenly against the sky, scientific and technological strength improved. This is so abnormal, Eagle Sauce will definitely suspect that Huasheng Group is secretly helping. ”

“Eagle sauce will definitely think that I helped the hairy bear with technology.”

“After all, only Huasheng Group has the strength to develop these advanced technologies.”

“Once our military aid to Mao Xiong is confirmed, it will be very unfavorable to our country!”

“I’m afraid of a yarn eagle sauce, anyway, they don’t have direct evidence.”

“What if you find out that our army is aiding the hairy bear?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Does Eagle Sauce dare to be tough? If he is not afraid of death, then let him try. ”

“China’s 5th generation stealth strategic bomber is not vegetarian.”

“Lao Tzu’s electromagnetic weapons are about to come out, and the nuclear bomb of Ying-chan, in front of our country, has become scrap iron.”

“Without nuclear weapons to back up, Eagle Sauce is a hard fart. Our country is not afraid of them at all. ”

Su Ming was too lazy to think about it, and after reading the news, he ran to study it again.

The next day, another explosive news shocked the world.

In order to save the face of the failure of the military aid Ermao, in order to show that he is very righteous, in order to let Ermao continue to work hard.

Under the impulse of Ying-chan, he pulled his allies and carried out greater military aid to Ermao.

Eagle sauce will F16, F15, F18. and other advanced fighters, provide to Ermao.

And the main battle tanks in active service will also be aided by the army.

Western countries, hard-headed and followed in the footsteps of Eagle Sauce and contributed one after another.

A batch of military equipment worth $50 billion was transported to the Ermao Kingdom.

In addition to nuclear weapons, stealth fighters and aircraft carriers, what Ermao wants, Eagle Sauce supports.

However, this batch of military aid materials, when they just arrived at the border of the Ermao Kingdom, once again caused Mao Xiong’s attack.

The hairy bear fires a strange missile, which explodes, producing green smoke that melts all the weapons of Eagle Sauce and Western military aid.

Military equipment worth $50 billion disappeared without even a splash.

Within two days, $70 billion worth of military equipment was lost.

Even the eagle sauce with deep pockets can’t bear it!

This is equivalent to 1/10 of Eagle Sauce’s annual military expenditure!

In order to find out what technology the hairy bear has mastered, Eagle Sauce and the top scientists of the West run to the field to study.

In the end they came to a conclusion.

Mao Xiong has mastered a weapon that can destroy metal, this weapon, related to nano-biotechnology.

They also found that the scene of these weapons being evaporated was exactly the same as the scene of the weapons melted in the hands of Burmese militants.

Nano-biological weapons are far ahead of human technology for at least 20 years.

The only company in the world that has the ability to master this technology is Huasheng Group.

Eagle sauce country, among the royal palaces.

Bai the Great was collectively confirmed by scientists that Mao Xiong had mastered nano-biological weapons.

This weapon is only capable of being produced by Huasheng Group.

Emperor Bai was furious: “It’s that damn Su Ming again, getting in the way.” ”

“The Dragon Kingdom is so daring, he actually followed us behind his back and supported the hairy bear.”

“Very good, with this excuse, we can unite our allies and jointly deal with the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Su Ming, this kid, has done my country a big favor.”

“Minister of State, please help me hold a press conference immediately. I want to tell the world that the Dragon Kingdom is helping the aggressor country. ”

“I want to invite all my allies to sanction the Dragon Kingdom.”

“I want the Dragon Kingdom to apologize to me.”

“I want Su Ming to know how powerful we are.”

“I want to take this opportunity to suppress the Dragon Kingdom so much that I can’t raise my head.”

Emperor Bai felt that by grasping the handle of the Dragon Kingdom, he could rightfully unite his allies and deal with the Dragon Kingdom.

But Emperor Bai didn’t know how many hole cards Su Ming hidden.

The current Dragon Kingdom, with the help of Su Ming, has no shortcomings in military, science and technology, economy, or other aspects.

Gone are the times when Eagle-chan wanted to unite allies and bully the Dragon Kingdom.

If Eagle Sauce still wants to bully more and less, unite fox friends and dog friends, and jointly suppress and bully the Dragon Kingdom,

That would only force Su Ming to help the Dragon Kingdom develop against the sky and become an existence that aliens fear.

Bai the Great’s judgment is correct, the military aid to Maoxiong was indeed done by Su Ming.

Bai the Great is not wrong, he already has a valid reason to unite allies against the Dragon Kingdom.

His only mistake was to underestimate Su Ming.

He didn’t know how much super technology Su Ming had mastered and how many hole cards he had.

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