With 3 million contribution points, Su Ming had a feeling of becoming rich overnight.

The Ark reactor technology has arrived, and Su Ming wants to come up with a set of steel suits, which must be given artificial intelligence technology.

Artificial intelligence is the most important technology for mankind in the future.

Only by allowing robots to replace humans to complete various tasks can we completely liberate all mankind and increase the production capacity of human beings infinitely.

Imagine that when a factory is full of intelligent robots in production, and humans only give them instructions, the work effect will be increased countless times.

“Hmm! It’s time to get the AI technology in hand. Let the robot do the work for me later. ”

Su Ming sat in front of the computer again.

Directly lock the movie “Avengers” and select the Jarvis artificial intelligence program.

Soon, a piece of information appeared in front of Su Ming’s eyes.

[Analysis Target: Jarvis Artificial Intelligence Program]

[Tip 1: This artificial intelligence belongs to a strong artificial intelligence program, which is the crystallization of quantum artificial intelligence technology and is written by 192 quantum algorithms. 】

[Tip 2: This artificial intelligence has the ability to learn by itself, and also has self-thinking, which can evolve indefinitely. 】

[Tip 3: This artificial intelligence needs a quantum chip to reach its maximum potential. Without a quantum chip, a 0.5-nanometer chip would barely run this program. 】

[Tip 4 This artificial intelligence, when writing program code, must compile the three laws of the robot to prevent him from self-evolution and the birth of consciousness, endangering all mankind. ] 】

[Jarvis artificial intelligence program, which requires 1 million contribution points to parse.] 】

[Using contribution points, you can give away quantum chips, 192 quantum algorithms, and quantum programming software. 】

After Su Ming read the introduction of Jarvis’ artificial intelligence program, he was taken aback.

“Groove! To write the Jarvis program, it actually takes 192 quantum algorithms, and we humans have not even mastered a quantum algorithm 09 so far! ”

“Nima! Jarvis is strong artificial intelligence. A quantum chip is required to satisfy the operation of the program. Fortunately, the system gave away quantum chips and quantum programming software, otherwise even if there is a quantum algorithm, it will not be able to come up with Jarvis. ”

Su Ming uses 1 million contribution points by default.

In an instant, 1 million contribution points were deducted.

Then, all kinds of huge computing knowledge, quantum knowledge, programming knowledge, quantum algorithm knowledge, and quantum programming technology frantically rushed to Su Ming’s brain.

“Groove! This knowledge is too large. ”

Su Ming felt that his brain was about to burst, and these knowledge rushed in, and the feeling of forcing it into his brain made Su Ming seem to be overwhelmed.

“It seems that if there is a chance, I still have to find a way to develop my brain.” My brain capacity now is a little unable to withstand such a strong indoctrination. ”

Fortunately, Su Ming was injected with superhuman serum, and his physical fitness was 10 times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Rao was so, he felt that his head was still very uncomfortable.

If ordinary people endure such a powerful indoctrination, their brains may burst and die.

It took Su Ming a whole day to receive all the knowledge.

Now Su Ming has changed from a computer idiot to a supercomputer genius, super hacker, super software engineer, and super programmer.

In the system backpack, several photophores appear, and these photophores are quantum programming software.

Su Ming took out the quantum programming software by default, blinked, and the light mass flew out and appeared in the sky.

“I rely on, this photophore is quantum programming software!” It’s like a light brain! Well! With it, quantum programming is possible. ”

Su Ming was a little excited, and he immediately began to write quantum programs.

Su Ming pointed at the light group with both hands, and strange formulas, strange symbols and numbers were becoming programs.

In order to write a good quantum program, Su Ming gave instructions to the high-level of Huasheng Group that no one should disturb him.

Su Ming hid in the laboratory, like a neurosis, pointing at the light mass in the sky, constantly pointing.

In order to get out of Jarvis, Su Ming worked without food and sleep, even eating and sleeping in the laboratory.

Half a month passed imperceptibly.

In the past half month, Su Ming entered the state of madness.

Eat every day in the lab and live in the lab.

Su Ming’s physical fitness is 10 times that of ordinary people, and his hand speed can type dozens of codes per second.

After half a month of hard work day and night, Su Ming also forgot how much code he had compiled.

When the last line of code succeeded, a humanoid photophore appeared in the sky.

“Hello master, please give me a name.”

Su Ming originally wanted to name this intelligent program Jarvis, but think about it, this is in the Dragon Kingdom, and it is a little unsuitable to make a foreigner’s name.

Su Ming thought for a moment and said, “I am a descendant of Yanhuang, so I will call you Yanhuang in the future.” ”

“Okay, master, Yan Huang obeys your orders.”

Su Ming was about to chat with Yan Huang a few more times when there was a knock on the door outside.

“Comrade Xiao Su, I came to see you.”

Admiral Yang is a military boss, and he must have something very important to come.

Su Ming quickly gave instructions to Yan Huang: “Yan Huang, as a quantum program, you can exist in any electrical appliance at any time, right?” ”

“Yes, master. Every computer, every mobile phone, every car in the world, Yanhuang can enter, if you want to contact me, you can always do it. ”

“Okay, Yanhuang, you now have your own thinking, then you are on the Internet, absorb all kinds of knowledge, understand the culture of various countries, the development of various countries.”

“Yes, master.”

In the sky, the light mass disappeared, and Yanhuang turned into a quantum program and entered the network.

Su Ming opened the door of the experiment, and outside the door, a group of big guys were waiting for Su Ming in unison.

“Comrade Xiao Su, why do you look like this?”

Admiral Yang’s eyes widened and he looked at Su Ming in disbelief.

Su Ming stayed in the laboratory for half a month, except for eating, he didn’t even wash his bath, his hair was messy like a chicken nest, his beard was pulled, and he looked like a wild man.

Su Ming smiled: “I studied in the laboratory for half a month. Because the time is too tight, I can’t care about the image. ”

Admiral Yang was a little worried: “I heard from the employees of your company that you may have a mental problem. They said they saw you pointing into the air when they brought you food. ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, is it that we put too much pressure on you. You pointed at the air for half a month, we are so worried about you! ”

Su Ming smiled and said nothing, pointing at the air himself, in fact, he was using quantum software to edit Yan Huang.

The staff who delivered the meal did not understand what Su Ming was doing, thinking that there was something wrong with Su Ming’s spirit.

Su Ming yawned: “Old Yang, I have no problem with my spirit, tell you the truth!” I’m in the lab, working on the greatest technology in human history. This technology has been successful. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Admiral Yang was ecstatic: “What kind of technology is it, can you tell me?” ”

Su Ming smiled: “I’ll go take a shower first, clean it up, and then talk to you.” ”

Admiral Yang nodded: “Comrade Xiao Su, you should pay attention to the image, after all, today is the big day of your Huasheng Group!” ”

Su Ming was stunned for a moment: “What big day, what are you talking about, Lao Yang?” ”

Admiral Yang was crying and laughing: “Comrade Xiao Su, it’s not me who said you!” You’re too careless, aren’t you! You are the boss of Huasheng Group! Don’t you even know that the new company has been built and a grand opening ceremony will be held today? ”

“I lean! I really forgot. ”

Su Ming only cares about studying quantum artificial intelligence, and really forgets that the new company has completed this big thing.

“Comrade Xiao Su, don’t worry! We have already helped prepare for the opening, the big guys from all walks of life have arrived, and the Great Elder will personally cut the ribbon for your company, just waiting for you! ”

Su Ming’s heart warmed: “Old Yang, thank you!” I forgot the opening ceremony, but you do. ”

“Don’t talk more nonsense, go take a bath, engage in spiritual points, the people of the whole country are waiting for your new company to mass-produce all kinds of gene potions!”

Su Ming stopped talking nonsense, ran to wash up, followed Admiral Yang and the others, and rushed to the new company.

Not long after, Su Ming arrived at the new company.

Su Ming invested 150 billion yuan to build the head office of Huasheng Group, and after several months of hard work of the four major construction groups, the construction was finally completed.

The new Huasheng Group, covering an area of 10 square kilometers, is home to giant factories.

Various high-tech laboratories have sprung up.

The group has parks, lakes, squares, leisure and entertainment centers, gyms, food streets, entertainment areas, stadiums, cafes, shopping centers…

Huasheng Group, everything is everything, like a small city.

Huasheng Group has hundreds of staff buildings, which can accommodate 500,000 employees at the same time.

In the center of the company, a 30-story headquarters building sits out.

The headquarters building, luxurious and magnificent, integrates leisure and entertainment, work, life, eating, drinking and entertainment, and entertains guests.

The headquarters building has more than 600 rooms.

Each room is decorated according to the standards of the five-star hotel Presidential Suite.

The headquarters building has 25 floors belonging to Su Ming’s private space.

The other 5 floors are the company’s office buildings.

In order to welcome the establishment of the headquarters of Huasheng Group, more than 5,000 celebrities from all walks of life across the country came to celebrate Huasheng Group.

The elders of the country came personally to help Huasheng Group cut the ribbon.

As soon as Su Ming appeared, he caused everyone to applaud wildly.

Domestic and foreign media are frantically filming Su Ming.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, congratulations on the completion of the headquarters of Huasheng Group!”

The Great Elder happily shook hands with Su Ming.

“Thank you for your appreciation.”

“Thank you friends for your presence.”

Although Su Ming is already famous all over the world, he is very modest for 157 people.

After saying a kind word, the sound of cannons in the Huasheng Group shook the sky.

In order to help Huasheng Group celebrate, the state actually used the Royal Salute Regiment.

24 royal salutes sounded in unison, and the country cheered for Huasheng Group.

The Great Elder personally delivered a speech for Huasheng Group, celebrated the opening of Huasheng Group, and focused on praising Su Ming’s contribution to the country.

After the opening celebration began, more than 300 domestic stars personally took the stage to perform various programs for Huasheng Group.

The whole scene is more lively than the New Year’s evening.

These stars don’t want appearance fees, they are all here to rub Su Ming’s popularity.

The so-called stars, fame is only in the country.

And Su Ming’s fame has resounded in every corner of the earth.

After the grand celebration began, the whole Huasheng Group was bustling.

Su Ming took a group of bigwigs and entered the headquarters bigwigs to visit.

The luxurious decoration inside made the big guys marvel, and Su Ming was really willing to spend money.

Su Ming was not polite, and grinned: “Everyone, my headquarters building has spent 50 billion.” If you have any request, you can meet it. This building will not only entertain you, but also become my research room in the future. This building will lead mankind in the future technology. ”

“Hmm! Lieutenant Colonel Su, as a super genius and a national treasure-level scientist, you deserve any enjoyment. The people of the whole country also support you. Lieutenant Colonel Su, there is one thing I want to discuss with you. ”

“Great Elder, if there is anything, just say it.”

“The Hairy Bear Emperor wants to see you.”

Su Ming was stunned for a moment: “Isn’t the two technologies I sold to Mao Xiong enough?” What else does the hairy bear want to do. ”

The Great Elder smiled and said, “Your electromagnetic weapon, Mao Xiong has taken a fancy.” They want to get Ermao as soon as possible, and they want to end this war quickly. ”

Su Ming scratched his head: “In that case, then let the Maoxiong Emperor come to see me, and I will discuss it with him.” ”

The Great Elder was a little embarrassed: “Lieutenant Colonel Su, you asked the Great Emperor to come and see you… Isn’t this a bit excessive, people are also big guys! ”

Su Ming smiled: “I only give face to my country’s bigwigs, and foreign bigwigs have no face here.” ”

“Yan Huang, inform me of the Hairy Bear Emperor and let him come to see me.”

“Yes, master.”

After the sound of Yanhuang in the void, everyone was amazed.

Su Ming actually spoke in the air, and in the air, someone actually responded to Su Ming.

All this, like seeing a ghost, shocked everyone.

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