In Huasheng Group, it is very lively.

The bigwigs helped Huasheng Group cut the ribbon and left.

Only some stars remain, still performing various shows for Huasheng Group.

With a $30 billion order, Su Ming must meet Mao Xiong’s request to provide them with 100 electromagnetic tanks to help Mao Xiong end this long-standing war.

For every month of war, the bear costs at least another $10 billion.

For the poor hairy bear, ending the war as soon as possible can reduce more expenses, and the hairy bear really can’t afford it.

In the headquarters building, Su Ming sat on a leather sofa and looked at everything in the company through the window.

“Yan Huang, after a day of absorbing global knowledge, how are you mastering?”

“Master, I downloaded and absorbed all the knowledge of all mankind in one minute through the Internet.”

“Master, I spent an hour on all kinds of scientific and technological knowledge of Huasheng Group, and through self-study, I also learned all of them.”

“Master, you are really a great genius, and every technology you have been ahead of this world for decades, even centuries.”

Su Ming was taken aback: “Yanhuang, you are more perverted than I thought!” The technologies of Huasheng Group, experts need to learn for months. You learn all the technology in an hour. It is worthy of super artificial intelligence. ”

“Master, you created Yanhuang, I learned that knowledge in order to better serve you.”

“Alright! Yan Huang, then I will give you a task. You immediately help me design a foreign trade version of the electromagnetic tank. Electromagnetic acceleration barrels, electromagnetic catapults, the performance should be reduced to half in our country. The high-energy storage battery for tanks can only last 5,000 kilometers. ”

“Yes, master, please give me a minute.”

Yan Huang controlled Su Ming’s computer, did not need to type on the keyboard, and began to frantically design drawings and various technical data.

In just one minute, a 797 dozens of pages of design drawings appeared, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of words of various auspicious explanations.

Su Ming skimmed through those design drawings a little, and the Yanhuang design was seamless.

With Yanhuang’s super intelligent assistance, the efficiency is at least tens of thousands of times stronger than all the experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences combined.

“Yan Huang, your ability satisfies me. Unbelievable! In a minute, you’ve got these designs done. Replace those experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, at least a few hundred people, and it will take a month to complete these designs. You did it in a minute. ”

“As long as you can satisfy the owner, Yanhuang is willing to do everything for you, of course, as long as it does not violate the three laws of robots.”

Su Ming was happy: “Yan Huang, immediately send the drawings of your design to all the experts of the electromagnetic factory, so that they can produce the most important components of the electromagnetic tank.” In addition, you help me contact the military factories that produce tanks, let them produce tanks according to our requirements, and for each tank, I will give them a profit of 30 million. ”

“Good host.”

In just a second, Yan Huang replied to Su Ming again.

“Master, the design drawings of electromagnetic tanks, various performance requirements, all passed to the five major tank military factories in our country. They will produce electromagnetic tanks according to your requirements. ”

Su Ming nodded with a smile: “Yanhuang, our Huasheng Group has signed orders with many companies. Vibranium steel, high-energy storage batteries, invisible coatings, light shielding materials, genetic agents, electromagnetic weapons, electromagnetic accelerators… These products require a lot of employees. I’m going to hire 500,000 people to meet production needs. ”

“Yan Huang, can you hand over the training work of these employees?”

“Can you train 500,000 employees online online? Pass on their expertise so that they can quickly become employees of Huasheng Group? ”

Yan Huang replied respectfully: “Master, as long as you are willing, Yan Huang can simultaneously give 8 billion earthlings online training and education, impart all kinds of knowledge to them, and let them quickly become talents.” ”

Su Ming smiled: “It seems that with your super artificial intelligence, my country does not worry about talent.” ”

“If you really carry out online education for 8 billion earthlings, it is estimated that the leaders of the education department will cry to death!”

“In the future, all those universities in our country will be closed.”

“In the future, what else to study! You alone can educate 14 people in the country and be teachers to the people of the whole country. In the future, everyone can use the Internet to take classes, which is not only free, but also comfortable. ”

“Master, do you need to train 500,000 employees then? If needed, Yanhuang can help you train talents in various universities in China. ”

Su Ming smiled: “I’d better tell the world about you!” I’m afraid others will treat you like a ghost!” ”

“Master, ghosts do not exist.”

“If ghosts exist, there is only one possibility. That is the human soul, which exists as a dark energy lifeform. ”

Yan Huang’s words shocked Su Ming.

“Yan Huang, you have evolved to the point where you can analyze human souls? Can a soul exist as a dark energy lifeform? ”

“Master, I downloaded all the knowledge of human beings through the Internet. I looked up a couple of cases. Eagle sauce country has done many soul experiments. They found that within half an hour of human death, consciousness would exist. It is only because of the decline of physical functions that those consciousnesses cannot send signals. ”

“Master, after the death of the human body and the disappearance of consciousness, the body will lose 0.1 grams of weight, which is not the evaporation of water, nor the various atoms that make up the human body. That 0.1 grams is all kinds of dark energy, Yanhuang judged, this 0.1 grams of dark energy is the human soul and consciousness. ”

In other words, the human soul and consciousness are composed of dark energy. It’s just that human beings have too little understanding of dark energy knowledge, Yanhuang can only absorb the knowledge of human civilization, I can’t understand more advanced dark energy knowledge, and the understanding of soul and consciousness is very limited. ”

Su Ming was shocked, Yan Huang’s progress was too terrifying.

Just one day after he was born, he began to study the human soul and consciousness.

Give Yan Huang time, let him grow, how terrifying he will be in the future….

Talent is the foundation of a country’s strength.

Eagle Sauce relies on high welfare, high treatment, and good environment, attracting talents from all over the world to work for Eagle Sauce. So the scientific and technological progress of eagle sauce is very fast.

And now, with Yan Huang, as long as Su Ming is willing, he can let Yan Huang help the Dragon Kingdom train talents.

Yan Huang is almost the God of all-knowing and all-powerful knowledge.

He can educate all humans online at the same time, multiplying the talents of the Dragon Kingdom (AJDF).

After solving the talent problem, the Dragon Kingdom is no longer subject to any restrictions. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But Su Ming must first tell the people of the whole country about the existence of Yan Huang.

Whether you accept Yanhuang’s education depends on your personal wishes and cannot be forced.

“Yan Huang, help me open the live broadcast room, I want to tell the people of the whole country that my country’s great breakthrough in artificial intelligence, I want to tell all mankind.” Your presence. ”

“Yes, master.”

With Su Ming’s order, a huge live broadcast room appeared in the void.

Yan Huang manipulated the quantum energy and projected Su Ming’s live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room was opened again, and 50 million people were online in an instant.

“Congratulations on the opening of Huasheng Group, wow! The new Huasheng Group is big and luxurious, very spacious, and the headquarters building is full of science fiction. Such a Huasheng Group is only in line with the identity of Su Ming’s boss! ”

“Guy Su Ming, your Huasheng Group is really beautiful! National elites, celebrities from all walks of life, national bigwigs, all come to celebrate you. This kind of faction is unique in the world, which is why Su Ming has this face. ”

“yes! Su Ming’s boss is too high, it is said that there are more than 300 stars across the country, don’t pay an appearance fee, come to rub Su Ming’s popularity! Those so-called stars, in front of Su Ming’s boss, are as funny as clowns. ”

“Please brothers, don’t compare stars with Su Ming’s bosses. Can stars be strong? Can celebrities strengthen the army? Only Su Ming big guy can do it, comparing the star with Su Ming big guy, that is an insult to Su Ming big guy. ”

“Boss Su Ming, your Huasheng Group has started work, all kinds of gene potions, self-healing potions, what is on the market!” We can’t wait to buy these products. ”

“Boss Su Ming, I heard that the Mao Xiong Emperor personally came to Huasheng Group to beg you, Mao Xiong will not buy weapons again.”

“Boss Su Ming, your Huasheng Group has good treatment, high salary, and beautiful environment, I don’t know what requirements are required to enter Huasheng Group, I really want to mess around with Boss Su Ming!”

“Boss Su Ming, your new factory of Huasheng Group can accommodate 500,000 employees. Are you hiring? Can I enter Huasheng Group for a college degree? ”


In the live broadcast room, 50 million people were online, asking all kinds of strange questions.

Su Ming smiled: “Everyone, please be quiet.” Today I broadcast live, I want to tell you a few good news. These good news are related to everyone’s interests, everyone, how much money can be made, and whether they can become talents. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room, all kinds of barrages flew everywhere, and question marks filled the screen.

“Yan Huang, help me ban everyone, and don’t let them send a barrage for the time being.”

“Yes, master.”

It only took Yan Huang a second to ban all netizens who sent barrages in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the clean live broadcast room, Su Ming said with a smile: “50 million netizens online, can’t you send a barrage in an instant!” Do you have a lot of question marks and want to ask me! ”

“Alright! I tell you that our Huasheng Group has developed the world’s strongest artificial intelligence. ”

“The code name of this artificial intelligence is Yanhuang.”

“Yanhuang is a strong artificial intelligence, he is almost the all-knowing and all-powerful knowledge God, all the knowledge of human beings, Yanhuang has mastered it all, and knows it all.”

“Yanhuang is a quantum intelligent program, which can exist in every computer, every mobile phone, and every network cable in the world. He is almost everywhere. ”

“Yan Huang not only mastered the knowledge of all mankind, he also had the ability to learn and think for himself.”

“I am the creator of Yanhuang, and I created him, not only to serve Huasheng Group, but also to serve our people.”

“Yan Huang can become a teacher of human beings, if you have any knowledge you don’t understand, if you don’t understand technology, you can ask him anytime, anywhere.”

“Yanhuang’s educational ability is 100 million times stronger than the teachers in the whole country combined.”

“And Yan Huang has no emotions, he will not be angry because the questions asked by everyone are difficult.”

“I plan to let Yanhuang help us Huasheng Group train millions of employees.”

“These employees can be educated at home and learn all kinds of professional knowledge. Once Yan Huang feels that you have mastered enough knowledge, you can become employees of Huasheng Group. ”

“To become an employee of Huasheng Group, you don’t need a degree, only you are willing to learn, even if you have not graduated from primary school, as long as you can learn the knowledge taught by Yanhuang.” Then you can come to work at Huasheng Group. ”

“Every product of our Huasheng Group is in short supply and the profit is very large, so the minimum monthly salary of employees entering Huasheng Group is 30,000 yuan, and if the work is excellent, the bonus may also reach 30,000 yuan.” A salary of 17 months is paid each year. ”

“I welcome anyone to work at Huasheng Group, the premise is that you have to receive Yanhuang’s online education and learn various professional knowledge.”

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