At the beginning, there was a fake eunuch, holding a dragon whip and torturing the empress until she

Chapter 883 Praising each other, playing it safe is the best strategy!

Huang Hu nodded and said, "Yes, according to Lin Chen's cultivation, it is impossible to defeat Chen Biao."

"But the result is just like this, don't you think it's strange?"

Lin Chen looked at his hands, his eyes became deeper, and said, "After I took this magic pattern crystal core, I felt that my physical strength and true energy were greatly improved. This is completely different from the pills I usually take."

Huang Hu frowned and thought about it.

After a long time, he looked up at the fish belly white gradually rising in the sky, sighed, and said, "It seems that you have met a noble person."

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth.

"Let's go, let's continue treasure hunting."

He put his hands behind his back, took a step, and disappeared in the forest in an instant.

Huang Hu followed Lin Chen's footsteps and said, "Aren't you worried that the magic pattern crystal core is fake?"

"My perception ability is superb. If I don't verify it myself, I will never believe it." Lin Chen said.

"Then why didn't you just snatch it?"

"Chen Biao's strength is far superior to mine. If I act rashly, I'm afraid he will retaliate or even kill me, so I choose to endure and wait for an opportunity to escape."

"Haha... So you are really a coward."

"No way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves." Lin Chen shrugged.

"Alas, this is the rule of survival. We are used to it and take it for granted." Huang Hu also shook his head and sighed.

The two left.

On the way, they encountered several attacks from ferocious beasts, but they were all solved by Li Yunxiao and Huang Hu.

Afterwards, they came to the top of a mountain.

Lin Chen looked up at the sky and said, "We are almost at the top of the mountain. If we go any higher, we may encounter danger. Should we take a break?"

Huang Hu waved his hand and said, "No need to stop, keep going."

Lin Chen said, "Brother Huang Hu, don't worry about me, you go first, I can protect myself."

"Since Brother Ye is so passionate, I will go crazy with you."

Huang Hu said, and took out a defensive armor and put it on.

This is a set of black iron armor with amazing defense, which can withstand the attack of the top martial arts masters.

Seeing this, Lin Chen was slightly startled, and then he also took out his weapon, which was a long sword.

"Brother Lin, your sword seems to be very powerful." Huang Hu asked curiously.

Lin Chen said, "Well, it was given to me by my father."

"I see, it seems that Mr. Ye has high hopes for you." Huang Hu sighed.

Then, he pointed to a canyon in front of him and said, "I heard that there are many spiritual herbs buried in this canyon. How about we work together to collect them?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Spiritual herbs are indeed precious, but if you don't have enough strength to protect them, you will only destroy yourself."

"That's true. I almost forgot that Brother Ye is a ruthless person." Huang Hu smiled and said, "In this case, let's find treasures quickly."

Lin Chen nodded.


He flashed and rushed into the canyon first.

In the canyon, miasma filled the air, poisonous fog enveloped the canyon, vision was blocked, and the air was humid and hot.


Suddenly, waves of monster roars came from the depths of the canyon.

"Be careful, that's a sixth-level black dragon snake. An adult black dragon snake is comparable to a martial arts master." Lin Chen reminded hurriedly.


In the darkness, another deafening roar sounded.

The next moment, two groups of dark green light lit up, floating in the dark and gloomy canyon like light bulbs.

Outside the two groups of green light, there were three ferocious dragons, huge in size, covered with scales, with fangs and claws, emitting a monstrous evil spirit that made people feel cold all over.

"Black dragon snake?"

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped.

The black dragon snake is a fifth-grade alien species, with strong physical strength and lightning speed. It is a flying monster.

Moreover, they are not only good at physical strength, but also know how to use magic, and their strength is not bad.

When Lin Chen and the others looked at the three black dragon snakes, the black dragon snakes also noticed Lin Chen and the others.

One of the largest black dragon snakes suddenly twisted its waist and led the other two smaller black dragon snakes to quickly pounce on Lin Chen and the others.

Swish, swish, swish!

The sharp snake tail twitched, crossed the void, and rolled up a piercing scream.

"Get out!"

Huang Hu shouted in a low voice, jumped up, and punched out with both fists.


A punch was thrown out, like a tidal wave, the explosion sounded like thunder, the energy was surging, and it shocked people's hearts.

His punch was so powerful that it directly knocked back the largest black dragon snake and knocked it sideways.

"What a powerful force!"

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of shock. He didn't expect that this Huang Hu brother had such strength.

Huang Hu grinned and said, "How about it, Brother Ye, is my ability still good enough?"

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

He thought to himself, "I am no longer the Lin Chen of the past. This strength is nothing to me."

However, he did not show any contempt, and still said respectfully, "Brother Huang Hu's magical power is unparalleled, which makes Lin Chen admire him very much."

Huang Hu said, "Brother Ye is too flattering."

As the two talked, they moved forward.

When passing by several huge rocks, the two stopped.

"Brother Huang Hu, what's wrong?" Lin Chen was puzzled.

Huang Hu stared at the boulders for a long time and said, "There are sword marks on these boulders. Could it be that a war broke out here?"

"It's possible, let's go take a look around." Lin Chen said.

"Brother Ye, please wait a moment. I'll investigate before I go."

Huang Hu took out a jade tablet and threw it around. It immediately turned into a stream of light and sank into the boulder.


The boulder trembled violently, and then brilliance surged, condensing a few words - "Secret Realm of the Sword Domain".

Lin Chen said: "The Secret Realm of Sword Realm? Could it be that this canyon is the passage to the Secret Realm of Sword Realm?"

"It's possible." Huang Hu said: "According to my observation, there should be a lot of treasures and resources in the secret area of ​​Sword Domain. Let's go and take a look."


As the two of them spoke, they slowly groped forward along this spacious and flat passage.

About half an hour later, Lin Chen frowned.

Because he felt that this passage was too crude and superficial, as if it had been excavated temporarily.

He mused: "There must be more than just our batch of trialists entering this secret realm of the Sword Realm. If we advance blindly like this, we will only waste time. Perhaps we should find a safe cave to rest and recover first, and then wait until we recover." Go to the Sword Domain Secret Realm again.”

Huang Hu thought for a moment, nodded and said, "This is a good idea. Let's find a cave nearby and have a good rest."

Lin Chen nodded, and Huang Hu approached a rock wall on the left.

The rock wall is covered with vines and leafy branches, covering this area.

Lin Chen reached out and grabbed the vine, and found that it was very tough and extremely hard.

He thought for a moment and took out a dagger from the storage ring.


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