Start with unlimited skill trees! Author: Ayanokouji


"Yan": 'No matter what, life without challenging one's own limits is too boring! ’

Traveled to the world of swords and magic.

Right from the start, you have the most powerful talent that lights up the "infinite skill tree" - simulated star creation map!

Homura began to fall into deep thought. It seems that he can make a guest appearance as the British Sword Master in the future! Or maybe Uruk Axe?

In the name of [Crazy Orchid] Black Knight, he turned the tide on the battlefield and led mankind to victory - not for his own glory.

In the name of the Holy Swordsman of the Stars and the King of Knights, he established the "Ten Declarations of Knights" to spread the profession of "knights" and the "chivalry spirit" in other worlds.

Countless people therefore embarked on the path of pursuing the light of knights.

Using "Andersen" as his pen name, he wrote thousands and tens of thousands of "fairy tale" works.

People lamented that in the ancient past, there were so many outstanding heroes and kings such as the First Emperor Zheng Ge, the Wise King Gilgamesh, and the Great Emperor Iskandar.

Until Homura raised the sacred fire of the ‘God of Games’—

A new era [pleasure] has begun!

Facts have proved that after humans gain power, they always want to experiment with their own power!

He is also a mortal!

When he looked back, it seemed that the other world had been 'spoiled' by him!

Chapter 1 Falling from a height of 900 feet!

The vision was completely white.

That was because I opened my eyes—the reason I knew it was sunlight was because I felt the long-lost burning sensation on my retina.

And when the eyes finally gradually adapt to the light, the scenery that comes into their eyes...

As if his body had been in a coma for a long time, Saigo Homura finally woke up and he understood one thing.

I am in the air.

"Uh-ahhhhh!?" From the small and dark room, he came to the vast space in one breath.

Feeling the strong wind blowing past you, looking at the white clouds floating in front of you.

What really made him scream was the rolling green mountains, clear streams, and earth beneath his feet, which were about 900 feet above the ground.

Not far from the stream, there are large golden wheat fields and a sea of ​​colorful flowers.

However, Yan didn't have time to appreciate such beautiful scenery carefully.

Facing this abnormal scenery, in order to grasp the situation at this time, Homura speeded up his thinking as if his brain was burned out, and then shouted loudly:

"What...what is this-!!"

Suddenly, Homura's body began to fall toward the green mountain below at extremely high speed.

‘Ah, I’m going to die. ’

Homura thought with conviction. I wanted to shout, but found that my mouth was blocked by the strong wind and I could no longer make any sound. I could only scream in my heart.

‘It’s not clear what exactly happened though.

I was supposed to be taking a nap at home, but when I woke up, I was now high in the sky and falling rapidly towards the ground! ? ’

Homura's brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly understood his current situation.

Facing the 'certain death' situation in front of me, I began to feel mentally and physically exhausted. It’s hopeless! Wait to die! Goodbye, world!

Just when he was about to accept the reality, Homura's eyes suddenly widened.


"Huh?!" A breeze... was lifting his body.

illusion? No, that's not right——

There is really a wind...!

call! ! ! There was no time for Yan to think too much. Although the breeze offset part of the resistance of the fall, it still couldn't stop Yan's figure directly.

Just as Homura's eyes widened and his whole body trembled, his heart began to beat faster.

His body was wrapped in the wind and fell hard into a stream.

Plop! !

The river splashed water several people high.

At this time, standing on the bank of the river, looking at Homura who had changed his 'falling direction' and fell into the river, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

——Then his expression tightened.

"We must rush to save people" with this thought.

...The next moment, the man jumped into the river without hesitation.


——Where is this?

Homura, who was rescued from the river, struggled to open his eyes in the last moment of consciousness.

He saw the broad back of a silver-haired man.

"Saved...?" Holding this last scene in his mind, Yan fell into coma again.


In the early morning, a ray of warm sunlight slanted in from the window and hit the bed.

Homura opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

He frowned as he felt the pain that was still faintly emanating from all parts of his body during this 'action'.

"..." Yan turned to look at the sunshine outside the window.

His eyes swept over the house with a completely different 'architectural style' than what he remembered.

Looking at the villagers with snow-white and silver hair, Homura regained consciousness slightly.

"Sure enough - I traveled through time!"

It has been seven days since he was 'rescued' and brought here to recuperate, more than half of which he was in a coma.

Although he only had a few days to observe after waking up, he still noticed something 'abnormal'.

Even though he wanted to fool himself, this was still 'Earth'.

However, Yan really couldn't find a small town full of 'silver-haired and red-eyed' villagers on earth.

This is the first point of ‘abnormality’.

in addition--

‘The people here don’t speak Chinese or English… or even any language I’ve ever heard of’ (Note: But the protagonist can understand their language and communicate, which will be explained later)

‘The houses here are also very strange, with Q-version wooden jars with human faces that look like sacrificial offerings placed everywhere on the furniture. They don’t look scary at all, but rather a little cute… but——

Normal people wouldn’t put a dozen sculptures on the cabinets in a room—they’re not otaku figurines. ’

‘The most important thing is that my body has become smaller…’ Yan lowered her head and looked at herself.

Fortunately, she just became smaller, not transgender.

Even her body has become smaller, so ‘travelling’ doesn’t sound so surprising!

Looking at her slender, white arms, Yan fell into deep thought.

I’m probably back to the age of about 10…

What a bad start! But should I be thankful that I didn’t turn into a ‘baby’ who can’t do anything?

“Yan, come to breakfast!” A middle-aged male voice suddenly came from downstairs.

"I'll be down right away, Uncle Clovis!" Yan said, and then changed into the 'new clothes' placed at the head of the bed.

He first used the 'special washing tools' of this world to clean his mouth and face.

Then he came downstairs.

At this time, a beautiful couple and a cute little girl were already sitting at the dining table in the hall waiting for Yan's arrival.

"Lord Ge-Ge!" A soft and tender voice with joy sounded in Yan's ears.

The cute girl with silver hair and red eyes and a red bow on her head showed a sweet and happy smile on her face when she saw Yan coming downstairs.

Those innocent and watery big eyes just stared at Yan, blinking, like little stars, very beautiful.

'Sure enough, I have traveled through time--'

In Yan's original world, there was no such delicate and beautiful girl, as cute as a girl jumping out of the two-dimensional painting style.

"... Good morning, Ji Zelu." Yan showed a gentle smile on her face.

Yan was very fond of this cute little girl who was only five and a half years old in front of him.

Although the other party always pronounces "brother" as "gege".

However, with that tender, innocent and cute voice, this little problem is not a big deal, right?

... Or rather, this is also a "cute point"?

"Does your body still hurt, Yan? I wanted to let you sleep more and wake you up later. But if you don't eat breakfast, it will be difficult to heal your injuries!" The same silver hair and red eyes.

A handsome man smiled and cared.

He was the man who used magic to save Yan by the river that day. His full name is "Clovey Baird", one of the ordinary villagers in this town.

The beautiful lady next to him with a side ponytail, silver hair and red eyes, and a gentle face is his wife "Clovey Helen".

... Baird was shocked when he saw Yan falling from such a high place!

Fortunately, he reacted in time, so Yan didn't get a "bento" as soon as he crossed over.

"Thanks to your healing magic, uncle, I feel like I'm almost well... I should be fully recovered in two days." Yan.

"Hahaha... That's good! Come, come and sit!" Baird said with a hearty and gentle smile, pointing to the seat opposite.

After Yan thanked him, he just sat down and found a pair of cute eyes staring at him.

"Ji Zelu, what's the matter?" Looking at the owner of the sight, Yan said softly.

"Lord Ge-Ge, hug!" The little girl raised her hands high in anticipation.

The two couples next to them saw the scene in front of them, smiled knowingly and did not stop them.

Although they had not been in contact with Yan for a long time, they had a good impression of Yan and thought he was a good child.

Ji Zelu showed a little intimacy with Yan, and the couple did not mind.

It's better to say that they were a little happy--- It looks like the warm scene of a family of four eating together that they have been looking forward to for a long time!

Chapter 2 Become an old man... ahem! Become my son!

...When the Clovis couple first got married, they wanted to have a pair of "brothers and sisters".

Their family's financial conditions were not bad, enough to support two children. Unfortunately, in the end, they were not healthy enough and only gave birth to a daughter.

Just like many only children would long to have a brother or sister when they were young, Ji Zelu also longed to have a "brother" to play with her.

On the day Yan was rescued, Ji Zelu noticed this handsome boy with strange black hair.

Ji Zelu's eyes lit up at that time. She asked her parents in a timid and childish voice, is this the "brother" they gave birth to her?

Facing Ji Zelu's cute, innocent and expectant eyes.

The couple was a little funny at the time, and they were reluctant to break Ji Zelu's fantasy.

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