"We barely caught up. We must have paid a price for forcing ourselves to catch up."

No problem... and - caught up?

Everyone was shocked. Did Phil and Kurami do something during this time?

Is there already progress?

Various conjectures flashed through people's minds for a while, but they could not be verified.

The subsequent exchanges between the two became increasingly mysterious and confusing in the eyes of everyone.

"I want to say that you are too pushy..."

Even so, Phil started to pack his luggage with a slightly wry smile, and then——

"Okay, Fei, let's go, I think we can't come back for the time being -"

"Haha, if it succeeds, it will be a major event that will subvert the world. You shouldn't miss it."

Subvert...the world...!

People looked at the two people in surprise——

What are they going to do?

Are you working so hard? ! For a moment, everyone became itchy.

Was this... stimulated by Sora's actions? If you don't make a sound, you have already become a blockbuster. If you are ready to make a move, you want to make a big one?

For a moment, the elves became even more uneasy.

Although they are all prepared to lose! But—wait! ! This is too much, nothing serious will happen!

Their eyes looking at Phil Nilbalian became blurred.

My heart became very - Gan~!

The enemy was obviously so terrifying that they thought they had no chance of winning, but the family still...

How to win! ——There was a mole in the family, and he even got into the upper echelons.

Not only is he a member of the House of Lords, he is also the patriarch of an ancient noble family, and he cooperates with the enemy inside and outside.

Just asking... is it still necessary to play this kind of game - just stop playing the game and just surrender as a family and admit defeat.

Then maybe we can lose with dignity?

The elves are crazy!

Chapter 1,314 He denied the world that denied the girl!

In the end, no one knew what they wanted to do.


As the last two people talked, they talked about Konghou again.

People were surprised to discover the growth of Kurami,

The girl who lost to Sora and was even beaten to the point of crying.

It seems that she also learned this principle from Sora and others - this is also the reason why she is so bold and determined to do big things now.

I got Sora's memory in the last memory exchange game...

So Kurami knows,

That person - will never lie. (null)

——[It’s reached its limit], [It’s just this level], I can’t even say this even to death.

——Because the person who gave life to the doll (himself) is far beyond that limit.

——Because lying to yourself is tantamount to denying humanity (sister).

"Phi, do you know what everything has in common - the means to achieve an end?"


"It means predicting and anticipating in advance, being fully prepared, then challenging - and then failing."

"As long as this process is repeated infinitely, there is nothing in this world that is impossible."

Even after the conversation between the two ended, the episode was still being recalled in people's minds.

Fall down and get up again countless times, and never give up even if you repeat the process of failure.

She said that...but what she said was the voice brought about by Sora's memory.

To actually fail——?

At this moment, the elves who were still worried at first were also stunned and their attention was attracted.


That's something people never expected.

Originally, people thought that Kurami would say that after making predictions, he would definitely succeed.


Is that kind of thinking the true heart of that man——Sora!

The one who made people realize the importance of intelligence, and who seemed to be undefeated as long as he had the upper hand... the true God of Games in people's hearts.


Blank is not God——!


People were suddenly shocked by this,

There seems to be a better answer to why Blank can achieve miracles again and again.

"Beyond your limits? What a fallacy, but unexpectedly endearing," Hermitus murmured thoughtfully.

In a chase game against all Flügels,

Those two people went beyond their limits and accomplished something that should have been absolutely impossible.

Nothing is impossible,

If you can't do it, you just haven't been able to do it yet - the rest is a race against life (time).

But even that competition can transcend generations and be entrusted to the next generation - this is the human species (the weak).

This is the true face of so-called genius.

No—it should be said that he is the true face of a ‘never-defeated’ genius….

Even geniuses will lose, but the reason why those two will never lose was finally found.

"Our countless failures will illuminate the footsteps of those who follow us - becoming a light walking in the darkness." That was Kurami's final summary in the epic.

But every word touches the heart, and for a while, people are reminded of many pictures and words.

There are ghost efforts by Riku and others during the war,

There are also cases where the late king struggled all his life and entrusted everything to his descendants...all kinds of things.

For Sora - Shiro is his light.

For Kurami - Fei is her light.

The same goes for the endless defeats of the late king.

In the end, it will definitely become—a light for all mankind and all races—

This is humankind, the human species...this is the inheritance of the fire of racial civilization.

The inheritance of fire--!

At that moment, I understood the late king and understood that the Foolish King was not stupid, but what a great king he was... That feeling of emotion came back.

It is an undefeated belief and an immortal fire.

"What a terrible belief, a spirit more terrible than anything in the world!" Hermitus sighed in his heart again, and then fell silent.

At this moment, whether it is human beings or other non-human races,

They were all immersed in silent shock.

And if from Kurami, I unexpectedly learned another side of Sora, and understood that the real strength of Sora is not the name of genius, but the belief that never gives up.

On the other side——

The witch also brought more shock to people.

He was also talking to Ino about Sora.

In order to save Ino, he was stupid enough to risk the entire race.

It was clear that the greatest victory would be gained by giving up Ino.


"Hasuse Ino, what do you think of that man in the air?"

The miko asked about this, but Ino couldn't answer, and he didn't know what he thought of Sora——

Or maybe as the person being rescued, he originally hated Sora very much, but now his mood is strangely complicated.

Not to mention that in their contact with Sora, people also felt that the old man seemed to be gradually impressed by Sora's personality charm.

And here, although I didn’t get the answer,

The miko still went to herself and came to the same conclusion as Clemmy——

That man cannot lie. Although he is a liar and a deceiver... he will never lie.

If he could lie to himself, he would be an easy villain to understand.

This is exactly what makes Sora unique——! A specialness that cannot be replicated!

There are many fraudsters, but no one can become the next Sora.

Although there is no basis——

But the miko still gave that certainty based on her intuition.

Why is it that someone as good as Sora who is good at psychological warfare cannot fall in real love? That’s because——

He couldn't lie to himself.

? ? ? The moment I heard that analysis,

Because I can't lie, I can't fall in love? People are confused——!

What kind of logic is this?

It doesn't make sense at all.

What does lying have to do with falling in love?

Even if you can't tell a lie, there are not many people who can impress the opposite sex with their sincerity.

People thought that the miko had really discovered something, but this is what happened...?


Until people saw words like that.

Since he can't lie - he can't say he likes a woman he doesn't like.

In this case - it is interesting why he has no nostalgia for the original world. It may be -

People's hearts skipped a beat, vaguely feeling that they were about to hear some terrible secret.

Then he saw... 'He couldn't agree with a world that didn't agree with the only girl he liked.

——Only this matter, even if he is the enemy of the whole world, he will never agree with it. ’

Who is the only girl I like——

Almost instantly everyone thought of Bai.

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