But they heard Merlin continue to say,

Although Artreus retreated, he endured the severe pain and fled with Sif to the exit of the abyss cave.

‘Escaped… escaped? ’ Everyone showed surprise and astonishment.

But why just, near the exit?

If we go back to town now and get the silver necklace back... it should still be too late, right?

Maybe you can suppress the abyss erosion on your body?

Thinking of this, people's mood cheered up.



"Artreus' greatest weakness is also his most shining noble character as a knight... He is too kind." People suddenly heard Merlin speak like that.

Weak - Weakness?

Everyone's faces were stunned.

Listening to these sudden words, my heart skipped a beat.

Now they also remembered what Merlin said before about Artreus's weakness...

——People just forgot about it.

When Merlin mentioned A's major weakness, he seemed to also mention the experience of Artreus and Sif getting acquainted.

A knight who has a noble character and is willing to make sacrifices to protect others——

So, in this moment of crisis, facing a friend who is also seriously injured, what choice will you make?


It's obvious!

People suddenly realized what -

Then tremblingly,

I heard those words.

"When Sif was injured and almost unable to move, in order to protect his beloved friend, Artreus, who had no time to take care of Sif, could only use the barrier shield as a defense to protect Sif, hoping that the shield could protect Sif and buy him time. ”

Barrier... big shield?

People were completely stunned——!


The gentle knight is completely different from the cruel and ferocious Abyss-turned-A that people just reflected in their eyes...

How gentle is the heart hidden under that cold armor? !

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

From rings to silver necklaces,

From white sword to barrier shield.

He gave away almost all his equipment.

Just to protect others - but what about himself? ! ! ah!

Chapter 1,334 This is a hopeless road!

Gentle person——

Gentle knight!

People were moved by Artelius's kindness.

Put yourself in their shoes, if it were them——

Can you do this for others?

If it happened to ordinary people, people would just feel stupid.

Isn't your own life more important than the lives of others?

Selfishness is the nature of most living things.

However - it happened to a knight as powerful and charismatic as Artreus,

Affected by it, people can’t help but start to feel ashamed and reflect——

Ah, what a noble character this is. (They admit that they have double standards, but——)

How could University A be stupid? Then they must be the ones stupid!

This spirit of sacrifice is the glory of knights!

It’s the light of knight——!


If it were an epic character who acted like this, people might not be too impressed.

Precisely because it was the powerful Artelius who gave everything to the weak,

Those actions just become more meaningful.

Would you stop and feel pity for the injured ant on the roadside?

And Artelius is such an extremely gentle person.

A strong man with such a rare and valuable quality of humility!

This trait makes him have a different kind of personality charm that makes him so attractive.

That has nothing to do with whether the power is strong or not——

It is a soul that even the gods cannot bring, but it has left a deep impression on people.

A warrior as strong as steel - with a gentle heart that no one else can match.

And after leaving the barrier shield to Shiv,

Artreus knew that he would not survive this time.

He has been eroded deeply by the abyss -

Not to mention continuing to protect his best friend now, it would be good if he didn't become a minion of the abyss and hurt his best friend.

He could only place his hope in the latecomers being able to save Shiv from his desperate situation.

Hopefully the barrier shield can hold up until then.


Having tried his best to save his last sanity, he left his hope to Shiv and embarked on his own death.

However, even if he is going to die, he is still fighting.

He will not stop swinging his sword until he dies or falls completely.

In the light and shadow that followed, Merlin no longer spoke—

But people can clearly see,

The knight continued to fight in the abyss.

Like a killing machine, it fights tirelessly.

Silent, without saying a word, his movements are clean and fierce,

As the erosion of the abyss deepens, it becomes more and more wild.

People were dumbfounded - their hearts were greatly shocked.

"That is a road with no hope at all." Merlin said.

"The original Artreus should have been completely eroded by the abyss——

It must be that the magic just now was not only effective on the captain of the undead team, but also attracted Artreus, who was still wandering in the abyss.

But his degree of abyssalization is too high,

Even after regaining his sanity for a moment, he immediately fell into a state of abyss again. "

With Merlin's explanation...

People also understood the reason why Artelius appeared here.

And for such Artelius,

In this way, until his consciousness turned into the abyss, and until the last moment of his death, Artelius was still fighting in this abyss.

Did he ever regret it?

People can't help but think -

But soon I felt that this question was naive.

If I regretted it, that figure would not appear here.

People felt as if they had seen King Arthur who had drawn his sword.

Is this the knight?

Even though he knew what a dark, hopeless and lonely situation it would be (the future), he still chose to draw his sword and move forward.

This is the story of Artelius...

Although it is a short life, it is an extraordinary life.


People suddenly thought,

If what Merlin said is true.

Doesn't that mean that Artelius is already dead?

During the second crusade against the abyss——

At that time, let’s not talk about who King Gwen in Dark Souls refers to.

After all, it is a prophetic epic of ‘half truth and half falsehood’.

People don’t know exactly when the so-called Age of Fire happened.

But since Artelius participated in the first crusade when the abyss invaded the surface.

So this great knight must be an extremely ancient warrior, right?

How could Artreus survive for so long after being transformed into the abyss——

So here comes the problem!

Who is the wolf knight who led the undead team in the Orc War Bell before? !

"The Wolf Knight you have seen before - there is no damage on his body, his arm is intact.

It’s almost time to understand——! Merlin suddenly laughed softly.

It seemed that he saw the doubts in people's hearts at this time, and gave the answer before they asked the question.

Everyone's expressions were startled——!

Clearly struck a chord.

"Indeed... indeed..."

“Although that knight is also wearing Artelius’ armor, the armor appears to be intact—and the body is also very healthy.”

People talked about it privately.

"That's the warrior who inherited another set of armor from Artreus...

Not only him, but also left behind a pair of gold armor with a lion's head after Onstein conquered the royal city, for those who came after him to inherit it. "

“You can think of those warriors as the contemporary Four Knights of the King——

You can also call them Artelius and Onstein.

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