Holy snake, majestic snake! Full of alluring 'mysterious' snakes.

Mysteries are attracted to higher levels of mystery.

The more powerful a being is, the more he will be moved to tears when he sees this great figure!

Ah—like some prophetic god who shed tears of blood.

Thinking of that unlucky Lord God, the curve of Yan's mouth became even wider.

He looked at the ritual snake, which was originally a somewhat illusory figure——

With the fear, fantasy, and suspicion of the gods,

It has become more and more solid.

"I will take action myself and give the God of Prophecy a cruel blow."

Making up false ‘timelines’, false world passages, and——

Let the image of one of those two great beings appear to the God of Prophecy.

After that, he rubbed the Noble Phantasm with his hands, making the God of Prophecy feel the pain of 'invisible pressure'.

very good--

The false world in which only the gods feel pain is about to be completed.

Although the ritual snake is still fake and cannot be moved at all...


Just looking at the appearance and power, it can be confused with the real thing.

Speaking of which—the real ritual snake is probably asleep most of the time.

The gap between the two worlds is where his body is sealed.

Consciousness is not here.

A red devil who cannot be awakened by any movement - don't be too normal.

……at the same time,

The gods who don’t know what terrible trial they are about to face,

Get busy now.

An incarnation of God who originally had faith in the Kingdom of Lucia suddenly appeared on earth and performed miracles——

After that, countless human beings frantically followed God's will and began to go to the places guided by God and obey God's orders.

And among these believers,

Most of them are young and strong professionals.

There are even gods who travel thousands of miles to select outstanding clergy from their own sects and form knights to go to Lucia.

The scale of this operation is unprecedented!

Because I don’t know what the other side of the world passage looks like.

Everything about Disbord is only half-understood from epic books.

All the gods are preparing to bring some people there this time,

An advance guard was stationed there.

Let those priests and priests spread their faith——!

Besides - bringing so many humans along has its advantages.

The gods thought——

"Isn't your only god the so-called God of Games? He absolutely does not allow killing!"

So even if it’s an outsider——

Everyone should be treated equally!


Even if they are asked, the gods have already taught those humans how to answer.

They were all influenced by the epic, longed for the world of Disbord, and spontaneously wanted to 'play games'!

That’s right – play games!

The law does not hold everyone accountable——!

Humans can play games, and the gods also want to go there and experience the rich customs and game atmosphere of Disbod, and...

Not surprising, right? !

To put it bluntly, the law does not punish everyone!

Even if you really meet the terrifying behemoth god in the world passage!

These humans can also help them get some firepower,

Even if it attracts them for a moment, just let their god's incarnation escape.

At this time the gods were prepared for the worst.

It is planned to lurk the real incarnations of God in these exploring human troops.

Especially the God of Destruction——

Although he was very arrogant when he angered the other gods,

But approaching the most important moment, he became the most cautious one.

The God of Destruction is meditating,

It seems a bit dangerous to mix among the knights.

Just blend in among the priests?

As civilians, we are always at the end of the army, so we should be able to escape easily when encountering danger, right?

Chapter 1,346 Among the matryoshka dolls, who is the oriole?

Although the priest is not without fighting ability,

They can also use the power of various divine spells and divine words, and draw on the power of the gods they believe in.

But its physical fitness is not strong, nor is it a pure combat unit.

It is not wrong to say that they are civil servants;

Very good, I happily decided like this! !

He, the mighty Lord of Creation and Destruction, decided to become a glorious civil servant! !

If conditions permit, he doesn't even want to be among his own priests.

Being mixed in the lineup of those weak gods would be safer and less likely to attract the enemy's attention.

The opponent is the only god and an unknown god who is more powerful and mysterious than himself - no matter how cautious you are.

No matter how many beautiful words you say, if your life is gone——

The rage of the gods is just a joke.

"Oh, oh...Lord God of Destruction."

"What's wrong?" The God of Destruction, who was deep in thought, was awakened by his own priest.

"Master Meishen is here to visit you. Do you want to meet him?"

God of beauty?

What is she doing here?

Although they are members of the same alliance of gods, the God of Destruction and this goddess are not familiar with each other.

The goddess's smile appeared in the God of Destruction's mind.

She is not very powerful, but has a beauty that makes even the gods fall in love with her.

However, I heard that her private life is not very strict, and the territory under her rule has become the capital of wasteland.

"Let her in!"

Whether it’s ravaging a powerful enemy or the most beautiful goddess,

For the male gods, these are the things that interest them the most.

The God of Destruction, who originally didn't pay much attention to this so-called God of Beauty, also became interested.

"Gui'an, my dear God of Destruction!" Soon, in the temple of the God of Destruction, a beautiful blond goddess came to pay her respects.

"Why did you come to see me? To discuss future exploration work, or - simply to seek entertainment?" The God of Destruction put his face on one hand and looked at the God of Beauty with interest.

No hiding the desire in his eyes.

His questioning went to the core.

"Of course, as you wish -

Whether they are humans or gods, they all prostrate themselves under your glory. Even the goddess who symbolizes the incarnation of beauty can hardly resist this glory.

Let's have some fun. "The goddess of beauty smiled softly.

She looked at the male god who was overlooking her, but in her heart she felt lonely and disdainful with a more arrogant and arrogant expression.

Whether they are heroes among humans or gods...

There is no one who is not interested in the body of the goddess!

As the most beautiful goddess in the world——

As the ‘treasure’ that the world’s heroes and the world long for.

Having the ability to control the desires of these powerful male heroes and gods,

It is the true ruler of the world who stands alongside the Creator.

And on the other side——

I don’t know the arrogance in the goddess’s heart,

Hearing the goddess who symbolizes the concept of ‘beauty’ itself praise and boast about herself so much.

Even the amusement on the God of Destruction's face disappeared, becoming extremely moved and proud.

His masculine charm was stretched at this moment,

My mood is as beautiful as taking a big bite of popsicle in the dog days of summer, and I become happy! !


He didn't think about it,

When a man is in such a state of mind, it is almost normal for his IQ to drop.


In the wanton and rampant laughter of the God of Destruction.


Ridiculous gasps sounded inside the temple.

And even the God of Destruction didn't notice that after merging with the God of Beauty so naturally, a trace of charming seeds of authority were secretly planted into the God of Destruction's little God of Destruction.

‘Very good—this way, the most powerful god in this exploration operation—will finally be controlled by me. Next is...'

‘God of the stars! ’ Such thoughts flashed through Meishen’s mind, and her face, which was moisturized and turned white and rosy, thought of something.

As she was entangled with the God of Destruction, a trace of madness and disdain flashed in her eyes.

Then his face became more and more rosy, and his whole person seemed to be excited.

O male gods!

Go fight for her future territory! !

And she, the beauty, will eventually become the final and biggest winner!

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