Boom~! !

Huge and majestic!

Two terrifying giant dragons appeared in this twisted space passage.

The gods saw two dragons that were a hundred times larger than ordinary dragons.

The two fired terrifying dragon breaths at each other, streaking across the entire space like light cannons.

At this time, this turbulent space storm seemed to be the aftermath of the two's impact on Hong.

"What?!" With just a quick glance, the hearts of the gods were shrouded in the terrifying shadow of the sky.

Through the light film that even space storms cannot penetrate,

But the gods seemed to feel a terrifying breath coming from the wind.

Instantly, a chill ran up his spine and went straight to his forehead.

Buzz~! ! !

The next moment, infinite white light scattered from the opposite direction, covering the entire world and everyone's retinas.

A huge dream force swept through this space.

The battle between fantasy and infinity——

The result is that new space cracks are blasted open, and then...

Nearly ten thousand people felt their feet were empty, as if the space had collapsed.

Even the gods fell into the endless abyss.

A terrifying feeling of weightlessness came——

Too powerful! Those two creatures! ! Ah!

With such desperate thoughts, the incarnation of the gods briefly lost consciousness and fell completely into darkness.

At the end of their consciousness, the incarnations of God seemed to take it for granted that the action had failed.

This last thought was transmitted back to the gods' bodies in the outside world, and contact was completely lost.

at the same time--

The entities of the gods far away in the sky: "!!!"

"What, what, what was that just now?!"

"Nearly ten thousand elite troops... together with our incarnations -" The last word 'sacrifice' could not be said at all. A god swallowed his saliva with a horrified expression and murmured in disbelief.

How is it possible——

It's obviously just the aftermath!

Giving them away so easily...

‘Kill! ’ Thinking about the scene of space collapse conveyed before his consciousness finally fell into darkness.

A scene more desperate than falling into the abyss...

The gods were silent, their expressions very horrified.

In that situation——

They have also begun to assume that their incarnations have died.

But - how is it possible?

"A creator-level god...? Or -" the God of the Stars said with an ugly expression.

At this time, he already regretted it——

If I had known earlier, I should have insisted on withdrawing from the alliance.

In order not to be suppressed by the God of Destruction——

This incarnation of his god also contains 40% of his divine power.

Although he did not take out his godhead to create an incarnation,

But compared to other gods who only used 10% of their divine power, he also suffered a big loss!

This is not simply a consumption of divine power, but a permanent reduction of 40%.

"Damn it!!!! Damn it! Damn it! Those two bastards!" At this moment, an even more anxious and crazy roar came from the ears of the God of Stars.

The owner of the voice seemed much more manic than he was.

At this time, the God of Destruction had bloodshot eyes and a ferocious, twisted look on his face, glaring horribly in the direction of the mountain range where the incarnation of God finally disappeared.

He was howling crazily in his heart! !

His divinity——! ! Still have most of the divine power!

Impossible, impossible! How could this happen? Everything went smoothly until the space crack opened.

Not even the One God intervened.

Finally, I met two monsters like that!

The 'retina' seems to be able to recall the last scene it saw, when the world was burned out by 'endless' light.

How could there be a dragon species of this level?

He has been driven crazy by the 'great sacrifice',

This madness even allowed him to temporarily overcome his fear of those two monsters with unreasonable and incomprehensible powers!

That’s right – ‘monster’!

That was definitely not the dragon he knew.

The figure of a hundred-fold dragon species even looks like the creation mother goddess Tiamat has reappeared.

It is just a dragon's breath formed by simply gathering energy. The breath of light and heat seems to be 'infinite' - extending to the edge of the world without end.

The entire space is filled with light.

It's not like he has never seen dragon breath before - but this is a powerful figure that seems to cover the world in one breath, seemingly consuming nothing at all, and waving 'power' wantonly.

You call their attack dragon breath? !

That is clearly the world-destroying breath!

At this moment, although the other gods are not as manic and restless as the God of Stars, nor are they as hysterical and crazy as the God of Destruction,

But fear, anxiety and other negative emotions are also sweeping through their hearts.

‘Did you just...happen to catch up with the battle between those two monsters?

That's why the space crack suddenly appeared like that! ’

The God of Prophecy kept muttering in a low voice: "No, it's not that... it's not that -! How could this be? It makes no sense at all!

Wait - can you tell me! "

His eyes suddenly widened as he thought of something.

The spatial coordinates are definitely not wrong.

That strong spatial fluctuation remnant was definitely left behind by the One God.

If it were not a divine body but a weak human system, the God of Prophecy would definitely be sweating on his forehead right now.

He thought of a possibility——

Naturally, there is not only one Disbod in the world and plane adjacent to their world.

The gods have also discovered life in many small planes, and have had the experience of occupying land to cultivate believers.

But the spatial coordinates of those planes are different.

Generally, new worlds can only be discovered at the closest space point.

The distance between the world and the world is generally not too close.

Not to mention this...——

Even if it is a one in ten thousand chance,

That space is not only close to the legendary Disbod, but also connected to the passage to the other world? !

Chapter 1,350 A new world! ? The gods are ecstatic!

The two world passages are actually close together? ! !

How is that possible! How could there be such a coincidence!

But if you don't say it this way, you can't explain clearly why it is in that position - another space channel is opened.

‘Is it because the battle between the two monsters caused the space storm to resonate with the coalition’s space transfer technique, causing the door that was supposed to open to the world of Disbod to become another passage? ’ At this moment, the God of Prophecy can only speculate like this.

His face became very solemn and ugly.


Who are those two dragons? !

At this moment, on the other side——

No one knows except Homura.

The scene where space collapsed at the end was just a mirror world between virtuality and reality created by Homura.

And by letting these nearly ten thousand people fall into the "depths" of unknown space.

At that moment, Homura had completed several steps including fantasy, deception, and gamification of the mirror world.

To put it simply, a small space is temporarily established.

Just like the inherent barrier, it looks like the real world, but in reality it is still a false world.

However, compared to the inherent barrier, this 'world' is much more profound.

Even the gods, when their spiritual thoughts are isolated by the 'residual space turbulence fluctuations', can never detect their authenticity with the naked eye.

And when countless people gradually opened their eyes, the incarnations of the gods finally regained consciousness in this 'world'.

The incarnations of the gods opened their eyes blankly——

I stood up and looked around. I saw a world that was completely unfamiliar and unfamiliar to me.

Looking far into the distance with powerful divine power——

You can see cities with skyscrapers in the distance,

But now they seem to be in a wilderness.

"That--that's over there?!"

"It looks like the future landscape described in the epic, built by human wisdom, replacing the new civilization that mysteriously rules the world!"

Have they come to a future where the Age of Gods has faded? ! !

As soon as such a terrifying and absurd idea was born, they denied it themselves.


Impossible! It's just a collapse of space - at most, they will be allowed to drift to other spaces, or die (lost) in the turbulent flow of space.

There must be no great power that interferes with time!

But what is the scene in front of me? ! !

The gods were shocked - looking at the distant scenery with shocked expressions.

The remaining nearly ten thousand human elites cannot see the scenery of such a distant place.

So I can only find myself in a wilderness.


When everyone noticed that the incarnations of the gods they believed in were also here,

In an instant, the knights seemed to have found their backbone, regained their composure, and immediately reorganized their phalanx, ready to obey the orders of the gods.

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