‘Even gods can’t defeat such a monster! ’ For the first time, the gods felt so troublesome and became frightened.

For the first time, I saw a power I couldn't understand from a subordinate's perspective!

Chapter 1,354 That’s the King of Dawn!


How could there be such unreasonable things in this world!

A feeling of powerlessness filled the whole body, and everyone could no longer hold the weapons in their hands.

From a bloodthirsty and aggressive wolf, to now figures looking blankly at the sky——

Looking at the gods they believe in...

Can this monster really be defeated?

The combined attack of the gods just now cheered them up.

Let them see such an incredible scene.

The joint attack of the gods was wiped out 'easily'.

The silver-white figure seemed to have consumed nothing, still standing invincibly in the night sky, and the full moon could only serve as a backdrop.

'Something must have gone wrong -'

‘There is no absolutely invincible principle in this world. ’ The God of Stars and other incarnations of gods broke out in cold sweat.

They didn't want to admit it at this time,

For a moment, the proud 'god' actually felt a little afraid of such an ability?

The next moment, the gods looked at the White Dragon Emperor with murderous intent, as if they had an understanding and an agreement.

Such ability should not exist in this world——

For such a balance-breaking existence, especially a strong man from another world!

"He must be killed...

Once he continues to grow, if he finds a passage to our world! "A main god spoke.

The other gods instantly understood its meaning.


Even if all the incarnations of God are sacrificed, the opponent must be killed here.

Even these nearly 10,000 human beings!

Anyway, it's just the incarnation and some believers - it doesn't matter if they all die, sooner or later they can "cultivate their health" and come back.

But that kind of ‘halved’ situation——!

They never want to see it again.

at the same time--

Under the armor whose expression no one could see, the White Dragon Emperor was not in good condition at the moment.

There are limits to Divde's abilities.

A realm that halved everything extended by the light wings of the White Dragon Emperor, the God's Slayer.

In essence, it absorbs all that power into the body, and finally returns it as an attack.

However, once the absorbed power is too much and exceeds the limit that the host can bear,

That balance will be disrupted.

Once the container breaks, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

Homura hiding in the dark: "...Is it still a little too forced?"

Even the two-day dragon cannot deal with so many incarnations of gods at the same time through simple hand-forbidden transformation!

If the entities of these gods had just acted together,

I'm afraid the White Dragon Emperor is gone.

Tianlong is not invincible, not even the Dragon God dares to say it is invincible.

"Then we can only let the White Dragon Emperor activate that..." Yan, who originally lacked some strength, just now——

Because the gods and nearly ten thousand people below were deceived - and his deceptive authority was once again enhanced.

Now he——

Finally, Bailong can exert more powerful power.

‘Hidden deep within the artifact is a deeper development than the hand-forbidden transformation—the Tyrannosaurus in the original work! ! ’

As expected——!

The corners of Yan's mouth slightly curved.

Originally, he created a brief scene of dragon gods fighting - (It was just a simple illusion, so it didn't consume much power.)

Then after the plot of the red dragon driving away the cute dragon was faked in the DXD world,

Then he created the miniature of this small world, and created the white dragon that became a forbidden hand...

These are actually affecting the five senses of the allied forces of gods and humans——

Even really get started!

He had no extra power but turned on the Tyrannosaurus mode for Bai Long.

But--doesn't the power just surge up on its own now?

Oh ho!

By scheming against the gods, using the gods to continuously strengthen the white dragon, and then allowing the white dragon to show more power after becoming stronger, continue to influence the gods...

Make their minds turbulent——!

Simply perfect!

What a group of qualified tool people! Homura happily looked at the incarnations of the gods!

He was a little... embarrassed that he had come to scare these guys.

And on the other side——

Having absorbed numerous attacks from the gods, the white dragon at this time became unprecedentedly powerful.

White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings——

In addition to his most well-known halving ability.

Another item is to absorb——

Superimposing the opponent's power onto one's own body will not restore physical strength, but can only increase strength.

But the power and divine power of the gods were all added together, and the power of the White Dragon Emperor himself exploded in an instant——

What a terrifying scene that would be.


Before his body could no longer bear it, Bailong used his wings to expel the excess power, forming a terrifying energy storm for a while.

The wind sings - roaring and shattering the sky and the night sky.

The gods looked at the center of violent energy in horror——

That tall and proud silver-white figure.

The eyes of the gods were also deprived of all their gaze,

What on earth is that?

‘It’s the Lord of the Dawn! ’ Yan shouted happily in his heart.

Just as the mantra of the Demon King-turned-White Dragon Emperor says——

You, my innocent white dragon, may you even surrender to the principles of tyranny——

My silver star, ascend to the throne of the dawn——!

The white dragon is like the dawn, and its silvery white light shines on everything on the earth.

This was taken from the gods and was about to be returned to the gods.

Boom~! !

The next moment, terrifying silver-white energy light cannons swept across the entire night sky, enveloping all the gods.

The night was opened with a white gap,

The gods roared and tried their best to block this amazing energy.

I don’t know how much time has passed, and every second is like a year——

Finally the light cannon dissipated in the sky,

The gods also flew back a few steps. Even though they successfully blocked the return blow, the process in the middle was too strenuous.

"God of Destruction—have you noticed?" the God of Stars said solemnly.

"Hmph - it seems you have discovered it too!" the God of Destruction snorted coldly.

"That guy, the strike just now had the shadow of the divine power of the gods -! There was even a trace of my power." The God of Destruction.

"As expected of the incarnation of destruction (god) - quite sensitive to the power of destruction!

Yes, if you guessed it correctly - this guy has absorbed the power of all our gods and just returned it. "

"How, how is it possible?!" There is no weak or ordinary person on this battlefield in the sky.

Naturally, all the gods also heard the conversation between the two powerful gods——

Somewhat unbelievable!

The blow just now contained the power of all their gods? ! !

How could such a ridiculous and terrible thing happen!

"Half the ability, and the ability to return our attacks...a divine weapon?" Thinking of what the White Dragon Emperor said just now, the power of Divde derived from the divine weapon, the gods were shocked in their hearts.

Chapter 1,355 The Names of Red Dragon and White Dragon! The mythical battle of this world!


They regarded the second power as the ability of the artifact.

But this time they didn't guess wrong again.

But they know what the artifact is——

The powerful weapons in the hands of their gods are all divine weapons.


What is the source of such a perverted artifact—an artifact with the horrifying name of ‘God’s Destruction Gear’?

"How can a mere artifact control the power of the gods?" One of the gods said in anger and shock.

Even if they are just an incarnation now, they are still real gods!

The incarnations of the gods gathered together to release attacks, and no god's body dared to resist its edge head-on.

But - this impossible thing was accomplished by the silver-white figure in front of me.

"That is an artifact that houses the soul of Tianlong - with the help of the artifact, part of Tianlong's original power is developed, and even mortals can eventually kill gods."

Just when the gods were in disbelief and couldn't figure it out at all, a voice suddenly sounded from high in the sky.

Suddenly a figure walked out of the void——

Homura, who was not planning to appear at first, thought about it and finally left the hidden space wearing Merlin's vest and appeared here.

When the gods and people looked at the silver-white hair color and familiar clothes——

"Merlin the Magician of Flowers?!" The expressions of the gods changed.

Their relationship with Merlin, the legendary great sage, was not good.

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