If he was still alive - wouldn't it mean that apart from the 'Demon King' girl, their world also had that kind of super-standard invincible existence?

Gods: "!!!"

Thinking of this, they were suddenly shocked to realize that their own world's 'underlying' was not bad at all, and the water was also very deep!

It’s okay when you don’t accept some things, but once you accept them——

Many epic poems that I used to treat as jokes and stories are now horrifying to think about carefully.

...I just felt chills running down my spine, and I was so frightened that I almost lost my soul!

If God exists -

What about Mesopotamia’s creation mother goddess——?

What about Ra, the Egyptian sun god and creator of light? !

What about the God-King of Norse Mythology——? Well, this one seems to be a little out of place, but it’s still much better than them!

So - these are real?

The expressions of the gods suddenly changed! Surprised and doubtful! He looked sluggish as if he had been played stupidly, and he was speechless for a long time.

“He (Lucifer) is the bright star in Isaiah—

This is also the origin of the Dawn King. "Mei Linyi pointed out, he had also called the White Dragon Emperor that way before——

It would be better to say that he is talking about Wally Lucifer.

“He (Lucifer) once led one-third of the angels to question God’s power, so he temporarily left heaven and went to another place.

In the end, he became the Lord of Hell—the biggest enemy. "

The God of the Bible in the dxd world is God.

But for the gods who don't know, it's a fairy tale from another world.

“The opposite of heaven is hell.

The one who opposes God is Satan.

That is the name of the devil... and also the name of the enemies. "Merlin.

There is a certain saying that the name Satan never refers to the name of a specific person.

It is a name for all enemies.

And the biggest enemy among them is the Lord of Hell,

He is also the chief enemy of God.

But no matter what, there is no doubt about the strength of this hell monarch.

"As the Lord of Hell, the head of the seven Demon Kings represented by the Seven Deadly Sins, the blood descendant of that Demon King is undoubtedly the top level in this world.

Xifer, the path of pride, Leviathan of jealousy, Mammon of greed, Samael of wrath, Beelzebub of gluttony, Belial of sloth, and Asmodeus of lust.

These seven demon kings are the strongest demon kings who rule over all demons and devils. "


The gods trembled in their hearts——

The strongest demon king! !

The word "Demon King" itself reminds them of some bad memories.

And a demon king who was transformed from a powerful god who was once second only to the only god, a deputy king of heaven!

The feeling it brings to the gods is even worse.

At this moment, Vali finally looked down to the gods and said: "I am the one who inherited the bloodline of the deceased previous demon king.

A hybrid child born between a father who is the grandson of the old demon king and a human mother. "

"He has the blood of the Demon King, but because he is half human, he was accidentally taken in by the White Dragon Emperor. His existence - itself is the biggest joke to the world! Haha! Isn't it?" Merlin joked nonchalantly,

The tone seemed like he was just telling an ordinary joke.

But the gods couldn't laugh at all!

Demon King——

Inherited the so-called head of the Seven Demon Kings,

A hybrid of the strongest demon king's bloodline who corresponds to original sin!

At the same time, he also possesses a god-killing tool!

This is, this is such an incredible existence.

His birth itself is a frightening thing. No wonder even Merlin previously called his existence itself a 'miracle'!

And each of the seven original sins represents simple and easy-to-understand yet profound desires and sins.

It also caused great uneasiness and horror among the gods!

All sins throughout the ages seem to have corresponding options from those seven original sins.

What does that mean?

The gods didn't know, but they were terrified!

They know that the so-called seven deadly sins are not just seven concepts and principles.

So as the descendant of the strongest original sin demon king of arrogance,

The white dragon in front of me——

"That's right - God, this guy will be the strongest White Dragon Emperor so far and in the future." Merlin finally responded with a serious look on his face.

The god he spoke of—perhaps he refers to the gods, or is he the only god in this world?

The gods don’t know—

But this did not prevent the gods from seeing that the light wings behind the White Dragon Emperor stretched out at this moment, and finally no longer concealed the devil's black wings, which were like black particles formed on the outer shell of the light wings.

The silvery white and azure light wings and the evil, pitch black wings are perfectly accommodated together.

Such a sacred and evil strange scene,

It makes the gods uneasy——

At the same time, his confidence in defeating Bailong was completely lost.

The already extremely powerful power of the Heavenly Dragon,

And with the top-notch Demon King bloodline, even the fragility of the body has disappeared?

How to deal with such a perfect White Dragon Emperor! !


A violent spatial fluctuation hit the sky here.

The gods who were in a trance suddenly woke up because of the astonishing background of the white dragon,

Then I heard a dragon roar!

"That's——?!" Everyone looked at Bailong subconsciously, but found that the sound was not coming from the White Dragon Emperor.

Other dragons? !

Chapter 1366 The main body must not be impulsive!

‘That’s it…’ Yan thought.

In this world where illusion and reality meet, no matter what sudden events happen, there is only one possibility, of course, he took action.

Yan did not intend to let the battle continue.

Whether the gods succeeded in defeating the white dragon, or the white dragon wiped out the gods, the result was what Yan did not want to see.

He still needed these people to go back alive and spread the news of the ‘dxd world’,

so that more people would believe in the existence of the dxd world.


Although these incarnations of gods can be killed, Bai Long has killed many before…

But if too many gods are killed at one time,

Yan also has to worry about the psychological endurance of the group of believers below.

He looked at the pale-faced human coalition forces, who were already in a trance, and shook his head.

The next moment——

Accompanied by the dragon roar, the space channel was reopened!

The crimson dimensional gap reappeared,

A huge black figure was expelled from the space channel, and finally turned into a stream of light and fell in an unknown direction.

Everyone was attracted by this sudden scene.

‘What happened? ’

“Has the Infinite Dragon God—Ophis been defeated? It seems that the battle in the dimensional gap has ended.” Merlin said at the right time.

The gods and the white dragon stopped, still shocked by the scene just now.

‘A dragon god was defeated by another dragon god?

And fell into this world? ’


Before people thought about it, the huge figure of the Great Red suddenly flashed across their vision.

Across the gap of a long twisted space channel,

Through the cracked gap, the eyes of the True Red Dragon God Emperor suddenly looked at everyone in this world.

In his eyes, all gods, humans, including the white dragon, were seen.

And the moment they were noticed,

everyone's back felt cold, their whole body stiffened, and they couldn't move.

The body seemed to be out of control and unconscious, and they didn't dare to make any slight movements.

'Is this the feeling of facing the Great Red! 'The gods thought with trembling and horror.

Even they felt this way,

let alone the humans below.

Ordinary people were even worse -

They were like being struck by lightning, and they didn't dare to look directly into those eyes, and instinctively lowered their heads.

'Outsiders -' True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor didn't speak,

but his voice flashed inexplicably in people's minds, and they understood his meaning.

Then a powerful dream force directly enveloped all the incarnations of the gods and the human coalition,

He wanted to expel these people back to their original world.

The Great Red could not be materialized now of course -

but this dream power was directly driven by Yan, and the gods did not notice any abnormality.

Not to mention that Yan himself has almost omnipotent authority, the fused fraud spirit also has the power to control dreams.


In a burst of light, including the figure of 'Merlin', everyone was sent away and disappeared into the mirror world of dxd.

"Done~——!" When 'Merlin' (Yan) hid in the void as soon as he came back, he looked at the incarnations of the gods and the coalition forces who had returned to the top of the mountain.

Feeling the power in his body that was jumping wildly, simulating the star creation map.

Finally, a happy smile from the heart bloomed on his face.


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