Pfft——! A town on the border of the kingdom was currently undergoing a massacre by monsters.

A creature that resembles an alien and a Rahmu, its forelimbs penetrated the chest of a human flesh and blood,

That's a mother holding a baby...

Even before he died, he turned his back to the monster and held the child tightly in his arms, with tears in his eyes and a comforting and loving smile.


As long as you can save the child, even if you sacrifice your life, it becomes less scary.

But what can flesh and blood stop?

Finally, the fussy baby in his arms also stopped making noises.

The noisy voice disappeared——

A young man hid in a wine barrel piled among thatches, covering his mouth with his hands, with tears of despair, pain, and anger in his eyes.

'Dead...everyone -'

People in villages and towns were found one by one.

The gentle elder sister next door, the kind-hearted mother-in-law, the hard-working blacksmith uncle next door...

All - dead.

No matter how well everyone hides - they will be discovered one by one in the end.

Those monsters seemed to be able to detect their location.

But he obviously has the power to kill them immediately, but he still has to pretend to look for them, slowly find them one by one, and then kill them!

The sense of humiliation and fear of teasing prey has already swallowed up the young man's body and mind, and plunged him into complete despair——

At this moment, he was holding a magic crystal tightly in his hand.

The last scene seen in the magic crystal was still recalling in his mind.

Is the culprit of this disaster already dead?

But who will come back to deal with these monsters?

The militia organized in the town, as well as the knights and priests of the church, had long been killed and eaten by those monsters.

Can we still expect reinforcements to arrive at this time?

The young man no longer has extravagant hopes!

Maybe the next 'prey' found after being teased will be him!

Those monsters will never let him go.


He is so cowardly, fearful, and eager to continue living!

Even though I had just seen the scene of the tragic death of the mother and child, I almost shed tears of blood, but I didn't dare to let out a single roar.

I don't even dare to go out and fight that kind of monster.

Nothing can save—!

"..." What was more painful than the physical pain was the torment deep in the young man's heart at this time.

It was a kind of guilt for not being able to save everyone, a kind of crazy feeling of watching a living life die in front of one's eyes!

‘People born in such a world have no reason to die, and cannot even freely choose to die. ’ From this day on, the young man’s heart finally grew and matured.

He was thinking like that——

I also understand that there are no heroes in this world, no miracles or epic stories of saving the world in times of crisis.

The reality is——

Placing hope on others will only make you more painful and struggling when despair comes, without seeing the slightest light.

He likes heroes and has fantasized about becoming one - but today he has grown up!

I finally understand the cruelty of reality and can no longer continue to dream.

"It sucks, the whole world sucks." The young man murmured in a low voice, and at the same time, even if he covered his mouth with his hands, he couldn't control his emotions.

His tears couldn't stop flowing,


I no longer care too much about whether I will be discovered for speaking out.

The reason is already very simple...

Even the instinct of longing to live cannot be suppressed,

That was the fact that his spirit had begun to collapse in this highly stressful and exciting situation.

at the same time--

"Huh?!" On the street facing the boy, a monster with a huge head and a small body like a giant baby seemed to have just "heard" the voice and discovered the boy's location.

With a weird smile on his face, he slowly turned his head.

That scene is enough to scare any human being who looks up to his image.

I wonder if the original alien god also learned about the settings of various twisted monsters and warcraft from the epic.

The alien god originally had a strong taste and transformed all his monsters into such terrifying and terrifying appearances.

If he is said to be an evil god of evil, people wouldn't have the slightest doubt.

And this giant baby that makes people go crazy,

It also made the young man's pupils shrink, his expression became more painful and broken, and he burst into tears.

"Ah...dead, dead! I'm going to die soon! Martha, I'm going to come down and accompany you soon!" Until the danger of death is approaching,

Only when I was young did I remember,

Because it attracted firepower to him, he was surrounded and knocked down by monsters in despair. His childhood sweetheart reached out to him for help but got no response and died.

At that time, he turned around and ran away because of fear!

The monsters gnawed at the desperate and alive body of the girl,

Ignoring his escape,

But there were still bursts of ridicule!

Do you understand that it is impossible for a fw like yourself to escape from this terrible hell on earth? So I let myself go then.

But if I had known that no matter how hard I struggled, this would be the outcome!

At that time——

Maybe it was him who died, and maybe he would be more liberated!

The young man suddenly closed his eyes slowly and ignored the shaking of the mountain as he walked.

The behemoth that is approaching——

It was getting closer, he could sense that the monster was approaching.

It was over - everything could be over.

There was nothing to linger on.

A painful death was the best fate for a coward like him!

But -

If I had the power, what would I choose?

If I had the power to resist at that time, what would I do!

Chapter 1375 Do you want to be a partner of justice too? !

In reality, you won't be so lucky,

Meet a passing hero or knight and save yourself from suffering.

But even after understanding this cruelty,

In the confusion of his heart, the boy still couldn't help but fantasize -

If he was the hero with power,

Even if it was only a trivial power, a power that required a great price -

Even if he sacrificed himself, he could only barely save everyone.

If he had that power,

Give him another chance -

Would he take action? !

In his mind, he quickly recalled his life, his childhood sweetheart, and the scene of the mother with a smile and the tragic death of her young son.

These images stung his heart over and over again!


Shua~! Feeling that the monster's footsteps had stopped, it seemed that it had come to the front.

The boy raised his head and opened his eyes tremblingly.

What he saw was a giant baby-headed monster with yellow teeth, one huge eye, and the other black hole with nothing but emitting bright red light.


He had lost his voice because of the huge fear!

In an instant, whether it was unwillingness or grief, all were swallowed up by fear.

However——at this time, a voice sounded in the boy's heart, helping him suppress the fear.

'Even so——Do you still want to gain power? For revenge? Or just to live...'

'No, I want to protect those people and don't want to watch them die and feel helpless! ' The boy shouted subconsciously in his heart.


Originally, he thought that he would be mostly hateful, but he finally saw his heart clearly before he was about to die.

If possible -

He just didn't want to experience that feeling of helplessness again.

And just as this question from the heart began,

the whole world seemed to fall into black and white, and time seemed to stop.

The short and thick hand that the giant baby stretched out to the boy also stopped in mid-air.

The inner voice continued to ask back: "Do you really think that this world is worth protecting? '

The boy was suddenly stunned by this soul-like question-

'No world is more painful than living in this world-'

'In this world of constant loss, you can't protect anything. Even so, do you still choose to protect it? 'The voice asked in a deep voice.

Without any extra emotions,

it seems that no matter what answer the boy makes, he can't be moved.


Even in this black and white world that seemed to stop at this moment,

Looking at the giant baby monster in front of him, he still felt fear, and even the sense of horror that had just been suppressed was slowly returning...

But even so, he clenched his fists, then loosened them, and finally clenched them again.

After a lot of inner torment and struggle——

"That's right!! I want to protect them! I want to be...their hero!

If no one can stand up in this desperate world——

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