Of course Gilgamesh is indispensable among them, and the other one is Ramses II.

Being able to be put together with two great beings whose strength reaches the ceiling of heroic spirits,

It is itself a symbol of status and strength. (laugh jpg)

And such a powerful heroic spirit——

There are already some supermodels.

Putting it on such a small battlefield is really bullying those monsters.

But the monsters don’t think so——

Even the five major god coalition forces were defeated by them!

Is there anyone in this world who can stop them?

There are really too few strong people in this world.

Human beings are simply too weak——

Only the gods can bring some pressure to them!

And the monsters looked at the little sun-like figure like a sun god,

They couldn't help but feel the slightest suspicion rising in their hearts——

Is it...a god? !

Randomly, these monsters revealed ferocious, twisted smiles.

Regardless of whether he is a god or not, just twist off his beautiful and slender neck like a girl!


The moment when a group of monsters looked at the 'real monster' -!

! ! ! !

All the monsters looking at each other couldn't help but shudder!

Then, something terrible happened!

"A true hero kills with his eyes!" Suddenly, the handsome golden warrior said suddenly.

His eyes grew sharper,

Before even using the spear in his hand, the next moment - boom!

A soaring light cannon shot out from its eyes like blooming petals from its slightly tilted back brain!


Chapter 1,378: A level A is a nuclear explosion, and the eyes are wiped out!

A lotus-shaped light blooms in the eyes——!

The light cannon swept across, directly bringing up the smoke and dust in the sky——!

It's like cutting in two, cutting a huge horizontal line.

Many large monsters were directly cut in half——

The scorching light, the fracture that shed no trace of blood, and the monster's body that completely evaporated,

Seen from a distance, this spectacular scene,

Even the humans who are the enemies of the monsters feel terrified.

How terrifying——!

Is that really an attack that humans can unleash? !

"Is it a god?"

"Does anyone know that—sir?!" Some humans who survived and were still lingering on the battlefield murmured as they looked at the scene in shock.

And what they don’t know——

On the other side, people from all over the world who saw this scene through the magic crystal were even more shocked and felt crazy.


No—that’s a heroic spirit!

According to the meaning of Merlin's words, the kinds of things we see now, these unknown, dazzling and powerful existences,

They are all powerful heroes active in human history.

It may even be those demigod heroes who were as active as gods in the forgotten early days of the Age of Gods.

The appearance of these heroes is precisely to solve the disaster of this crisis world.

‘Not a god—but with such terrifying power...

Can you kill the enemy just by relying on your eyes without even moving the gun? ! How terrible——!

Isn't that the demigod hero Merlin mentioned? ’ People thought in a cold sweat.

If the battle on the side of vest No. 1, red A, is a walking art,

The combination of Crane Wings and Fantasy Collapse, combined with exquisiteness and damage, made people extremely excited.

So, here it is...

Boom~! ! !

"My name is Karna——! Destroy them with one blow! Monsters!" The white-haired beautiful boy, a warrior in golden armor, declared loudly and majestically,

He looked down coldly,

Then the hair flew against the wind and flew into the sky.

In the strong wind, his head swayed slightly, and the terrifying light cannon that had just cut through appeared again, and in the opposite direction, it swept across with a 'blade'.

A huge mushroom cloud rises from the horizon!

Everyone: "...!!"

Even the monsters were completely frightened into silence and fell to the ground one after another.

Even monsters far away——

At this moment, feeling the hot wind blowing from my nose,

It was as if he had just faced a life and death crisis.

Their hair stood on end and they took a few steps back shuddering.


What, what? ! what happened!

What the hell was that just now!

Forget about shooting terrifying hot wires from your eyes.

Cut open the earth and divide the plates with one blow——

This power is too exaggerated!

Moreover, is that a level A or a small skill?

Why can’t I see any consumption at all?

"It's not over yet!!" Then, when the monsters were all stunned and had a stress reaction from being frightened, Homura controlled the vest of 'Karna' and suddenly raised the spear in his hand!

A slight smile appeared on his face.

He didn't have so much power to waste in the past.

But now even a vest, after its perfection, can unscrupulously use the magic in the atmosphere to exert its power at will! !

As one of the few characters with high combat effectiveness,

It’s not enough to have a good time without releasing the Noble Phantasm all at once!

"O Sun Disk, obey death——!" Then, when the sound that sounded like the door of hell and death to countless monsters' ears quietly sounded,

Everyone, everything in the final field of vision disappeared——!

Only light remains!

It completely covers the earth, as if it is erupting from the inside of the world, tearing apart space and destroying everything!

'sun--! ’ In the end, countless monsters lost consciousness completely with only this last thought left in their minds.

And the people who had completely taken in the scenes in the broadcast room were stunned and silent.




Is this the combat effectiveness of top-level heroic spirits in reality?

Even in the previous immersive experience, I have seen the combat power of powerful heroic spirits such as Gilgamesh.

But after all, in reality there is no reference for comparison.

But after seeing those monster coalition forces that had just broken through the five major defense lines,

Immediately encountered a devastating ‘massacre’——

That's right, it can only be called a 'massacre', but it can't be called a battle at all!

How could a normal battle lead to such a crushing victory——!

The monster alliance caused headaches and even fear to the five major countries.

But in front of a person, he is as powerless as a baby.

There is nothing better than this for high-end players to return to Novice Village and abuse the spring water!

Without comparison, there is no harm——

Such a terrifying monster seems to be just like that now, mowing a large area like a lawn.

But people know

It's not that the monster has become weaker, and it's not really just that.


The man in front of me...the heroic spirit that is like a god in front of me is too strong, too powerful!

So strong that it's suffocating,

It's like you have entered another dimension.

Although it doesn't take any action like the Ritual Snake, its action is a grand scene that affects the entire world.

But every hit is a nuclear explosion...

The scene of releasing the Noble Phantasm is the same as losing the magic power.

Not only did it cause great fear and shadow to the monsters,

Even people looked at this scene blankly and felt shuddering.

at the same time--

Just when the five major countries were washing the earth with nuclear explosions.

On the other side——

In the Principality of Ceylon, Grand Duke Rhine, who is Yan's disciple... is leading his knights to fight on the front line.

Although the Hassan cult has gone to the Kingdom Founding Church next door to Sister Hitti,

Black Jeanne and White Jeanne are basically there too——

But Ceylon does not lack high-end combat capabilities.

The large number of fake machines left by Homura are no less powerful than the genuine ones in terms of military strength.

In addition, Yan will certainly not forget to send a vest to his base camp to rescue...

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