It came so suddenly, but it had an inexplicable magical power that made people feel calm and settled.

That voice was extremely clear - it was someone's 'memory of the past, a world of despair'.

"I can never forget—"

That day——

"Tears are about to come to my eyes, and I am genuinely happy to find someone alive, the figure of a man."

On the raging fire, in the ruins...

Following the guidance of his heart, the boy finally found the figure of the 'child'.

At this time, he was lying deep in the ruins, weakly stretching out his little hands as if to grab something in the night,

It was a boy with red hair,

At this time, a black-haired man in black clothes was frantically opening up the garbage around the child. Finally, with tears streaming down his face, he held the little hand tightly and carefully, and finally - the big hand held the little hand.

Hold it tightly and put it on your face. At that moment——

Both hearts seemed to have been redeemed!

And such a scene was deeply imprinted in the young man's eyes, and he was stunned for a while.

He looked at the child who was expressionless but still staring closely at the man,

He also looked at the man with tears streaming down his face, his eyes empty and desperate, mixed with a hint of redemption-like joy.

All kinds of complex emotions and the brilliance of human nature are all mixed in this short scene.

The young man could not immediately understand the heaviness and special feelings in it——

But it can't help but attract attention.

He didn't even have time to think about why he could hear the child's voice,

He didn’t come forward to talk to the man in black——

Just an image flashed through my mind.

That was exactly what I remembered, when I closed my eyes at the most desperate moment, but I never saw death for a long time.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the thought in my heart at the moment when the hero (heroic spirit) arrived.

Myself at that time——

That’s right!

He was rescued by others and was attracted by his figure.


Before he could continue thinking, the scene in front of him changed again.

When looking forward again,

The young man was shocked to find that he had arrived in a courtyard.

At this time, two familiar figures were reflected in his eyes again.

At that time——

An unknown amount of time has passed.

The red-haired child who was rescued seemed to have been adopted by the black-haired man after that.

Now the father and son are sitting in the courtyard quietly watching the cherry blossom trees in bloom.


The child asked his ‘adoptive father’ if he had any dreams when he was young.

Silence for a long time——

The man finally spoke and gave an answer that he had long given up on.

"—Be a righteous partner."

Chapter 1,389 "Partners of Justice", an extremely heavy dream!

"Partners of justice...?" Such a pure, simple and easy-to-understand term,

Inexplicably, the young man felt a little fluttering in his heart.

The person he wants to be in the future——

He is the one who can save everyone in times of need and no longer feel powerless.

If that's the case——

Ideal and justice, what beautiful words,

A thrilling feeling arose spontaneously, and he seemed to have found what he really wanted.


When he noticed the blank eyes of the black-haired man,

My heart sank again, feeling uneasy and heavy for no reason.

At this time, he still doesn't know what a desperate choice it will be to choose to become a righteous partner - and what a heavy price the two generations of the family who have chosen this path have paid.

"Then let me replace you, father's dream——"

The last thing that reached my ears was the hearty and simple response of the red-haired child.

The young man's body paused, and the heavy feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared.

When he looked at the adoptive father and son, he noticed that the black-haired man's eyes seemed to have regained a little color because of these words.

The child's innocent speech seemed to heal even the dead heart and regain some vitality.

Even though it was only for a moment——!

But that scene and that dialogue were also memorized by the young man.

'What happened to that red-haired child in the end...Did he inherit his father's legacy? ’

Looking at the father and son sitting together warmly under the cherry blossom tree.

The young man's heart was touched——

I even temporarily forgot to think about where this place is,

Instead, he became extremely curious about the future development of the red-haired child.

And his curiosity was quickly satisfied,

Because the scene in front of me changed again.

The scene that appeared this time seemed to have come an unknown number of years later.

The red-haired child grows into a young man,


There was a fleeting scene of the Holy Grail War and the battle between the heroic spirits, which shocked the young man.

There are also scenes of the red-haired young man continuing to train himself after the Holy Grail War and continue to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a 'partner of justice'.

The fragmented memory fragments began to piece together a person's complete life.

And on the other side...

‘Who is this red-haired young man? ! The figures of the heroes who fought just now...I seem to see the Girl Knight King and the Hero King Gilgamesh? ! ’

As a current Master and a loyal fan of Andersen,

The boy thought he couldn’t see it wrong...! He was completely stunned!

Among the many heroic spirits in the fleeting Holy Grail War, are the familiar figures the real ones?

Especially whether they are the King of Knights or the King of Heroes, they are both legendary heroic spirits!

How could they appear in the same era and start a fight?

Although the existence and setting of the Holy Grail War were briefly described in epics.

But that was already a long time ago,

It has nothing to do with the overall plot of the epic itself.

At this time, the young man did not immediately think of it.

...without waiting for him to continue to think carefully.

The scene in front of me changed again, it was countless hellish scenes.

It is the red-haired young man who travels around the world trying to save others, but many times he falls into desperate situations where he is unable to save humanity.

At this time, the memory world also turned into black and white.

This is hell——

This is also hell——

Repeatedly, I kept seeing scenes of hell.

Even though every scene just flashed by, it still made the young man feel a complete sense of depression.

Eventually, the world in front of me regained its luster, and finally stabilized on a picture.

The red-haired young man covered in blood was looking up at a scene of a blue ball of light.

As for the Master of Red A, for the first time, a piece of information flooded into the young man's mind, helping him quickly understand what the scene in front of him represented...

That was another ten years that passed,

A power station went on a rampage due to melting of the furnace core. Some employees sought refuge while others tried their best to stop the operation of the furnace core.

The red-haired young man set out towards the heart of the furnace wearing protective clothing that was not high enough. His skin was melted by the high temperature and his face became loose.

No matter how you looked at the situation, it was clear that the red-haired young man in front of you was about to die.

No matter how hard you try, you can't prevent the tragedy and subsequent accidents.

even so--

The man still used magic to barely maintain his body's motor skills and reached the control rod.

But this is already the limit.

What happens next is beyond human control,

Disasters cannot be controlled without considerable miracles.

'Does he want to... sacrifice himself to save the lives of nearly 500 people around the power station? ’

The message in his mind was clear enough for the boy to understand everything.

Even if he doesn't even understand what a power station is or what a furnace core is.

But this did not affect his understanding of what a terrible crisis it was.

There are even fragments in my mind about what kind of horrific disaster will happen after the crisis breaks out.

Nearly 500 people in the surrounding area will also be affected and lose their lives.

And for those who want to save these people.

For this reason, the red-haired young man did not hesitate to go to this field and make himself look so miserable and embarrassed to come here.

The young man felt a hint of sincere admiration and shock.

Obviously the strength is not very strong——

Far inferior to my own Archer,

But as a hero, there is also quite a lot of courage...


At this moment, he doesn’t care about his strength;

With just his will and soul, he is definitely an amazing hero!

The young man thought to himself.

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