The only ones who could defeat heroic spirits in that era were heroic spirits.

The Master's combat prowess was not considered at all.

The position of the Master in their minds is also very similar to that of the current Summoner——

They are all powerful summoned objects, but they are extremely fragile and need to be protected.

Have you ever seen a summoner who left the army of summons alone and rushed to the front line with his sword? emmm, at least until a certain melee mage or British swordsman appears,

People's impression of this crispy dish has never changed.

On the other hand, people had previously speculated that Shirou was also a heroic spirit who was summoned to the lower world.

Previously, Red A's memories of his life appeared in the form of Shirou.

This is even more misleading.


At the beginning of the epic, the plot has not yet officially begun to progress.

Just the first appearance of the male and female protagonists made people more and more confused.

No matter if it’s Rin who has a ‘goddess face of heaven (earth)’,

He should still be a heroic spirit, but now he is wearing a school uniform, looking like an ordinary human student.

Later, people finally knew his name - Emiya Shirou.

However, that is no longer important.

At this time, they all looked suspicious of life.

Could it be that the Holy Grail War has already begun?

Now the heroic spirit named Shirou is pretending to be a student of this school?

A heroic spirit disguised as a human?

Hiss~! Okay, scheming!

However, why was he bothered by others to repair electrical appliances? As a hero whose soul sublimated into a heroic spirit after death, he didn't show any impatience at all.

People were hesitant to speak, but in the end they could only suppress their blushes and bury this doubt in their hearts, waiting for the plot to be slowly 'revealed' later.


What they didn't expect was that after waiting until Shirou died, people realized that there was no such thing as a powerful heroic spirit pretending to be an ordinary person.

That's what happens next,

When he saw a blue spearman spinning and charging forward, he stabbed Shirou to death with one shot.

Then he is just an ordinary person (Emiya Shirou)!

A scumbag who is not even an orthodox magician! People finally recognized Shirou's fighting power at this time!

But before that,

People also saw the red Archer being summoned as expected.

The moment the familiar heroic spirit summoning circle lights up,

In reality, the boy who is the master of Red A also has a flash of passion in his heart!


This time there is Archer in the Holy Grail War!

Is he actually this young lady’s Servant?

Subconsciously, the young man looked at Tohsaka Rin at this time, uh - when he saw that heart-warming face again that was the same as the two goddesses in the legendary Sumerian mythology.

There was a complicated expression on the young man's face.

It's Archer's other master this time, whose identity... is a bit confusing!

Chapter 1,402: Lost in learning! Is this the so-called experience of seniors?


As the plot progresses, the ancestral nature of the Tosaka family is also exposed.

Shouldn't it be said that she has the same face as that shameful Venus goddess?

Although she is so cute, she always has Yan Yi that makes people happy to see her.

At first, people thought this was the formal process for summoning Servants in the Holy Grail War.

Because there seemed to be an error in the teleportation location when Archer was summoned,

Drop directly into another room.

And as the plot progresses,

Only then did everyone realize that it was Rin who had misjudged the best time to summon.

And originally she wanted to summon Saber, but she didn't expect that it was Archer who ended up summoning her.

Although it is also one of the three major knight job agencies.

However, because most of the powerful heroes in history were sabers who used swords as weapons,

Therefore, the heroic spirits of Saber Job Agency can often exert more of the original power of the heroic spirits.

It doesn't mean that Saber is the strongest, but it is indeed the job that is most suitable for Heroic Spirits to display their original strength.

‘Even so——Archer must be the strongest one! 'The Red A Master in reality, the young man said with such conviction.

He is even more confident than Rin at this time!

If it weren't for the red-haired young man Archer "hit his old enemy" in the previous short film,

It’s not that easy for other heroic spirits to defeat Archer, right?


It seems that the protagonist of this epic is a girl named Rin?

Always describing the story from her perspective.

Judging from the progress of previous epics...

Even if this group fails to win in the end,

We will definitely reach the end of the epic plot.

Doesn't this also demonstrate the strength of their group? !

Thinking of this——

Almost everyone feels that the two should work very well and harmoniously.

And then go all the way to the end of the Holy Grail War.


Because Red A means disobeying orders, the battle and strategy are all set by him alone. The Master only needs to hide and survive.

Since ancient times, archers have been hard to serve——! There's nothing better to say than this!

But the more he listened, the more furious Rin became. He was like a dynamite barrel that exploded on the spot!

After seeing the rich and powerful man, without saying a word, he directly gave Red A a one-stroke command spell package of 'absolutely obey orders'!

‘! ! ! ’ Everyone was shocked.

"The Command Seal was used?"

How could it be so easy——

Many masters from other worlds who originally wanted to learn from the experience of their predecessors in the Holy Grail War,

Seeing this demonstration of the 'correct' way to use the command spell, I was instantly confused.

Me, who am I? What am I watching and learning?


Why does it seem a bit unreliable? Is this really right?

Is the use of the command spell too fast and too childish?

Even those of them who have become monks on the road can understand the importance of command spells, protect them carefully, and never waste any opportunity to use command spells.

As a result, Rin in the epic was used up so easily.

This is beyond their imagination.

But what these Masters never expected was——

In the future, after the epic of the four battles also appeared, Tokiomi Tosaka's cowardly performance when facing Archer was compared.

In the end, he was teamed up with his disciples and Servants to play with him until he died.

Thinking back to today’s situation——! !


People can’t help but sigh——

It's us who are superficial. This is called a Command Seal! This is the correct way for the Master to unfold.


When will the masters be able to stand up straight and feel proud?

Even Archer, who is the most difficult to serve, still has to hold back his dissatisfaction in front of the Command Seal! This is the right code!

Not to mention——

They are also summoned archers,

The treatment of the Tohsaka father and daughter is as good as heaven and earth, which is completely opposite to the master-slave relationship of a Servant.


People nowadays are still very suspicious of this kind of scumbag behavior by ‘newbies’.

Even Rin himself, after using the command spell, was questioned by Red A out of control,

He couldn't help but look away with a blush.

However, after going through such a special experience, I don't know if the command spell really worked, or if his straightforwardness was recognized by him.

People saw a scene where Red A re-examined her Master, admitted that she was a first-class magician, and expressed her willingness to obey her command in the future.

For a moment, a bunch of black question marks seemed to rise above everyone's heads: '? ? ? ’

What's going on——

Archer, who had a provocative face and an irritating attitude before,

Faced with such a ridiculous experience, he actually recognized his Master?

Did they not wake up?

Or is there something wrong with this world...

People were silent.

The young Master of Red A widened his eyes and subconsciously looked to his side.


Now he is in an immersive epic world, he is a conscious body, and there is no red A guarding him.

Otherwise, he really wanted to see what his Servant looked like at this moment.

I didn’t expect you to be such an Archer? ! !

Hiss~! After learning (and failing), the young man felt a little excited inside.

If you want to go back, cast a command spell on Red A.

And at the moment when such thoughts arose, the young man suddenly felt a chill all over his body and shuddered.


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