W-what's going on?

Why did he kneel down suddenly?

Could it be that Berserker gave Emiya Shirou a blow before leaving?

Umm, um, um? !

Confused, everyone was dumbfounded.

Invisible attacks are the most deadly——

Obviously they are from God's perspective,

Even though he thought he was looking very carefully, he didn't notice at all what happened just now, Shirou just knelt down.

Everyone was speechless for a moment and fell into deep surprise.

The master of Red A is also one of the many confused and overwhelmed spectators.


As the Master, he was more concerned about Red A's affairs. He suddenly remembered Red A's 'joyful' smile after shooting the arrow just now.

? !

No, it must be an illusion.

No matter how you think about it, these two things are just 'coincidences'.

His Archer is not the strange and dangerous-looking priest who always gets 'joyed' by some inexplicable things.

A boy who firmly believed that his Servant must have been a great hero during his lifetime.

'How could Archer be happy because he accidentally injured Emiya Shirou...' The boy shook his head hard, feeling that he was overthinking.

Chapter 1,423 Is this really not the ruins of Uruk? !

But soon——


But that kind of internal injury seems to be Archer's fault.

If it wasn't Berserker's sneak attack, it should be the aftermath of the arrow that damaged his internal organs! ’

Although Shirou pulled Saber away in time.

But at such a close distance,

Even if the arrow has a very good range, it is impossible to say that it has no impact on the surrounding areas at all.

Not only the boy, but others also reacted quickly.

If it weren't for the delay in Shirou's internal injury, people would have figured it out long ago.

At this time, people only regarded it as a...'coincidence'——

It must be a 'coincidence', right? !

I thought with some uncertainty,

Some people have begun to doubt this,

They gradually realized that Red A seemed to be targeting Shirou.

But it can only be regarded as because the two sides are hostile.

For a moment, people who thought about this were silent...

Especially those masters from other worlds with keen minds——

‘Sure enough, there are no permanent allies, we only fight enemies together because of temporary interests.

Seize the opportunity - Even those who fought side by side at the last moment will not hesitate to deal with it together with the enemy. ’

That last arrow, if Shirou hadn't run over and pulled Saber away in time,

Don’t you want to kill the King of Knights too?

Good calculation——!

Even - he wouldn't have even calculated that Shirou Emiya stepped forward to pull Saber away, right?

People suddenly shuddered,

No, if that step is really taken care of,

Archer's scheming is a bit too deep.

The ancient heroes were not only brave but also so outstanding in intelligence and cunning?

(Red A: "..."

He really didn't think that much,

I simply want to kill my past self along with it. )

But in people's eyes, that kind of 'targeting' is just a layout, a way of fighting in the Holy Grail War.

It’s a very clever ‘means’!

That is not a shameful behavior, but it makes people want to say "well done"! I think this is a strong display of adaptability!

And this also made the masters of other worlds wary,

After even more determination, if the Holy Grail War started in this era, they would never be stupid enough to find any allies, stay with other Masters and take action.

Who knows if Shirou will be stabbed in the back by a heroic spirit like Red A just like Shirou this time?

Kill two birds with one stone and kill Saber and Berserker together!

If Saber is rescued, Saber's master can also be killed. The plan works!

Strong——This Archer is too strong, isn't it?

No matter how you look at his ‘plan’, it’s not bad!

At this moment, even the boy who was the Red A Master in the different world was so excited that his face turned red, and he obviously thought so.

What a reliable Servant!

Just when people thought that the Saber team would be eliminated.


Until dawn the next day,

In the middle of the journey, Shirou also dreamed of a world controlled by infinite swords. Not only did he not die when he woke up...

There is also a beautiful girl waiting by my side.

As the master of Red A, Rin has no intention of taking advantage of others' danger.

Before leaving, he even provided a lot of help to Shirou and Saber.

This also made many people feel sorry for Red A.

The Master is so kind, it’s really hard for him!

This didn't even eliminate one group?

After all, in people's eyes, all this was Red A's careful layout, but now this opportunity has been wasted.

Afterwards, Shirou and Saber communicated in the dojo.

Saber praised Shirou for preparing the magic to heal him in advance——

But he didn't know that it was actually his own Noble Phantasm 'Avalon' that was working.

Then she mentioned the time when Shirou risked his own life to save himself, and warned him not to do such dangerous actions.

Why did he risk his life for her after just knowing her for a short time...

After learning that Shirou chose to trust her just because they shook hands once, Saber was obviously touched.

After that, facing Shirou who could not provide mana recovery but could make up for it by cooking delicious dishes, her favorability continued to increase.

But this also made her look more guilty when she said that she could not tell Shirou's real name.

The reason was that she was worried that Shirou, as a magician, was immature and his mind would be read by others... resulting in his real name being exposed——!

But in front of people who already knew his real name...

After hearing that Shirou could not know the king's real name for this reason——

"Don't pretend, I know you are my king!"

"The Knights of the Round Table are here to report! My king, you are still brilliant today!" A group of knight king fans said excitedly.

At this moment, she even felt a little happy and happy?

Even my king's master doesn't know my king's identity,

but they know...!

Inexplicably a little proud? ! Hahahaha

That is--

Damn, why aren't they the Masters in the Holy Grail War? If they were also the Masters, they might have summoned the Knight King by now!

Later, Fujimura Taiga called and ordered Shirou to deliver food to the school's archery club.

Saber said she wanted to protect Shirou's safety and followed him, taking this opportunity to discover the abnormal magic fluctuations in the school.

In order to check for safety risks, Saber even asked Shirou to take her around the school.

It is worth mentioning that--

Sakura, who was practicing archery in the archery club, finally showed up again.

She had a sense of coolness in her archery uniform that she didn't have in her usual school uniform, and her gentle temperament, the charm mixed together is needless to say--

People couldn't help but look at this "ordinary person" a few more times.

Well, at least in people's eyes now, this is just an ordinary school girl passerby, and there is nothing special about her.

On the contrary, after seeing Fujimura Taiga as Shirou's teacher!

"......!!! Leopard, Leopard Man?!"

God--! Why are you here?

Everyone was shocked.

Just like the surprise when they first saw Rin's face that looked like the goddess of heaven and the goddess of earth,

the one who appeared in front of them at this time was clearly the forest goddess who appeared at the Uruk singularity!

The questions that had been gradually stopped resurfacing, and people were horrified.

Is it a coincidence?


If it is a coincidence, how could it be so coincidental? It's the same face again!

All kinds of doubts flashed in people's eyes! For a while, the heart was surging with huge waves!

There are too many familiar faces,

plus King Gilgamesh who appeared not long ago,

if Rin didn't show the side of a goddess now, people would doubt whether this is a city built on the ruins of Uruk!

And are these beings the incarnations of the goddess of the singularity in the world!

Is this place really not called Uruk? ! Will a Tima pop up later! Fuck——!

This is a bit——scary!

Chapter 1,424. Has he never laughed since then?

Outrageous——! This is outrageous!

At this moment, people are confused...

Even if an ordinary person (or Kingo) who looks exactly like Enkidu appears in the next moment, they will... not find it strange?

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