Obviously, they didn't know what was going on, and they were confused now.

But it must be said that they were indeed attracted by their curiosity.


'Hercules——! I seemed to have seen the figure of that terrifying hero just now! 'Someone thought with a palpitation.

Although the magic thread invaded and bound Shirou's body, it also caused him to see part of the source of magic,

part of the scene reproduced in the memory of that heroic spirit!

Naturally, it was the scene in the famous story of Jason and the Golden Fleece.

Although the protagonist is Jason,

there is no doubt that Hercules was also a member of the hero's ship.

What Shirou saw just now was the scene on the Argo.

And the next moment,

Just when people were still thinking about the understanding of the contradictory definition of "betrayal\

,"the picture in front of them suddenly changed again and came to the center of Liudong Temple.

And the sky under the night sky of Liudong Temple is completely different from the previous memory fragment.

Adding such a "real" feeling.

It is obvious that the "memory fragment" has ended.

When people looked forward again, they soon saw Shirou's condition at this time--!

Now he was locked in the center by a thin silk thread, and was shaped like a cross--

'Uh, he was not killed directly,

but was taken outside?

Where is this place? ! '

People were stunned by the unexpected scene in front of them.

Until Shirou opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Ryuudou Temple!"

"Yes, it's Ryuudou Temple!" A pleasant female voice sounded from the void.

Then people saw that in the empty central field,

a thick black magic fog with an ominous style suddenly appeared.

Then a mysterious female Servant with a cloak, who looked extremely dangerous, emerged from it.

And with such a shape and strange appearance,

people had already guessed her identity without Shirou saying anything--

'Caster! ? '

Chapter 1,434 The gatekeeper appeared, and everyone said: Strange Assassins have increased again!

Being able to take Shirou away without alerting Saber,

it was obviously a Servant who took action!

The Heroic Spirits of the Three Knights had already seen them,

and even knew their identities as Berserkers and Cavalrymen.

The only ones left were Caster as a wizard and Assassin as an assassin.

The strange silver thread had made people wonder if an assassin had taken action.

But looking at the situation——it was Caster?

When did a magician become so versatile? He could even assassinate part-time!

Everyone subconsciously looked at C-mother, wanting to know what kind of Servant this was,

and C-mother's performance did not disappoint them, she was very strong.

As an enemy, she showed coldness and cruelty in forcing Shirou to take his Command Seal, full of the aura of a villain boss.

With just a few words, she brought the sense of cunning and vicious danger to the highest level.

People did not expect that Shirou, who could not even kill a powerful Heroic Spirit like Hercules, would be trapped here.

And when Saber arrived late but was blocked by the barrier outside the door,

she could only jog up through the gate.

At this time, Caster was about to attack Shirou.

In order to seize the Command Seal, he even planned to extract Shirou's magic circuit directly...

In the eyes of the people in the other world, they have automatically understood the magic circuit as the familiar spirit corridor.

The settings of the two are very similar...

And knowing that the thing is linked to vitality, once it is extracted, the consequences are obvious.

People's faces suddenly changed, and they all felt anxious for Shirou and Saber.


Catch up! ! Almost there!

And people's vision kept switching between the two sides, and finally came to Saber's side.

Finally——they saw Saber had run to the steps in front of the gate.

As long as they crossed the steps and passed the gate of Ryudo Temple, it seemed that Caster was performing the peeling magic on Shirou?

‘If Saber had arrived in time now—;’ People subconsciously thought of this scene,

They were cheered up!


The wind, the warm breeze blew down from the steps first, and with it,

the skirt of a handsome man in samurai clothes fluttered.

At this moment, people raised their heads, and when they saw the samurai with a long sword on his back who appeared in front of the gate and completely blocked the door,

their breathing also stopped for a moment with this tense atmosphere.

The most classic battle plot is about to come.

It will be a contest of skills reaching the peak.

Compared with those who don’t know what kind of fierce battle is about to happen,

they pay more attention to the ‘skirt’ as a proof of strength.

The clothes that are obviously different from those of modern people—

“Servant?!” Everyone murmured in disbelief and doubt.

The hesitation is because there is already a Caster in Liudong Temple...

Generally speaking, unless it is an alliance, there should be no situation where two heroes stay in the same place.


No one has yet figured out what the relationship between the man in front of them and Caster is, but as to whether he is a Servant or not,

But I soon understood.

‘Sasaki Kojiro’——

The man who claimed to be his 'real name' directly revealed his job description and his real name.

And just when Saber wanted to give her real name out of etiquette,

That classic, pretentious scene appeared.

"It doesn't matter...

If you want to know the enemy, this knife is enough.

If you want to pass here, you have to win first. "Slowly and elegantly, he pulled out the long knife from his back and pointed the tip of the knife at the ground.

That moment of calmness and indifference made this guy pretend to be perfect, and his obviously arrogant words did not sound so arrogant...

The Servant suddenly appeared and blocked Saber's path to the gate.

"Assassin? How could it be!" With the appearance of the last mysterious servant, everyone was stunned.

What a heroic spirit——

And he even revealed his real name when he came up, even interrupting Saber to reveal her real name.

But what kind of ‘employment agency’ did you just say you were?

Assassin? Isn't that an assassin?

Assassin, now he comes out openly and prepares to fight with the swordsman who is the head of the three knights?

For a moment, I have to say that people were a little shocked by such a scene!

This courage is amazing——!

Random, it’s the anger after shock——

Dissatisfied with him for being so arrogant.


Sasaki Kojiro? Who!

Pretending like this? Does he know who the enemy he is facing is? ’

People have understood this before,

If the true name of a heroic spirit is known, it will be easy for people to find out their weaknesses and target them because of the stories recorded in their history.

Even Artoria hid her real name well, not even telling Shirou.

But Assassin is so 'frank' and obviously doesn't care if his real name is known to others.

If you understand it more deeply, it means taking the initiative to expose your own weaknesses, but not wanting to know the weaknesses of others.

How confident is someone in his own martial arts that he dares to issue such an arrogant invitation to my king?

Is this humility?

But I, the majestic Holy Sword user, the ever-victorious and undefeated Eternal King, the British Red Dragon—do I need you to give in? !

For a moment, the stupid fans exploded!

"Kill him to death, my king!"

"Let this guy see the power of the Holy Sword!" People shouted and cheered.

But suddenly——

His vision changed again, coming to Shirou's side.

At this moment, Caster's hand shining with magical light was pressing the command spell on the back of Shirou's hand.

And Shirou kept making screams.

The appearance of the scene in front of them instantly made people calm down, but they were soon dumbfounded again.

‘Oops! ’

People's expressions changed, and then they remembered that now is not the time to support Wang.

The king’s master is about to die!

Now is the time to race against time,

It was already a critical moment before there was even the slightest chance of saving Shirou, but now Saber is being held back.

It should be impossible to kill the so-called Assassin and rush over in such a short time!

Unless that Assassin is a weakling and a weak Servant, he can be dispatched by Saber in an instant.

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