There is no way to go to the sky, and the left and right are completely closed. This is exactly what they say!

So - they saw the real 'hell'.

"——The return of Yan!" Sasaki Kojiro shouted out the name of the secret sword in a cold voice.

A golden flash of light, like the power of heaven, illuminated the extremely cold face of the handsome young man with a single ponytail.

closely followed,

They are three dark and deep purple lights——

No, that's not just light refraction,

People who temporarily have the powerful five-sense experience of Saber can perceive the true form of that light.

The light of the sword——!

Those were three sword lights flashing out at the same time!

‘How is that possible! ’ At this moment, in another world... Even if the sword master Harut, who claims to be proficient in various martial arts, suddenly speaks, his pupils shrink.

The most talented swordsman in the kingdom who could quickly learn the art of shrinking his feet, and who once made "Second" live in the shadow of despair and depression all his life when he was active.

It is also he who is now a sword master,

He couldn't understand what happened just now.

After all—

For the enemies he faced in the past, if those martial arts skills could still be explained using principles and there were traces to follow! (I don’t know if anyone still remembers the second-day swordsman who has a skill similar to the shrinking leg. It appeared in the plot at the beginning of this book... I’ll mention it if I suddenly remember it.)

If his talent allows him to understand skills that humans can understand in an instant,

So just now——!

‘Totally incomprehensible! ’

...Harut had a confused look on his face.

When Zeng Jin faced the powerful Hero King Gilgamesh, he felt ashamed and gave up the title of 'Hero King'.

He believed that he was not qualified to bear the title of king, let alone the same title as the great and ancient king.

But the name of Sword Master is his last and greatest pride!

That is fundamentally different!

Chapter 1,439 Everyone:? ! Are you using this horrible thing to kill swallows?

Compared to him who has never recognized his status as a ‘king’,

Maybe I don’t care that much about the title of King of Heroes.

But his skills have always been his source of confidence...


'What just...happened...? ’ His face became serious.

It was obvious that there could be no skills that he could not understand.

That's not boasting,

But in the long battle, as a true warrior who has been tempered many times, he finally realized the fact that he was an 'alien'.

He is different from others,

The biggest difference is the innate ability to learn combat in the near-divine realm!

No matter how difficult the fighting skills are,

Even if it takes ordinary people decades of study to master skills, he can instantly see through them, learn them, and then integrate them to create new ones.


He couldn't learn the attack of the secret sword just now.

Not to mention that I have learned it, I can’t even understand it at all!

So, today, the ‘heterogeneous’ was broken!

Although he really didn't want to admit it, he just seemed...

‘Can’t see anything clearly? 'Muttering like this, Harut said words that even he couldn't believe.

in other words--

He couldn't even help but have the thought that a weak person often has - 'Is that just now really a sword skill? ’

Because I can't understand,

So - it's even somewhat difficult to admit that it's something that actually exists.

"I actually dodged my secret sword!" Sasaki Kojiro.

On the other side, in this immersive epic, people's five senses have been disconnected from Artoria.

But he didn't see the scene of blood splattering that he had sensed before.

Instead, I saw Saber rolling down the steps and standing up again despite being embarrassed.

What's going on?

At this time, the people also had expressions of horror and fear on their faces, looking at the handsome warrior with great fear, and there was no longer any curiosity or infatuation in their eyes.

More powerful beings such as the God of Alchemy and the Sword Master Harut have been seen.

On the contrary, there are fewer people who can appreciate it, most of them are ordinary people, because they have a greater fear of life and death, and now their reactions are even more intense!

Just now--

I really feel like I'm going to die!

What kind of brilliant and indescribable sword is that?

Even King Arthur felt a fatal crisis...!

What people didn't expect was that Artoria, who had a premonition of death, still dodged the blow.

Then, as a description emerged in people's minds, people also understood how Artoria had escaped the blow just now.

It was probably the ability of [intuition] that saved a life at a critical moment, but it was also very reluctant.

Simply put, it is a keen sixth sense.

This also reminds people that Saber also avoided Lancer's killing blow before, and it seems that she also relied on this "intuition" skill.

There is also the experience of connecting the five senses just now.

People were stunned for a moment - then they understood something...

‘So that vision that was a precursor to death was not a hallucination... but a real vision of the future? ! Is that intuition? ’

I saw the scene of my own death in advance, and then tried my best to avoid it!

Everyone took a breath,


This is Saber too, right? If it were them, would they have time to react?


Those thoughts passed through people's minds.

It's really as strong as a monster!

Regardless of whether it was Sasaki Kojiro who used the terrifying secret sword,

Artoria still managed to dodge that killing sword.

They are all like bugs!

Who in their right mind could do what they just did?

And people who have just been brought into Saber's position once and experienced the terrifying secret sword once...

Can express clearly...

If it were them, let alone changing the fate of death,

Even if the crisis is sensed in advance,

They were already frightened and didn't know how to escape!

It is precisely because of this that

Although Sasaki Kojiro's attack just now failed to kill Saber, people were still sweating profusely, realizing what a terrifying sword it was.

In other words,

This kind of unexpected instant kill in one encounter!

Isn't it more dangerous and hard to guard against than those Noble Phantasms that are visible from the front?

This man actually hid his ultimate move in level A?

Then, just when people were horrified, shocked, and frightened by that incredible secret skill,

But they heard a speech that was incomparable to Versailles,

"Actually, this isn't a powerful move. It's just a technique I mastered accidentally when I wanted to kill Feiyan.

In the final analysis, the sword below is just a line, and it is impossible to catch the swallows flying in the sky.


If there were two or three such [lines], it would be different.

But those guys are very dexterous, and they have to be superimposed while holding their breath to be able to kill them. Such moves are inhuman skills.

There's nothing else to do. That's what it's called. This was already the case when I came back to my senses. "

As he spoke, Sasaki Kojiro lifted up the long sword with a calm and calm face, turned the blade side over and pointed it upward, watching the fallen leaves fall as the sword was broken.

The sharp knife flashed with a bright white light under the moonlight, making people swallow their saliva and make their pupils shrink again.

In line with Sasaki Kojiro's explanation just now, for some reason, he announced his family background...

Although it may be somewhat intentional,

But the effect is very good,

At this moment, his forcefulness has indeed successfully shocked everyone.


‘What swallow needs to be killed with such a terrifying slash? ’ People complained in their hearts.

Hey, is that really a swallow?

Although from Sasaki Kojiro's words, I understood a little bit about the principles behind the birth of the sword just now...


In other words, after listening to it, I feel even more incomprehensible, incredible and unreasonable!

At least that’s what Sword Master Harut is like now!

With a "..." expression on his face!

His face was now filled with confusion and confusion as to "What did you just say?"

At this time, Harut began to understand the secret sword more and more.

Could it be that his talent has deteriorated and it really doesn't work anymore?

And at this moment, Saber: "That's not right!"

It wasn't her words, but Artoria's inner voice that attracted people, making them turn their heads involuntarily.

'wrong? ’ People looked at Saber in surprise and confusion.

Harut locked his eyes on Artoria, his brows furrowed.

In his heart, he didn't know what kind of answer he expected to hear from the King of Knights.


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