They also understood that this time they really couldn't blame him.

‘That man tried hard but still couldn’t get his daughter back? ’ Someone lamented inwardly.

If you give him a glimmer of hope,

With the look of this sad man now, people can feel (believe) that he will try to hold on to that glimmer of hope even if it means risking his life.

But is this fate?

If he hadn't been unable to see a glimmer of hope, that man with an extremely strong heart wouldn't have shown such a desperate look.

Although Emiya Kiritsugu's justice is twisted, his will is strong.

People can clearly feel it in just the last few clips.

Got it——

Everything makes sense now.

Thinking about it this way, people suddenly understood why Illya treated Shirou so specially.

My father, who was full of trust, did not show up until the end.

Even though it happened for a reason——


It just so happens that he has an adopted son outside... Ugh!

People suddenly thought that Illya would not think that Kiritsugu abandoned her because of Shirou!

! ! !

Chapter 1451: On the feasibility of cutting down the light cannon with a Tai Sword? !

It seems really possible!

Who can bear this...

Illya, who was left in Einzbern at that time, was so young!

It would be nice for anyone who has suffered such 'unfair' treatment since childhood and is not distorted and wronged to the point of blackening, and would go back and kill his father to sacrifice him to heaven.

As for the unfounded 'brother', why don't you be cruel?

This wave is completely revenge.

Thinking about it——

People found that Illya's behavior in the last battle was quite gentle and soft-hearted.

Well, people's expressions became a little weird for a moment, and they couldn't help but show pity when they thought of Shirou.

This child is probably the only one who is still kept in the dark.

If you want to blame, just blame your dad for being so useless!

He can't even protect his wife and children well.

This is really a father's debt repaid by his son!

If you think about it carefully, Emiya Shirou will become an orphan, which seems to be the reason why Kiritsugu asked Saber to strike that sword.

Although no one could have imagined that the Holy Grail would turn out to be black after being split open, and it would cause such a horrific disaster——

But the trigger, the source of everything... is indeed Kiritsugu.

"Ah... it's so miserable. His family was ruined by someone, and he has to be hunted down by his sister when he grows up - Shirou is so miserable!" Some people couldn't help but mutter to themselves.

To be an epic hero and achieve this level,

It really makes people don’t know what to say. Although it is not that there have been more tragic protagonists, such as the young prince who was locked up by a strong man,

Such as the Saint of Orleans who was put on the grill, and the dragon-slaying hero who was sorry every day.

There is also Jin Pika, who has a certain elixir stolen and can only watch his friends die and has no way to save himself. He is no less aggrieved...

But at least he still had his shining moments and left a magnificent poem.

Although Emiya Shirou has amazing achievements in the short film, people have not seen a sudden increase in his strength.

In the final analysis, he was losing from the beginning to the end, constantly being singled out, and constantly being abused - he was probably the weakest protagonist they had ever seen.

Is it really doubtful that this man is the same person as the ridiculously strong guy in the short film?

And people think of what they saw before——

The memories of Emiya Shirou becoming a heroic spirit,

Although they did not see the final image of 'Red A', they only saw Shirou's experiences during his lifetime...

But that only temporarily blinded people's eyes, preventing them from knowing the truth that the two were the same person.

But that hellish experience will never go away.

It seems that the future Shirou Emiya has also embarked on the path of being a 'partner of justice'.

I see--

"I asked you why the terrifying life of Emiya Kiritsugu looked so familiar just now..." Hermitos, the God of Alchemy, muttered.

Isn't this exactly the same as the hell scene Shirou Emiya saw?

If I remember correctly,

That Shirou must have been sent to the gallows at the last moment of his life.

Things that are obviously just sitting around saving others...

In fact, you have to keep killing people,

Even if they are evil people, most of them are strangers who have nothing to do with his life!

Can there really be such a fool?

It's so stupid that it's touching and admirable,

Constantly fighting on the battlefield for the lives of others.

Hermitos doubted that the last Shirou Emiya was feared by all the forces on the battlefield because his behavior was too abnormal, so he united to capture and execute him!

But he doesn't hate this idiot, and even somewhat appreciates this persistence;

I just feel a little sad——

Although there are not many clips of the immersive epic currently being played, Hermitos can already vaguely see what kind of character Emiya Shirou is.

There is a fundamental difference in character between that boy and his adoptive father.

Although they all want to be ‘just partners’…

But he is not so pedantic and twisted that he would attack those around him.

"Probably..." Hermitos pondered. God's wisdom is not always useful, but he felt that he must have read it correctly this time.


Golden divine light flowed in his pupils, and he stared at Emiya Kiritsugu who finally fell in the snow without any emotion.

If that kid was like you...

That's the greatest sadness.

There will not be two identical people in this world. If there were, it would be too boring and... too sad!

For some reason, Hermitus suddenly became excited at this moment.

I hope that the red-haired boy can bring me some different feelings.

Emiya Kiritsugu's life was completely explained in just a few minutes in the Holy Grail Questions and Answers.

Let people understand what a righteous partner is,


As an adopted son, what kind of 'just partner' can Shirou bring?

Will you follow in your father's footsteps?

I remembered the last scene I saw Shirou Emiya, when he was cut down by Red A, a scene he called 'hypocrisy'.

There is also the saying ‘Drown to death with your ideals’! It sounds strange, like words that hate iron but cannot become steel.

Hermitus suddenly thought deeply——

The mysterious red Archer and Emiya Shirou?

These two people...

There was a flicker of light in his eyes as if he had discovered something, but he said nothing. No one knew what the god of alchemy was thinking at this moment.

However, after a long time...the Lord God's mouth suddenly curved.

Ah, it seems to be more interesting than imagined! !

Wow~! The vision returned to light again, and people were in a daze for a moment, and then found that they had returned to the steps of Liudong Temple.

"Shirou!!" Saber rushed up and hugged Emiya Shirou as he rolled down the steps.

After the attack failed, Red A did not pursue immediately but hid.

Sasaki Kojiro murmured at the plate: "Did that female fox (Caster) retreat?"

Only then did Saber have time to turn around, look at Kojiro who was slowly sheathing his sword and asked: "Assassin, why didn't you attack me just now?"

"It's nothing, I'm just fascinated by it. Although the expression on his face when he is fighting for his life is not bad, the look on his face when he is anxious for his master's thoughts is also hard to let go. I can't help but admire it attentively.

I had a great time tonight, and that’s it for leaving now. "

People were stunned when they saw the samurai who looked as elegant as walking around at home admiring flowers.


I let it go on purpose!

So willful?

They can't understand the Servant Sasaki Kojiro.

It was obvious that they were still fighting to the death just a moment ago.

Just like they can't understand the red A now,

I tried my best to save Shirou before, but...

People were hesitant to speak.

Then we saw Assassin pretending to say, "It's hard to find a strong enemy. If you don't go all out, it will be a pity to kill him."

This reason is finally not as absurd as before...

"I see, do you hope that the enemy can go all out before being defeated by you? A spirit worthy of respect...but-" People suddenly thought of Saber's state when she was at full strength...


Those light cannons were all over the ground, and they served as the final boss of the singularity more than once, with a powerful figure that was both blackened and deified.

A holy sword that can clean the ground even in normal conditions,

If you want to fight Saber with all your strength, your courage is commendable!

That man seems to have said before that he has no extra Noble Phantasm, right? He only knows swordsmanship?

But can his strongest sword skill, Yan Hui, who has reached the fold of the dimension, be used to cut down the light cannon?

People couldn't help but think seriously.

Chapter 1,452 What is the relationship between Red A and Emiya Shirou?

On the other side, let’s not talk about whether the long knife in the opponent’s hand can cut the light cannon——

Sasaki Kojiro's magnanimity and calmness are indeed admirable.

As if he was afraid that Saber wouldn't be able to accept this statement, Sasaki Kojiro asked - I don't think I owe him a favor, right?

It just so happens that Saber also likes this.

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