Of course——

I didn’t want to protect him and let him stay with Shirou and others and not run around.

Rather, I wanted to teach him a lesson.


Doesn’t this make people more curious? !

Like Hermitos, she also guessed that the one who attacked Erye and others should not be a heroic spirit, but a simple human being.

But is there really a human being who is so strong that he beat Rider to death in just a few minutes? !

Isn’t it said that the mystery will fade in the future, and after the end of the Age of Gods, heroic epics will become a distant story?

I didn’t see that Rin and her group of magicians were that strong before!

Even Illya——

Well, fighting Rin is okay, but it’s impossible to fight a monster like Servant head-on!

Speaking of which——

Before, the Blood Temple was opened! This is obviously Rider’s home court!

It’s even more incredible to kill the enemy in the enemy’s home court!

If she thinks about the scene in the short film where Shirou can also beat up the Heroic Spirit, the girl suddenly shuddered and felt that she had opened the door to a strange world.

'A truly powerful human should learn to fight against the Heroic Spirit alone? ! '

Thinking of this -

The girl shuddered, but she hoped that the Heroic Spirit would kill the rider, at least that would not be too outrageous and acceptable.

If she was asked to learn to fight against the Heroic Spirit alone...

"..."The girl,

Hehe, why do you have such a horrible idea, spare me! That is absolutely impossible!

How can a normal human fight against a Heroic Spirit alone!

Chapter 1456 The first asylum seeker! Mapo: Don't look at me, it's you!

At the same time -

In the epic, instead of chasing Shinji,

Shirou began to act calmly out of concern for the safety of the students in the school,

called the hospital and the police, and took Rin to carry out simple injury control for the students.

Finally, after everything was done -

Rin couldn't help but look at Shirou with admiration.

When talking about this, Shirou also said, "It's not a big deal... I'm just used to seeing corpses."

'The boy has grown up',

People originally thought they would witness such a scene.

But when Shirou said such a heavy statement as 'I'm used to seeing corpses', people were stunned by this unexpected answer.

People were attracted to Shirou Emiya again,

Attracted by this boy with a story.

People couldn't help but flash back to the scene of the big fire ten years ago. He was talking about... Was it that time? Or...

The pictures of 'hell' that Shirou Emiya had seen flashed through people's minds, and they were silent for a while.

After that,

It was the plot that Shirou and others sneaked out of the back door of the school after the ambulance and the police came, and met Red A who came late.

This time, with the restraint of the Command Spell, Red A did not take the opportunity to attack Shirou and others.

Several people ran all the way to the grove.

Then after some discussion, the enemy was locked on Group C, and the focus was on finding the true identity of Group C's Master.

"Caster's Master?" People thought,

For Group C, they probably know the least about the group of Heroic Spirits.

Even Red A, whose real name is also unknown, has exposed several memories - that desolate world of swords.

However - Group C has not yet found anything.

We can only guess from the figure on the Argo that it is a hero from the same era as Hercules, or even a mythical region, and nothing else is clear.

The Heroic Spirit is so mysterious, and the Master is even more mysterious, not to mention Shirou and others...

Even if they are in the perspective of God, don't they know anything now?

What people didn't expect at this time was that -

Even when they were discussing the important time of spying on the enemy's intelligence, Red A still quarreled with Saber and others because of his foul mouth.

He casually said something like Sister R, who was killed first, was useless.

This made Saber feel that it was a humiliation to the name of the hero.

The scene in front of them also made people feel a little familiar——

? ? ?

Isn’t this the same as when C’s mother mocked Sasaki Kojiro for being a fw and a tool last night, Red A got angry!

Now it’s just the other way around…

Red A mocked Sister R’s strength, and Saber stood up for her.

For the first time, people realized a behavior called ‘double standard’, and how cowardly this behavior is.

Is this what I can mock others, but others can’t mock?

A strange look flashed across people’s faces.

The Master of Red A in the other world now completely doesn’t understand his own Servant.

Even he can’t continue to imagine it now…

Should I say that this is not Red A’s original intention, he just… well, I can’t help but want to complain a little? !

And in a place where the young Master of Red A doesn’t know, those Anna fans have already been furious,

Saying that my Anna is weak and useless?

Is that Anna’s problem? It’s obviously that the kelp head is too weak! Compared to him, Shirou doesn’t know how much stronger he is!

At least Shirou can still be a meat shield for Saber from time to time,

The kelp head has no magic power, and it relies on the Book of False Ministers to serve Anna. It even has to steal the vitality of ordinary people to supply Anna with magic power.

This really can't be blamed on their lovely Anna!

Saber doesn't have enough magic power, but she has to fight very hard all the way-? ! It's completely incomparable with the strength in the singularity.

People have reason to believe that if Anna has enough magic power, she will definitely be able to stand up!

"Maybe in a certain world line, Anna will take off directly on the spot if she changes her master, and it's not a dream to fight my king alone! Humph!" A different world master who is a fan of Anna waved his fist angrily and muttered.

Really don't treat the goddess as a goddess! Medusa is the strongest! Cute Anna is the strongest! No rebuttal!

Just when Anna fans glared at Red A--

And here, after the quarrel, Shirou and Rin didn't discuss any useful information in the end.

Then people saw that the vision in front of them changed and came to another place.

What appeared on the screen was not Shirou and Rin, but a certain Shinji who was panicking and hurriedly fleeing to the Fuyuki City Church.

The Second Master found Father Joy and voluntarily disqualified himself from the competition, asking the Cathedral Church to fulfill its obligation to protect him.

People who saw this: "?!"

The Kelp Head found the Church for help?

The FW Master who hurt Anna so badly is still alive?

People looked at the panicked Second Master with a look of disgust.

Even if Second Master behaved a little better and didn't look so embarrassing, people's perception of him would not be so bad.

Add to that the "scum" attribute he showed before, and he is even less likable.

At this time, people really don't want the Cathedral Church to accept the help of this Kelp Head.


"Are you going to give up the fight, young man?" The candlelight on the wall was bright, and the priest was looking at Second Master with a tone of "Have fun, young man" and asked.

"Of course! Are you asking me to die? I can't fight without a Servant! What's the point of being a Master! I'm just an ordinary person! A victim!" Shinji shouted with joy.

Everyone: "..."

At this time, he finally knew that he was an ordinary person? What did he do before? He still had the nerve to say that he was a victim--!

Wasn't it this guy who took the initiative to make trouble?

On the other side, the second master was still complaining: "Isn't it unfair to be slaughtered like this?"

Kotomine Kirei snorted lightly without any expression, but the joy revealed in his voice was a little uncontrollable.

This also stimulated the second master, who felt like he was being ridiculed--

"What's wrong, do you have any objections?!"

Kotomine Kirei: "How could it be... You are the first renouncer of this Holy Grail War, and the first user since the establishment of this church."

? ! No way!

Shinji is the first to seek protection from the church? !

People were stunned when they saw this.

The fake priest in front of them didn't look like he was lying.

That means that in the four Holy Grail Wars that have taken place so far, none of the Masters who withdrew had sought the protection of the Church.

But it's impossible that all the Masters were killed before the Heroic Spirits, right? !

Are there no examples like Shinji in history?

Sometimes, the more special treatment you get, the more you will appear different.

It's okay when there is no comparison, but after the comparison...

For a moment, people's eyes changed when they looked at the second master, becoming extremely subtle!

Chapter 1457 There is no upper limit to embarrassment, but there can be a lower limit!

Puff~!! The girl couldn't help laughing.

In another world——Liu Xiu's Master,

As a Master, she never thought that someone could be a Master to such a unique degree,

Not in creating some shocking feat, breaking the boundaries of traditional magicians, or shining in the limit——

but in the aspect of embarrassment, has he developed a new lower limit for the first time?

Normal people strive to be the best and expand their limits——

Matou Shinji did the opposite.

In a sense, this is also a talent!

"Hahahahahahahaha!! I am dying of laughter. The most embarrassing Master in history should appear!"

"Well... I just don't know if we will see the most embarrassing Heroic Spirit in history in the future. But there shouldn't be such a hero among Servant." People murmured.

Although Sister R's record is also embarrassing, they will never admit that it is Sister R's fault.

Isn't it all because of this fw Master?

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