Just like me, there is nothing to do except standing on the front line. "

People felt a sense of familiarity with this familiar scene (words).

Wait, isn't this what Shirou used to describe himself before?

Shirou, who is not good at magic but still wants to participate in the battle, is looking for a combat position.

At this moment, people finally know where that special feeling comes from!


The long-awaited scene of Shirou's solo killing of Heroic Spirits in the original short film has not appeared yet,

Is there an alternative like Shirou here?

And the opponent has just completed the feat of solo killing of Heroic Spirits!

Even if it is Saber with insufficient magic power and weakened attributes, it is also a Heroic Spirit!

It is my king who can fight with Berserker for a while and successfully kill Uncle B once!

Then the question is ——

When two cheaters meet, who will win in the end?

People looked at the current cheater Soichiro Kuzuki, and then looked at Shirou who was suspected to be a cheater in the future.


Caster said that he would deal with Saber, and Soichiro-sama should deal with the enemy master.

The two sides immediately reached a consensus, and Rin also bravely stood up and took the initiative to attack the people's teacher, wanting to use magic bullets to solve the opponent before he got close.

As long as he was not close, the amazing martial arts and physical body that could crush Saber would not be effective!


The idea was good, but Rin's attack did not hit Soichiro Kuzuki who was moving at high speed. Instead, he was quickly approached and punched away, and fainted for a short time.

Seeing this scene——

"Tosaka!!!" Shirou roared anxiously, and then rushed to the people's teacher desperately, waving his knife to stop the people's teacher from getting closer to Rin.

The situation became extremely critical for a while!

Everyone: "......! "

Oh no, oh no, I'm completely screwed now!

How could it be possible, how could he be so ridiculously strong?

If other Masters could be as strong as this teacher, comparable to Heroic Spirits,

Many Masters in other worlds: "Should we consider how to make our death in the Holy Grail War easier and more comfortable? "

At this time, they looked at Shirou and Rin, and couldn't help feeling a sense of pity and grief.

It's impossible to win!

Caster is difficult to deal with,

and they have to deal with a monster that can suppress Saber, the leader of the three knights.

With the half-baked level of Rin and Shirou, they will be defeated in seconds!

Now Rin has already been defeated, and people think that Shirou will be killed soon.

Even Shirou's previous fighting ability is not as good as Rin.

He has only a superficial understanding of magic, and his magic power is not very strong. He can only use one magic to strengthen close combat.

No matter how you look at it, he is just a low-profile version of Mr. Kuzuki!

People subconsciously ignore the scene of Shirou practicing swordsmanship with Saber every day these days.

After all, in their impression, there is no People can achieve a leap in strength in just a few days of training!

Just like ordinary players who don't use cheats, they will never imagine how outrageous and cool the world of cheaters is!

In their eyes,

it's now a low-profile melee mage challenging a high-profile melee mage.

With the skilled fighting skills that Soichiro Kuzuki showed before, it's not a matter of minutes to beat Shirou.

After that-

things began to develop as expected.

Shirou's consecutive swords were easily dodged, and the people's teacher smashed Shirou's physics holy sword (reinforced crowbar) with just one punch.

Then, with the other hand, he used a backhand uppercut to hit Shirou's body into the air.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and he almost spit out the organs and minced meat in his stomach.

"......! "Too miserable! People couldn't bear to watch it and didn't want to continue watching.

'After the punch is done, Shirou should be able to fly far away!' Liu Xiu's master remembered the scene of Saber being hammered and flew away just now, and no longer had any expectations for Shirou's fragile body as an 'ordinary person'.


The unexpected is always one step faster than people expect!

Chapter 1465 Trace-on Sharingan + Chidori Style special effects!

Just as everyone held their breath,

As Shirou's body curled up and the air shook with that punch,

they couldn't help but imagine Shirou's ending -

Will he explode on the spot, be smashed to pieces, and turn into a bloody scene of blood rain,

Or will he be hammered and fainted like Tosaka?

No matter how miserable the result is, people will not be surprised,

After all, he is the man who can force the Heroic Spirit into such a mess.

The Master of Caster, whose whole body is like a war weapon, no wonder he calls himself a murderer!

But -

Bang~! In the picture, there was a close-up of Shirou's eyes,

making people notice that Shirou looked at Tosaka at that moment.

Even if his vision was blurred -

he didn't dare to faint, because he still had people to protect in his eyes!

The body that should have been hammered away slid backwards on the ground, and finally stepped on the ground with his back foot, and still stabilized his body by force.

'Blocked, blocked? ! 'People thought in surprise with incredible faces.

The blow that they thought they couldn't block was blocked by Shirou——!


But then everyone shook their heads again.

Even though Shirou was indeed unexpected just now, they could see that Shirou, who had just managed to hold his body up and not fly backwards, was already very reluctant.

In such a state, let alone defeating Kuzuki Soichiro, it would be difficult to continue fighting!

After all, it is sad enough to be amazed just because the epic hero blocked an enemy's blow. It is sad enough to make people laugh.

How miserable must one have been to fall into such a situation!

They couldn't help but ask themselves,

Thinking that Shirou participated in almost every battle, but kept getting injured, tortured by various heroic spirits, and now even other Masters want to torture him...


Sure enough, Shirou is a fake protagonist, right?

They all believe that Rin is the real epic hero!

At least there weren’t that many life crises.

Well, Rin seems to be the heroine. From this point of view, it is correct to say that she is the protagonist. )

At this time, the heroine in people's eyes is of course enjoying the sleeping beauty treatment.

On the other side, Shirou, a tool man who had to fight with his life to protect her, said: "If I fall, Tohsaka will die.

That won't work...! "

He clenched his fists suddenly, then stretched out his hands and made a grabbing motion with his palms, trying to recall a certain scene in his mind.

Liu Xiu's master girl: "??? What is he doing... is he stupid? It's okay to grab the air with his hands!"

Hermitus thought the same way at first, but he quickly realized: "No, that's the posture!"

Although this kind of behavior may seem confusing and confusing to many people,

But some people thought of the scene when Red A was projected from Shirou's actions. (Everyone in the future: It’s coming, it’s coming! The plug-in for future big accounts to recharge small accounts is finally coming!)

Shirou: "I need weapons that can keep me fighting...powerful weapons!"

at the same time,

People saw Shirou's heart,

What appeared before people's eyes was the scene of Red A fighting with Sasaki Kojiro.

...This is not the first time that a familiar scene has appeared in Shirou's memories.

And then everyone started to finally realize something!

That guy——Shirou, he wants to——! ! !

"Just like the one in that guy's hand, a powerful weapon!!" The strong persistence and longing, the will that is almost materializing,

Shirou's cry from his soul also began to infect people,

At the same time, a burst of background music sounded,


The ‘miracle’ really happened!

"Trace—on! (Projection starts!)"

The emerald green shining lines of the magic circuit, like a circuit board, appear in front of people's eyes.

Then people saw blue-green thunder emerging from Shirou's hands.

Ahhhhhhh~! !

The roar that was supposed to look a bit out of place, but combined with the light effects, Shirou's consciousness at this moment, and the background music, formed a strange sense of beauty.

People's blood was boiling and they were completely on fire!

‘woc—! Come on Shirou! ’

They already understood what Shirou was going to do.

On the other hand, Kuzuki Soichiro did not sit around waiting for the opponent to complete his ultimate move like the stupid villains in other works.

He directly punched forward, as if he was preparing to interrupt the opponent's warrior when the mage was chanting, or forcibly kill the mage's assassin before the mage finished reading.

And this punch, just before it was completely close,

At the critical moment, Shirou finally succeeded in drawing out the black and white swords.

woooooooooooo! ! ! ! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! At that moment, people stood up and burst into excitement!

Bang, bang bang bang~!

The light of the sword passed by, and when he turned around, the blue electric current still covered the two swords, and the breeze blew the tips of Shirou's bangs.

That determined gaze seemed to tell people that its owner had completely transformed into a real warrior!


The black and white daggers, the general Mo Xie and the people's teacher's fists made several attacks,

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