Plus, Shirou will definitely face off against Winky in the future.

Good guy——

In the entire Holy Grail War, except Rider, who was the best to solve, Group C also killed him in advance.

Among the remaining heroic spirits, there is no one that Shirou and Rin can easily solve!

Especially now that I'm injured 'again'! People can hardly remember how many times Shirou has been injured!

Being a master is indeed a high-risk profession - the masters of different worlds are trembling and uneasy!

And when I think about it, if other groups, such as Uncle B and Ilia, come to visit again.

‘Ah…then it’s really over! ’


The rest of the night was uneventful.

However, Rin moved in with Shirou and the others, and chatted with Shirou about his life ideals in the courtyard at night.

Once again clarified his dream of being a righteous partner who lives for others,

And after knowing that Shirou worked hard to learn magic for this reason, he didn't feel happy at all about learning, and he just kept working hard for the happiness of others.

Rin is angry——!

It's like hating that iron cannot become steel, and it's like feeling distressed!

——Why are there such stupid people in this world.

He kept tapping Shirou's nose accusingly.

It must have been fundamentally distorted, and that kind of effort... is not an exaggeration to say that it is self-torture.

Not working hard and studying out of happiness and love,

Just working hard for the happiness of others,

No expression of selfish desires——

Just like a saint!

He was kind to everyone, but he didn't care at all about himself.

Not to mention Rin, people can't stand it.

But when I think of the cool and handsome picture of Shirou when he projected it before,

If it weren't for Shirou Emiya like this, there wouldn't have been such a miracle of projecting the Noble Phantasm from a human body.

It really makes people don’t know what to say.

And after Rin leaves——

At night, Shirou continued to exercise as he had for several years.

Watching him start to practice strengthening magic again, even though his left hand seems to be useless and can only be strengthened with one hand, he is unwilling to give up every step of becoming stronger.

"...! Shirou is so diligent! But he really doesn't care about his body at all!"

While people marveled at his perseverance, they also felt that this child was really capable of seeking death——

Can't you just take a good rest?

Don't ruin your other arm too!

At this time, everyone had a bit of a mother's mentality.

I'm worried about his terrible state - 'saber - go and persuade Shirou! He insists on exercising himself almost crazy! ’


It’s not yet time for people to see what they want to see.

Suddenly, they saw a figure they thought would never appear at this time.

"Sure enough, half of the body can't feel anything. Is the circuit deviating 7? centimeters inward?" Red A.

"I might be able to help you."

After that, Red A placed her hand on Shirou's bare upper body, opening up the magic circuit for him.

"You're so lucky. I thought it was necrosis. It turns out it was just a blocked passage that opened."

"The circuits that could have been used were abandoned and fell into a deep sleep. Your paralysis is only temporary. This is the result of opening all the magic circuits that you have never used before. The circuit itself is still in a [shocked] state."

"Sooner or later they will return to their original functions."

As the magic power poured in, the bright red magic circuit (circuit board) gradually turned into a normal blue as if activated.

In the end, Emiya Shirou's arm recovered.



"Is it really Archer? Why is he here? And he helped Shirou."

People are a little confused,

Didn't you want to kill Shirou before?

If it weren't for the fact that the lessons learned from the past are still fresh in our minds,

People who had suspected that the two were the same person not long ago still believed that Red A was trying to help his past self.

But looking at it now, everything has become so confusing.

Their computer is somewhat blank and they cannot understand it.

So what is going on here, one moment he kills Shirou and the other moment he helps him.

And on the other side——

Saber's eyes became sharper, and she seemed to have noticed something.

Ask Red A why he is so familiar with Shirou's problem.

The red A just means that the same situation has happened before, and he was not so lucky at that time and lost an arm.

This also made people stunned——

Did Tsundere Red A come here thinking that Shirou had lost an arm just like she did before?

Did he really come here to help because he knew this would happen?

Doesn’t this mean that he really has future memories?

But Shirou's problem wasn't that serious.

So, people who thought of something were suddenly stunned——

Wait, if Archer is Shirou,

Now this is - the future has been changed?

Shirou and Red A's injuries are different!

No, or is it the future line where Shirou Emiya in this world line becomes Archer? !

It was chaotic. People's thoughts were confused for a while.

People will not know until the future after reading the epic prompts,

In a world with Rin by his side, Emiya Shirou will never become a red A!

This was not the world line in Red A’s memory from the beginning!

Although other world lines also have world lines with broken arms,

But because Sakura even completely gave up on being a partner of justice, and instead became Sakura’s partner of justice alone——

Even the great Hero Emiya, who had sworn an oath, turned evil for his sister, and even though he was the enemy of the world, he still wanted to save his sister, and he fought through the Holy Grail War in one night!

(Everyone from the future: "Look...the miserable world of Red A working as a cleaner is complete!"

The difference is already obvious, people have discovered that Shirou Emiya in these worlds is surrounded by at least one or two girls!


Red A: "...")

Chapter 1,470 The end of saving people is nothingness!

As for Red A, a tsundere who kept shouting about killing Shirou, he couldn't help but help and save Shirou.

In his eyes, he probably thought that Shirou in this world would go through the same process as him!

As long as Emiya Shirou hasn't given up on that 'wrong' ideal.

Even if there is nothing wrong with Shirou's arm now and it has slightly deviated from the original track, before it is no longer certain that Emiya Shirou cannot become Red A,

Red A will not completely give up the idea of ​​killing himself.

This contradiction of saving people and killing people is also a reflection of this man's complex situation and the essence of his personality.


It is precisely because of this mysterious and always sad and lonely figure that it is even more attractive!

People can't help but want to find out about his past and his experiences! !

But now it seemed that he was not far from the truth, but there was still a little bit of 'stimulation' that made him completely determined to stand against Shirou.

It also lets people know whether he is 'Shirou Emiya' or not.

And now——

A certain treacherous son who did not listen to advice began to make the old lady Emiya angry again, further shortening the time that Red A was really exposed to people's eyes.

Just when Red A finished everything and was about to leave.

"Wait." Shirou.

"What?" Red A never looked back.

"I have something to ask you.

【Drown with your ideals. 】What do you mean by this sentence? "

Emiya Shirou took the initiative to bring up the topic that was extremely sensitive to both of them.

When everyone saw this, their originally relaxed mood suddenly became tense——

What are you doing? This is……

Finally, the relationship seems to have eased.

...Archer is even willing to take the initiative to help.

Now when it comes to the words spoken that night when he wanted to kill himself,

Isn’t it true that if you don’t open the pot, you should lift it?

Although it is unclear why Archer, who is suspected of being 'future' Shirou, would say such words and kill Shirou,

But what should be hidden in those heavy words is Red A’s real reason for wanting to kill Shirou!

This could obviously get on someone's nerves.

People couldn't understand Shirou's impulsive behavior.

But if he didn't ask clearly, he wouldn't be Shirou Emiya.

People nowadays don't know enough about Shirou Emiya. People who haven't seen Shirou's Unlimited Sword System,

It wasn't until the future that I realized how similar the two people in front of me were -

The same [stubborn] existence that makes people feel distressed!

Red A: "It means literally, there is nothing to explain."

Shirou: "What about you? Why are you fighting?"

Red A: "Asking even though you know it,

The meaning of my fighting is of course for myself. "

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