Fortunately, Saber stopped him immediately.

As a result, they saw Shirou do an incredible operation next.

He shouted at Saber not to do it,

and inadvertently seemed to trigger the Command Seal again,

causing Saber to suddenly stop moving in the middle of the battle, and C-Mom took the opportunity to stab Saber in the chest,

and then successfully seized control of Saber.

People: "......???"

They were a little confused.

Just now——what happened.

Everyone was stunned by Shirou's series of magical operations.

I have seen people who betray their teammates, but I have never seen such a pitfall.

Hermitos: "... Fortunately, gods generally cannot be summoned down. As long as they are not downgraded, they will not become Heroic Spirits.

Saber must be furious now!"

A good hand of cards was played badly,

even in the past few hundred years, Hermitos said that he had never seen a better scene than this.

A scene that would make the gods marvel appeared.

He now felt a little unworthy and sad for Saber.

What a naive boy...!

Sometimes being too naive is also a sin (harming people a lot),

Hermitos frowned, he didn't like this scene.

Although tragedy is sometimes necessary and part of a wonderful story,

it shouldn't be a stupid story where people give away their lives for nothing, because that would be boring.

Speaking of which --

Hermitos suddenly thought of what Red A said during his last conversation with Shirou last night,

"The end of saving people is nothingness.

In the end, neither you nor others can be saved, leaving only a hypocritical life."

He wanted to save people, but ended up killing Saber.

In the end, nothing could be saved.

That sentence is more about saving within one's ability.

It's not okay to not see the situation clearly,

it's because he doesn't care about "himself" that

the people who care about him are also implicated.

This is really——

"It's not that you can save everyone by sacrificing yourself.

Such a happy ending, even heroes sometimes can't do it, let alone Shirou Emiya, who is just an ordinary person now." Hermitos murmured.

I just want to be miserable alone,

a world where everyone is happy!

It's hard to find in fairy tales!

Just like that Emiya Kiritsugu,

Although I don't like his concept,

Life should not be measured by value, which is unfair in itself.

But if you have to put it on both ends of the scale,

Does Shirou Emiya want to sacrifice his own life in exchange for saving everyone's life? That's too much for granted.

It's too heavy for a person to even want to carry one life,

not to mention wanting to carry more people's lives.

And in the future, when we see Shirou Emiya in other parallel worlds, he becomes a partner of justice for Sakura and Miyu, and fights with all his strength as an evil,

then Shirou Emiya will make people feel so touched.

To protect others wholeheartedly, even if it's just one person, requires great courage and perseverance.

Saving the world is too difficult, it's better to just protect the people around you,

but before that, you have to learn not to put the people around you in danger!

Sure enough -

when C mother took Saber, people saw her ordering Saber to attack Rin.

Although she did return Fujimura Taiga to Shirou as promised, and she didn't attack Shirou,

but Rin is still the master,

C mother will naturally not let her go.

Although Saber didn't want to do it, her body was immediately controlled by the command spell.

And Shirou, who had just sacrificed Saber to save Fujimura Taiga, had lost his umbrella of protection, but he didn't think about it, and risked his life to block the knife for Rin,

and then was directly stabbed through by Saber who was sprinting at high speed!

"......!!!" Everyone.

After seeing that the final result was like this, people were stunned.

For a moment, my brain was blank and I couldn't speak at all.

Chapter 1472: Strike first! As long as I backstab quickly, I won't be backstabbed!

The result was worse than expected.

Although people could guess what would happen when Shirou surrendered his command seal and lost his autonomy.

People could more or less understand Shirou's anxiety to save the hostages,


This really wouldn't work.

People opened their mouths wide and looked at Shirou Emiya who was stabbed through.

At that moment, they all thought that the epic hero was going to be killed just like that!

At the critical moment,

Red A appeared in time and didn't give C's mother a chance to finish off.

People were relieved to see that someone who could fight finally came to the rescue.

And when Red A rescued Shirou and Rin,

the last scene people saw was Saber standing helplessly and sadly in the rain, staring at the figures of several people going away.

The rain slid down her face like tears,

such a pitiful posture, people had never seen before.

For a moment, people were stunned.

'The king——

crying? Or the rain...? '

They couldn't be sure.

Therefore, until the matter was finally over, people still couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

In their minds, there was still an image, Saber's sad face in the rain.

For those who want to start by reading Andersen’s epic poem,

The first protagonist of a long epic that I came into contact with...

The true enlightenment hero of countless people is almost the second childhood King Arthur of many young people from other worlds.

People who have always admired and respected the King,

"..." Everyone was silent for a while.

The king who drew his sword for the sake of people's happy smiles and who could move forward fearlessly even if he saw hell,

Only then did Gang show such a sad expression.

The impact on everyone is not small.

It wasn't until people saw Saber like that that they realized the fragile side of her heart.

However - people suddenly reacted,

Ah, yes... think about it carefully, for knights,

He personally hurt the person he was supposed to protect,

Even if he is controlled by the enemy, the shame and guilt will swallow up the heart of this upright and noble knight king.

Precisely because she is the king of knights among knights,

When encountering something like this, you are more vulnerable to injury.

Liu Xiu's master also sighed at this time, "Things more terrifying than swords are often invisible...


What on earth is going on with that last Noble Phantasm! ! "

"With just a slight poke, Saber will change hands? Are you kidding me?"

A sense of vigilance arose in the girl's heart——

If you encounter that type of heroic spirit in reality, you can suddenly use the Noble Phantasm on your Servant.

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but take a deep breath, it's life-threatening, it's life-threatening, it's life-threatening!

Is it really okay to use this kind of Noble Phantasm or magic that can turn the enemy into one of our own and forcibly seize the master's rights?

It's a foul! Are things outside the specifications really allowed to exist? !

——Who is Caster?

People couldn't help but become curious about C's mother's identity again.

In fact, this time the desire to reveal its mystery is even greater than before!

That cunning witch,

Taking a closer look, people suddenly discovered that this was not the first time that Mother C had cheated in this Holy Grail War.

If we also count the previous illegal summoning of Assassin.

At this time - another world,

The master of a certain Caster subconsciously wanted to ask his Servant if he did these illegal operations!

And other Servant Masters couldn't help but feel envious of the real-name system!

Caster is so strong, it would be great if they summoned Caster too!

I have to say,

Mother C left a very deep impression on people.

Doesn't look very strong,

But he was in charge of the overall situation, taking advantage of the magician's position and his magic talents to almost the fullest extent.

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