No matter how much he is bullied, he will only greet him with a smile and will not be affected in any way.

And that goddess——!

The order must have been to fall in love with Jason and protect the so-called hero Jason at all costs and return home.


‘…It’s really ugly. ’ Hemet frowned.

Didn't he want to defend Medea or say something?

Regardless of whether it was due to the influence of the curse or not, the girl had indeed committed a tragic sin, and the reprimands of the heroes seemed understandable.

But that's why he felt ugly.

Obviously there are some heroes on the ship——

Why didn't anyone stop this human tragedy before it happened?


Didn't you intend to stop it at all? Didn't you think about it?

A thoughtful look flashed in Hermitus' eyes.

If it was 'intentional', watching the girl make a mistake - then for what reason did she choose to stand by and watch.

There seems to be something unknown about the matter.

He did not stop Medea from committing the murder, but after the murder was over, he ostracized, isolated, and hated the princess.

This is really, really speechless.


["I've wronged you, but you did a good job, Medea——"


As long as there is a sentence of deep love for men. Even if the heroes are scornful, the girl can endure it.

Whether it is the regret of abandoning the country, the guilt of betraying his father, or the punishment of killing his brother with his own hands, they can all be endured.

However, she never received warm words from her husband.

The return voyage ended in calm conditions.

Jason took the princess from a foreign country and returned to the country of Iolkas in triumph with the promised golden fleece in hand.

However, what awaits him is the news of his parents' death and the broken promise.

"As long as you bring back the Golden Fleece, I will recognize your throne——"

King Pyrrhas of Iokas, who had made such a promise to Jason, smiled despicably and said,

It was just a playful agreement.

Jason ran away angrily and ordered his wife to marry him.

——The despicable usurper.

Kill King Pyrias! 】

After listening to this passage, people realize that Medea does not seem to be completely unconscious.

And the same thing that ruined people’s outlook on life—!

Are the heroes looking for the Golden Fleece just because of the fight for the throne?

It’s not some great ambition to save the world,

Nor is it about relying on the golden fleece, saving someone’s small kindness.

But purely out of one's own selfish desires,

As a result, the peace of another country was broken, bringing about a series of black and bloody scenes.

I never expected that this would be the starting point——

It’s like this… heroes…

At this time...this group of heroes from the Greek world brought a sense of chaos to people.

They are less like heroes and more like adventurers and robbers.

And on the other side——

Worse stories continue...

The background music changed completely and suddenly became ominous, and the retinas in front of people's eyes began to fill with blood.

[Although trapped by Jason's love, Medea is still a young girl.

Jason persistently repeated to her, who was in a disabled state due to the murder of her brother: kill.


Kill King Pyrias for breaking his oath.

Kill the royal bloodline.

Yes, just getting rid of the king is not enough.

Even the unsightly heirs and the three princesses were killed together——

Under Jason's control, preparations for the assassination were carried out quickly.

The king and his daughters were entertained at Jason's house.

In the center stood the witch's cauldron.

The girl will be obtained from Hecate, the goddess of magic, who is both the foundation and the crystallization of the mystery.

"——Welcome, my king."

By the time he came to his senses, the destruction had already begun.

Unable to resist the spell of the man and goddess she loves, Medea uses her own magic to kill the king. 】

A scene flashed before people's eyes, and an extremely huge cauldron emitting purple-black gas came into view.

Just that appearance alone can bring about unforeseen circumstances!

People's expressions changed again and again, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back. At the same time, they also realized that they were standing next to the big pot...

Medea's abnormal state.

It was a smile on the face, but it was like a fake smile,

But he is crying inside, an individual full of contradictions.

It feels like you don’t want to do something, but your body is moving involuntarily.

Such a sense of contradiction makes people slightly stunned...

Is she ‘resisting’?

There is also the state of being disabled after killing his brother as mentioned before.

She is obviously a witch who is crazy about love and cruel, so why should she resist, why should she suffer, why should she feel ashamed of herself.

If you are really ruthless enough, will you still be affected by these things?

It is this subtle feeling that makes it impossible for people to judge whether Medea is deeply affected by the curse or is actually very crazy.

At this time, it was the first time that Medea showed such a shaken state.

It would be an understatement to say that she is a little abnormal now.

And inexplicably - something strange also arises in people's hearts.

It was like watching a pure white dyed with blood red, then started to dye with black and red... and gradually deepened!

Indescribable charm and spiritual shock!

Just like - in despair, a bloody flower is about to bloom! Although the light was weak, it was more and more heart-stirring.

ps: Let’s not talk about the orthodox mythological world. There is no good product in Greece. The heroes, gods and witches are all equally bad. The moon-shaped Medea is actually okay. The second design is crazy and pushes the arrow of the goddess of love. The one in the myth is really scary.

Chapter 1,480 If you love him, chop him into pieces! Make all the princesses sick!

Then from Medea’s perspective,

People saw such a horrible world.

"King Pilias, please watch my wife's unique skills."

said the beloved man boastfully.

With eyes swollen from crying, the girl stirred the cauldron.

“This is the secret technique of rejuvenating one’s youth.

It's a magic trick that my wife is good at. "

I don’t know how much time passed before my beloved man said this.

The girl could not resist and continued to perform magic.

And the epic plot has reached this point,

At this moment, that sense of powerlessness is also conveyed to people through Medea.

For Medea, whose eyes were swollen from crying, people became more and more aware of how she was speaking insincerely and suffering under the control of a curse.

This scene even reminds people of his description of killing his brother.

At that time, people did not see the scene of him killing his brother with their own eyes, they just mentioned it briefly.

Finally, the king took his brother's salvaged bones and left with a sigh.

Now that I think about it...

Is it also the hand that moves in such a 'gesture'?

People felt fear, grievance, and lamentation from Medea. Even if she shed tears, her body would not obey her orders and continue to be "driven by love" crazily.

A kind heart resists killing others, but it has no choice but to do it!

And is all this really what she wants?

People must have understood the moment they saw those red and swollen eyes.

If you think about it carefully, the princess's father is also——

Did he realize that his daughter didn't really want to leave, but was under the influence of the curse and caught up with her?

A lovely daughter who is innocent and has no desires—

Why did he suddenly change his personality and do so many rebellious things? Even the king must have noticed something was wrong!

If it comes from the bottom of my heart, then forget it...

But if someone controls the mind - as a father, naturally he cannot just watch his daughter being kidnapped.

Did this create a series of tragedies?

‘Maybe it’s also to take back the Golden Fleece? ’ Hermitus and the others couldn’t help but think like this.

But recalling it carefully, I remembered that sentence again——

That description...

It was never about regaining some treasure, it was just about setting sail to regain my daughter.

If ever it was so true——

The goddess of love who hides behind the scenes and affects everything is the most disgusting to people.

What a bastard thing that curse is!

And at this time——

The dark transformation that occurred in the girl's mind, causing her to fall into the abyss step by step, continues.

【——I want to go back】

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