"Oh oh oh! What is that! Is there such a brilliance on earth and among humans?!" A well-dressed young man looked at the light cannon that engulfed the orcs and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The existence of the flame finally attracted the attention of the gods.

Although in his imagination, this day will definitely come.

But he would not have thought that the first god who was attracted to him was not because of his shocking books, but because of the torrent of light he released in the forest, which illuminated the world, crushed the soil, and washed away the earth and vegetation.

As the god of commerce and alchemy, Hermitos is also the god of borders and travelers who cross borders.

As long as there are cars and horses passing by, this god may appear.

He is keen on developing business and looking for more mysterious alchemical magic materials. This is a god who has a strong desire and strong desire to explore all the new things in the world.

The possibility of a god appearing on earth is no less than winning the lottery directly.

But with such a one-in-a-million probability, Altot came.

No, how to say it! Hermitos smiled intoxicatedly, looking at the shining light in the sky.

‘What on earth is that? ’ A strong desire for curiosity surged in his heart.

On the contrary, Hermitos felt that he should have won the jackpot...!

“I saw it, I Hermitos really saw it with my own eyes! Is this the glory of heroes among humans?!”

The God of Alchemy recalled that when his ‘clone’ descended to the world again to pursue some fun, someone laughed at him and said that there was no fun in the world on earth.

Even the heroes of the seventh step, except for a few extremely outstanding ones, there was nothing to see.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m not old enough to be blind!” Looking at the scene in front of him, the God of Alchemy danced exaggeratedly, and at this moment he really wanted to point at the scene in front of him and let that fellow god see it.

‘Seeing such a beautiful light, can you still say that kind of words? '

"I want to understand him and know his life. This is undoubtedly the person who could be called a 'hero' when the gods walked on the earth in the past! What a great gift! This is a gift from God to me!" The God of Alchemy was very excited and talked to himself happily.

The hero he mentioned was not a fake one who could be called a hero as long as he reached the seventh step.

Heroes are the ones who can really name an era and make the gods look at them sideways. They have a title of noble personality or great achievements in some aspects.

"Ah, why not just descend to the 'oracle' and make him my dependent. But forcing people to do things is really not my specialty!"

He prefers to conquer others slowly through means. This is the war in the business world.

Brave man, hero - etc., using these words to describe 'him' is too boring.

What the knights can see, the God of Alchemy can naturally see more from that light - the so-called 'Knight's Light'.

Peng Dong!

Capturing this light with their five senses, the strange screams produced by their bodies forced the knights to lower their heads.

Until the torrent of light gradually subsided, the ears became as quiet as the abyss.

‘What! ! Such a terrifying blow! ’ The burning sensation was still irritating their skin, and the air was still emitting the magic of the red dragon that was unique to Yan.

They only regarded this as a corner of the incomprehensible power and might of the ‘Holy Sword Against Stars’.

Everyone’s body was stiff, and they didn’t dare to breathe.

Rhine didn’t expect how familiar this person standing in front of him, under the armor, was to him.

When everything settled, the knights hurriedly looked in the direction where the orc supply team was originally located.

Looking around, there was almost no trace of life in the field of vision. Only some orcs on the edge who were not hit by the light cannon were crawling on the ground in fear and trembling.

The knight could even see an orc’s face covered with snot and tears, and there was unconcealable fear in his eyes.

Almost dead, dead! No body left!

Not even ashes left! You must be kidding! This kind of attack!

For the knights, it was the sword of victory that protected them and led them to defeat the enemy.

For the enemy, it was a disaster that destroyed everything.

In this devastated world, the dug up land was full of flying rubble and dust.

The gods who secretly paid attention to this ending were even more excited!

Awesome, not a god, not even a hero, and has not yet broken through the limits of humans, but has issued such a devastating slash.

Well - let's call it a slash! The God of Alchemy really couldn't think of how to describe such power.

Since it was a flashing hot light emitted from the sword, it couldn't be called magic!

After staring at the scene in front of them, the knights hurriedly looked at the Knights of the Round Table and the Silver Knights.

Rhine could no longer suppress her excitement and impulse, and her pretty face flushed because of the scene in front of her.

"Arthur, are you the legendary knight king - King Arthur?!"

"——Who knows! I haven't heard some familiar titles for a long time. Maybe the person you are talking about is me."

"Eh...? Why... do you say that?" The girl hesitated and showed a confused look.

The silver knight shook his head.

"I am just an undead soul that should have died long ago. The king of the undead who survives with the power of the holy sword and wanders around the world." Without further explanation, the pale silver knight who was left in suspense suddenly began to emit golden light particles, like The radiance of spiritual transformation.

"This is--!"

Flame; ‘In this case, they will definitely be surprised when the plot of The Lion King comes! ’

When asked by Rhine, he suddenly thought of how he should appear this time.

His bad taste showed up again.

No, when the knights and girls first saw the Singularity Chapter of The Lion King, they were probably more than surprised.

Chapter 172: Dark Souls Part 2, starting from the world of painting!

"Disappeared!?" x2

One was the closest, and the other was like a clairvoyant, witnessing with his own eyes the light that disappeared like a spirit child.

Rhine and Hermitus both showed stunned expressions.

After saying those words, first Cang Yin's Holy Sword User, and then the other Knights of the Round Table began to emit light, and finally disappeared.

"Wait, wait!" A very wonderful expression appeared on Hermitos' face for a moment.

Limited by the 'clone', the restriction of this body, he cannot exercise much of the power he originally had as a god.

At such a long distance, it was already the limit to be able to lock onto Homura's position.

He was just careless and the human hero disappeared! ?

Endless regret and disbelief appeared in the mind of the God of Alchemy, and at the same time——

The God of Alchemy, who had just received the memory passed back by his clone, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Disappeared...? Is it space magic, or a life like a spirit body?"

"Interesting..." The God of Alchemy conveyed a 'tracking' command to his clone, and then suppressed his inner excitement, excitement, and impulse to the lower realms.

Mysterious things are always more interesting when they are revealed bit by bit. You can't escape it!


The God of Alchemy does not intend to descend to the lower world rashly now.

Except for advancing from the seventh step, he was originally a god who was the incarnation of the divine fire held high by the creatures on the earth.

It is rare for a born god to walk and stay in the human world in his true form.

The God of Alchemy is such a natural god.

A new consciousness born from the divine fire of the dead god of alchemy in the past.

He himself has nothing to do with the God of Alchemy in the past. He was only awakened by the many beliefs on the earth.

It is not so much a resurrection as a new individual created in response to the expectations of believers.

There are many gods in the sky. They are all gods who died during the last divine war and new gods who reborn their consciousness through faith.

Many gods have almost never seen the outside world since they were born.

Among the natural gods, there are very few gods like the God of Alchemy who are interested in a world where creatures far below themselves live.

Just like humans don't pay attention to what the ants on the roadside are doing.

Except for the more curious gods, many natural gods are not interested in what happens on the earth.

Even if he suddenly became interested, at most he would just send his 'clone' to the earthly world just like the God of Alchemy did before.

in this case--

If the God of Alchemy suddenly does something too different from the past, other gods will definitely be curious and want to find out.

At that time, he was not the only one to discover the existence of a 'hero'. As long as other gods pay a little attention to him, they can discover the 'hero'.

The God of Alchemy does not want to create a bunch of competitors out of thin air.

He knew how attractive the 'Holy Sword User' was, and he was definitely not the only god who would be interested in him!

On the other side——

The clone of the God of Alchemy saw Rhine leaving one after another with the knights. At this time, he had walked step by step to the place where Yan disappeared before.

"...No fluctuations at all? Strange." He originally thought it was space magic, but he didn't feel any fluctuations in space.

The God of Alchemy didn't know, but Yan did all the tricks for show, even obsessively cleaning up all the 'traces' when he left.

Strive to truly be like a magical phenomenon that 'suddenly disappears'.

"...!!" An indescribable emotion arose in Hermitos' heart.

Could it be that even his incarnation of a god couldn't figure out how the other party left?

If he disappeared while standing in front of him, Hermitos would be sure to be able to see how the other party left.

But there is no trace of him at this moment...

"No... there are still some traces." Hermitos thought of the girls and knights who had just left.

Homura would save these people, and in this god's opinion, there must be some kind of relationship between the two. Perhaps from those people (Rhine and the Knights), he can find the answer he wants.

So following the traces of the Knights' departure, Hermitos quickly left.


By the way, what was the purpose of his coming to earth before?

In addition to pursuing fun, there seems to be another reason - 'To take care of one's own believers? ’

‘...A certain orc believer seemed to have prayed to him for a smooth journey? ! ’

The god of alchemy who subconsciously forgets those orcs who live in dust.

No matter, there are more interesting things to do now, and other things are not important!

…In the capital, just when Yan transformed into the Knight King and brought the Round Table to save Rhine and the Knights.

The second part of the ‘Dark Soul’ he had left behind was also released!

Those who love Andersen’s works have been looking forward to it for a long time. When the second part of Dark Soul appeared.

Like a shark that came to the smell of blood, Claire suddenly came to the bookstore early today.

She herself didn’t know why, but her mood seemed to improve in an instant.

‘——It was a world full of wind and snow, so cold that even the air seemed to freeze. ’

On the cover of the new book, there was a handsome boy wrapped in a tree man.

The boy had a rare black hair, and his eyes were full of coldness and disgust, and his eyes were focused on the crow-like creature lying in the snow.

With a crow head and a human-like body, the crow man is not completely absent in the other world.

But it is also very rare.

"It's a new book! Andersen has published a new book!" When Claire saw the brand new cover at the bookstore's recommendation counter, she couldn't help but show an ecstatic expression.

'Eh——?! Is this the second volume of Dark Souls? "

Looking at the words Dark Souls on the cover, Claire instantly remembered that Andersen said at the end of the first volume of Dark Souls that he might write a second volume.

The bard didn't seem to plan to serialize it like King Arthur.

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