People also want to know.

Because of all the previous scenes, people who didn't have a good sense of Jason just now had a feeling that the scumbag died a good death, which was very satisfying.

He even felt that such a worthless man was not qualified to be called a hero.

This is not unrelated to the fact that they have not read the complete life of Jason.


They were indeed in the stage of doubting how a man like that could bear the title of a hero.

Could it be that humans and gods in the ancient Greek mythology area were blind?

However - then people saw,

[This is the end of my dream, the wreckage of my dream.

I once wanted to be a king. Want to be respected as a better king.

To this end, he won over and persuaded women whom he could not even say he liked.

Did some minor activities.

Oops, if you say so, "a little bit" or not?

Maybe there is still some room for discussion.

...I abandoned that woman as a witch.

Obviously what I want to do is the right thing,

I did it by the wrong means.

It seems that this scene is the so-called punishment.

Ah, damn it. Start over...Is there no way to start over?

Give me another chance! Next time I will do it better, more properly, pay more attention, cherish it more... I will do it for you to see, I will do it for you to see! ……hateful……. 】

Do it again...?

People were slightly stunned.

But I never thought that this man... would think like this in the end.

There was no escaping or lamenting, just acknowledging the failures of the past life and thinking about doing better if there was a chance.

I thought he would hate Medea even more. Shouldn't he complain about the injustice of fate at this time?

This free and easy look is completely different from the 'clown' behavior in people's imagination.

On the contrary, it really feels like a hero dying.

But people felt completely awkward, or they didn’t believe it!

No, don't be deceived by appearances. This man is not so free and easy when he pulls up his pants and refuses to admit it.

People shook their heads in disdain and thought he should be showing off his ugliness.

However, just when I was thinking this...

Everyone subconsciously ignored a certain fact,

If they were placed in Jason's position, would they be able to avoid those 'wrong' methods?

Seeing Jason's last monologue in his life, his original intention of becoming a good king was not false.

The experience of adventure with the heroes has become the proudest thing in his life. The Argonauts who accompanied him during that time were also regarded by him as the end of his dream.

And the end is never the starting point.

Cherishing this precious memory is also true.

He made a mistake that most men cannot avoid making.

Is it wrong for men to have hs? Tsk tsk, the men were silent after seeing it.

Although he did not love his wife C when she was young or Medea when she was a princess,

But that doesn't mean he doesn't covet Medea's body.

The body is always more honest than the mind.

Under the temptation of profit and beauty, it is certain that Jason will abduct Medea. Everything about his fate has already been determined.

A hero who doesn't love the princess will eventually abandon the old and lustful princess mercilessly and seek better resources and a young and beautiful tool man.

But even if his personal morals are bad, he was once the captain of the Argonauts, where many heroes gathered.

Has this talent been subconsciously forgotten by people, or do they not want to believe that a scumbag who failed in life in the end also has such a talent?


The picture before people's eyes changed again.

That distrust, that suspicion,

Perhaps it was because they saw this in their hearts that in the end, a picture appeared that no one knew what period it was from.

? ? ?


Chapter 1,483 The most human-like hero! A different man in the eyes of others!

"You are indeed here, or others may not be here, but it is impossible for you not to be here."

The blond man laughed and looked at the barely burly man and said.

A somewhat familiar figure also appeared in people's eyes.


here it is--! No, let’s not mention those things for now, that man over there—it’s Hercules!

That’s right, it’s Berserker! !

Really Hercules! People's eyes were firmly fixed on Uncle B who had just appeared in just an instant.

Can't look away anymore.

Are they memories of the ‘past’?

Just when people think about it,

But I felt something strange and strange,

This reunion after a long absence would be a little...inappropriate to say it was from the past.

But people saw with their own eyes the blond man, who was Jason's last wasted life, whispering to the Argonauts.

Could it be that before being crushed to death by a ship's mast, he also met the legendary hero Hercules who had completed the twelve trials? !

But isn't that even weirder?

There is that terrifying humanoid meat mountain present,

Does Jason really have a chance to be crushed to death?

People were shocked...

But this is indeed their recognition of Uncle B's strength.

Even though it was just a short battle and a short introduction,

People had a full understanding of that man's strength.

It’s also very face-saving!

For people at this time, the gap between Uncle B and Jason in people's minds was not generally large.

One is the actual combat power that can be seen.

In people's eyes, he is full of hard-core style and is a powerful man who fully fits the image of a hero (ancient Gundam).

The other type has only heard of its legends, and has never even heard of any famous battle legends.

In addition, Jason from Medea's perspective really only showed a bad side.

It feels like buying one from Uncle B and getting one free.

Especially when the two of them stood together like this, the feeling that Jason was a gift became even stronger.


To people's surprise, they heard Uncle B's voice.

Jason's voice is completely different from people's impressions.

[My best friend is still so heartless, but this feels good.

He still treats me as before, not as a demigod, but as a human being and a brother.

But he didn't hate the feeling.

"You here (Argo), in my eyes, are not some demigod hero, but my best friend and best brother."

"You are not a monster, but a hero, a hero who protects me, the future king!\

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