A monster as huge as a sacred cow, fighting... would be a devastating persecution to the world!

These two beasts, which looked more like ferocious beasts than divine beasts, fought for two days and two nights, and finally——

The battle ended with the fall of the White Bull.

The brown cow Curaei then returned to Ulster triumphantly, throwing the flesh and blood of his opponents to his heart's content along the way.

However, while resisting the frontiers of Ulster, it died of exhaustion.

As a result, in the end, there was no real winner in the war caused by the robbery of two sacred cows.

Lotus Trophies are all dead,

Who can be called the final winner?

When Maeve returns to Connacht in despair, she sums up the war in one sentence: "Now all we have left is shame and chaos."

After experiencing this incident, Cu Chulainn also left a deep impression on Maeve——

Maeve, who was already somewhat obsessed with that man, became even more obsessed!

The strongest and fiercest warrior, the top Celtic hero! It’s none other than that man!

But only such a hero——

It cannot be conquered! That insurmountable mountain will arouse the raging flames and arrogance in his heart!

And the hero's story is far from over.

Maeve hasn’t given up yet—!

But before people could see what the rest of the story would be, the fragment of memories had already ended.

When people came back to their senses, they saw the familiar battlefield where Lancer and Red A were confronting each other.

At this time, people who already understood the importance the Celtics attached to reputation,

When looking at Red A, his eyes were a little strange, even pitiful.


It's not good to find fault, but it is used to stimulate Cu Chulainn in this aspect!

If that black state is forced out.

The beast that even Queen Maeve and King Fergus feared was unleashed,

Hiss~! People shudder!

That is a real weapon of war. In that state, Cu Chulainn will probably not lose to anyone!

A man who has almost no failures in his life,

No matter what kind of battle is completed, no one will be surprised!

Well, I have never failed in my life,

It's like after death——

"Have you heard about the power of my gun, Archer!" Brother Dog suddenly retreated, his whole body assuming a posture of crawling like a beast, ready to attack.

The bright red eyes locked the figure of Red A sharply and fiercely,

The killing intent and ferocious feeling exuding from his body can even make timid creatures fly away!

People’s eyes were also dazzled!

Is this something serious?


There was so much pretense at this time, and after the magic gun failed to be thrown again and again, it seemed like he was stretching his hips.

The setting is full of style, comparable to the magic gun declared by the master, but it has not killed anyone.

(So ​​the future,

Everyone: Brother Dog: Are you ready? Watch the liberation of my Noble Phantasm! I can do push-ups with one hand, are you afraid?

Laughed! Feel the anger from Wang Jiang!

However, this pose is still full of mockery! )

Red A: "Of course, the so-called curse is just a little trick of reversing cause and effect. Although it is scary, if it doesn't hit the heart,

It's just a sharp stab, right? "

What people didn't expect was that Red A's verbal skills were pushed to the MAX.

The intensity of the ridicule is not bad at all,

‘What do you mean it’s just a little trick of reversing cause and effect? ’ Everyone was ashamed.

If you hadn’t seen the previous clip where countless enemies fell to Cu Chulainn’s gun,

People really believed Red A’s lies!

And Brother Gou was not angry: "Yes, but the so-called gun can still be used in this way."

Red A frowned: "?"

Brother Dog: "Come on, let's take this blow as an identification on your way to hell."

Bang~! ! The gravel splashed, and Brother Gou jumped into the sky.

At this time, people saw another fragment flashing away.

That was the scene when Cu Chulainn, who was still young and had not yet become famous, went to the Kingdom of Shadows to become a disciple!

At that time, the Celtic world claimed to have mastered the ultimate in martial arts and was the strongest woman - Scathach!

At that time, he was the mentor that all heroes dreamed of!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a hero mentor. He has a similar reputation as Chiron in Greece.

However, this queen's standards for accepting disciples are much higher.

She set up a checkpoint at the gate of the Kingdom of Shadows, blocking many people who came to be her disciples from outside.

If someone can't even pass a mere pass, he's not qualified to be her disciple.

And that is a natural danger like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate,

Countless warriors have perished in the abyss because they were unable to cross this natural danger.

When Cú Chulainn came, he was similarly barred;

All warriors and heroes are afraid to move forward, thinking hard about how to cross this hurdle.

They didn't take it seriously about the arrival of a young face like Cu Chulainn.

I don’t even think that the other party is qualified to challenge that level now.

Compared with those who have died under this natural danger, there are many heroes with high reputations.

And Cú Chulainn, who was too young and immature, even when he was heading towards the trial, no one thought he could pass it safely.

I just lament that this is another ignorant and stupid being who will soon have to pay for his recklessness.


Cu Chulainn saw the natural danger and was eager to try!

Without hesitation, he leaped with all his might, and finally, in the shocked and unbelievable eyes of countless people, he successfully crossed over and climbed the ladder of the Kingdom of Shadows!

And that leap was the most critical foundation for the subsequent use of Scathach's famous skill, the curse-like throw of the magic spear Gaebolg,

in order to practice that incredible spear strike.

People who are obsessed with thinking about "how to fly over the punishment of heaven?" through various tricks,

have never thought that

everything has been destined from the beginning,

the heroes who pursue the ultimate skill of the magic spear have missed the opportunity to learn this skill at the beginning.

Those who think of taking shortcuts and getting through the wonder by tricks have already--

been destined to miss that strike in this life!

Chapter 1510 What will happen if the sharpest spear pierces the thickest shield?

A true hero must jump higher than anyone else and play a nuclear explosion kick from a high position! Smile~jpg,

The swimsuit master has shown us what pure Cuju is, ugh... it's the technique of throwing a spear!

If the release posture of the treasure is not wanton and wild enough, how can the lethality be strong!

That's right——

Gaebolg is a treasure thrown by leaping high.

Compared with the personal treasure used against Saber, the height is more like the level of children playing.


The scene in front of people changed again, and suddenly returned to the battlefield between Red A and Lancer.

The last moment, their eyes were still reflecting the scene of Cu Chulainn crossing the natural barrier when he was young, like a fish leaping over the dragon gate.

The next moment, the scene in front of them seemed to overlap with the figure that amazed and stunned countless people who came to study and worship him!

This is——

The moment when the true power of the magic spear is about to be released? ! ! In an instant, people's minds were shaken, and their emotions fluctuated to the peak! !

Then they saw,

It started with the tip of the spear, and then the entire spear body began to burn with a blood-red flame like the setting sun!

At the same time, Red A's solemn voice also sounded--

'Of course I know, Gaebolg--a cursed magic spear that can kill with one hit, and it is a treasure for the enemy when thrown.

It will hit the heart, so in that case, you have to defend it head-on. '

Yes, the enemy? !

People were shocked and thought they had misheard the voice.

Until the next moment,

People heard the roar of the dog brother: "Gae-bolg! [Piercing Death Flying Spear]!"

Boom! Then, like a missile, the magic spear was thrown out,

The spiral of bright red magic flames burned and surged on its body, and instantly cut through the night sky like a meteor-like magnificent trajectory!

Everyone was attracted by the beautiful scene, and for a moment they all showed an obsession.

And under that beauty, there is a destructive power!

On the other side, Red A also raised a hand suddenly, "I am the bone of my sword! Law Aias [Seven-fold Ring of Blazing Sky]!!!"

The gorgeous pink petals bloomed into a seven-layer barrier shield in front of him.

The treasure is released? !

The momentum of Gogo's shot was enough to shock and shock people,

but I didn't expect Red A to have another trick up his sleeve.

Before, people only knew that he could project,

but they didn't know that the treasure he projected could be released? ! And all these things happened in a short moment,

before people could react-

the scarlet cross storm, the shining light had risen on the horizon,

and then boom~!!! Layer by layer, layer by layer,

the barrier shield continued to break!

The magic spear continued to press down with the power of destroying everything.

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