Your own country (territory, power) should have never done anything that threatens the world itself and the survival of mankind, right?

Chapter 1523: Seats for happiness are limited! Classic quotations appear for the first time!

Open the door! The guardian comes to check the water meter!

Don't open the door?

It’s ok, then just let Dongfeng Express take care of it!

With one shot of the spiral sword, everything in the world was leveled!

Many believers in sects who believe in evil gods, evil gods, demon gods, etc., start to feel numb when they think of this aspect!

Even some orthodox gods——

Believers of gods such as the God of War,

Most of them are like berserkers, eager to fight as hard as their lives, and just want to find powerful beings to kill the opponent.

Or someone who likes to fight on the battlefield and thinks about starting a war every day.

After understanding this situation, he also fell into silence.

They like to fight,

But at least it is an evenly matched battle that can make people excited.

This is not a battle with heroic spirits!

Isn't everyone as capable of cheating as Shirou Emiya, defeating heroic spirits with a human body?

What a joke!

They are not stupid enough to go looking for abuse!


Does provoking war between countries constitute a threat to the world balance?

You won't provoke the restraint force to send a guardian, right?

No way! Thinking of this, these berserker warriors whose minds were full of blood and fighting became as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit!

They are also unable to determine what kind of war will threaten the balance of the world!

Bang~! ! Very unhappy!

If only they could be strong enough to kill all threats directly. If they are strong enough, the arrival of the guardian will not only not affect their interest, but will actually make them more exciting!

Back to the topic——

Back to Red A, following his words,

A battlefield similar to the world of Infinite Swordsman's Heart Image also appeared in front of people's eyes.

It was a picture of Hong A sitting under a dead tree in the sunset among countless corpses, silently looking at the 'hell' scene in front of him.

This is the 'Hell' scroll drawn by his own hands.

Red A: "I am not dreaming of a world without strife."

From here on, it can also be seen that Red A is indeed not the same kind of person as his adoptive father, Emiya Kiritsugu.

Although the ways to pursue justice are pretty much the same.

But he doesn't have the unrealistic fantasy of saving all mankind.

Seeing this, some Hermitos suddenly realized this.

There are also some people who don't notice the difference.

I just couldn't help but be shocked to think——

Did Emiya Shirou finally choose to become the same person as Emiya Kiritsugu?

This inevitably reminds people of the outcome of that terrifying Holy Grail question.

If you have to keep killing people to save people, what will the world look like in the end...

That terrible reincarnation,

The path of justice, like a curse, seems to be coming true for Red A!

This made everyone stiff.

I am more or less worried in my heart. In the end, the same terrifying scene as shown in the black cup will not appear! In the end, only Red A is left in the world? !

Shaking their heads and throwing away the absurd thoughts, people quickly reacted.

How could it be such a coincidence that there would be so many choices for Red A to choose from?

After all, the situations of Red A and Emiya Kiritsugu were different at that time.

Thinking like this, people heard Red A continue to say: "I obviously just hope that in the world I know, no one will cry again.

Then it finally dawned on me. The ideals Emiya Shirou embraced were nothing but selfish idealism. "

Unlike Kiritsugu who wants to save everyone, Red A only wants to save the people around him.

When Red A reveals the nature of this book of ‘justice’,

There are no false claims of justice being noble or supreme.

People were stunned for a moment.

This so-called ‘selfish idealism’ feels even more real.

"Emiya Shirou...he..."

I just want there to be no crying in the world I know...

Isn’t that just ‘self-deception’?

Obviously this statement,

It is on the surface that he knows very well,

For everyone to be happy is an unrealistic dream that is simply unattainable.

But even if Kiritsugu's dream was more innocent than his,

But Emiya Shirou still became so miserable because of this ideal, even more miserable than Emiya Kiritsugu.

Saving only the person in front of me is better than saving the whole world.

It should obviously be easier!


But--? !

‘Why does this happen? ’ Let alone Shirou Emiya, people felt confused and silent for him in their hearts.

And to suppress an honest man like Emiya Shirou like this,

It took him so many years to understand his true nature, but people can’t say, ‘You just understand! ’ sarcastic remarks,

Isn't it like a child who has finally grown up and has no choice but to accept the cruel fact that he has lost his innocent and innocent dream?

But who is really willing to forget their dreams?

It was only because I was bruised and bruised by darkness, oppression, and torture that I gave up!

Because I really didn’t have the qualifications to be stubborn anymore, I had to compromise.

However, the cost of growth for ordinary people is not as serious as Shirou's.

Keep your original intention in mind and never forget your mission! It’s even more rare and valuable!

But these are not the reasons why Inhibition tricked Shirou into signing the contract!

‘Fuck… I suddenly realized that my inhibitions are so evil! ’ People secretly slander in their hearts but dare not speak out.

Who knows if they will be heard!

It would be bad if someone wears small shoes!

Black-hearted boss, unscrupulous capitalist.

Deceiving honest and good people, squeezing their labor power, and torturing them physically and mentally into such a miserable state.

‘Inhibition, you big liar! ’

At this time, people thought that maybe it would be better to let Shirou Emiya be hanged after saving people and end his life completely.

That would be the most satisfying and peaceful ending for him.

Although the death was not peaceful...

Despite the betrayal, at least he went with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, death is the beginning of a tragic life...

"Then why...!" Saber.

Then, people heard Red A say that classic quote,

It is also a statement that has been spread in other worlds since then. Whenever justice is mentioned, you can't help but think of it!

"It is impossible to save everyone. Saving everyone means sacrificing a small number of people.

You have an impression too, Saber.

Seats named Happiness are limited. "

people:! ! !

These words...

Why does it sound so familiar!


So similar! Just like the time of the Holy Grail Quiz! But it seems to be more specific!

"Those who cannot be happy must be exterminated quickly... This is the hero,

The ideals this man believed in, the things a righteous partner did.

Saving the many people means being a righteous partner, right? "Popular A continued,

It seemed like he was asking Shirou, but also like he was laughing at himself...asking himself,

But everyone felt as if they were being asked again.

Is this... a 'hero'? ! Dumb...shocked...!

How could you admit such a thing?

Save the many, sacrifice the few...! ah!

Suddenly, people realized the meaning of the red A!

If you don't accept this approach,

That's right...

Doesn't this mean that everything Red A did was wrong?

Thinking of this, people were stunned.

Chapter 1524: Brother Gou never bothers to hit last!

If you can't save everyone, if you can't be all, can you still be called a hero?

No, to be that still a fantasy hero in people's minds?

Just because he is a flawless hero in fantasy,

Even if it is a miracle that cannot be achieved by common sense, it should be possible.

Because she is the object of admiration, she has excessive requirements for such a perfect posture.

It was only Red A’s words that finally made people realize clearly,

Wanting to be a ‘just partner’ is not just a matter of choosing whether to save someone or not.


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