"Why are you so beautiful... I can't help but feel sad and cannot keep it away... You are as beautiful as the blue sky and precious stones!" Hermitos expressed his deep regret and reluctance.

Even when Red A used its inherent barrier for the first time, the impact was far less than it was now...

For Hermitus, it is the mental world of a twilight hero who is tired of killing and tired.

A world full of tragic tones,

It is far from the 'hope, miracle' and 'glory of mankind' that he pursues.

But the current blue sky is completely consistent! This indomitable will! This soul that is silent is better than a loud cry!

No, maybe not silent!

Doesn’t this background music make their blood boil?

"That's right!" Shirou thought in his heart as he rushed.

"That's right!!" Snap~! Another step!

"This dream will never go wrong!!!" The last voice was shouted directly in reality!

At the same time, Shirou used the two swords in his hands to strike away two huge swords that were completely disproportionate to his body size and could cut mountains!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! ! !

Everyone clenched their fists and watched this scene excitedly.

My heart almost rose to my throat as nervously.

Some people noticed that after the blow and the cry from the soul,

The surrounding haze has dissipated a bit!

The world has become brighter!

Even Red A gritted his teeth and stared at Shirou in a daze, and for a moment did not continue to attack...

at last,

People just looked at Red A, as if his thoughts had stopped, and allowed Shirou to move forward, move forward, and move forward again!

Finally, reached the top!

Coming? At the critical moment, people saw that Red A finally moved. After turning the dagger in his hand in a fancy circle, he held it upside down and raised it high!

Like a dagger,

It seemed like it was about to be stabbed.

And because Shirou moved forward with all his strength, the figure that had just climbed up seemed to be unable to hold it back and was about to hit the knife edge.

Everyone: "!!!"

"Danger! Shirou, get out of the way!"

Anxiety and anxiety flashed across their faces,

What I didn't expect was...

The scene changed, and Red A 'saw' again...absorbed from Shirou, and recalled...the memories that had been lost.

The moonlight is beautiful...!

In a world without fighting, without loneliness, without death, without a barren horizon,

The scene in front of and around me suddenly returned to a small courtyard deep in my memory.

In the middle of the courtyard, there... were sitting two figures that made people's hearts tremble and couldn't calm down.

One big and one small——

"Let me finish it for you!" The little figure raised his head and began slowly.

This familiar scene,

I don't know how Red A felt at this time, but everyone's hearts trembled, their eyes widened for a while, and their mouths opened slightly.

...! This wave,

This wave is called murder and heart-breaking!

Chapter 1537 Emiya Shirou wins! Emiya Shirou also lost!

"Just leave it to me..."

The soul dialogue that runs through the center of the whole play appears again!

"...Dad's dream." The little Shirou smiled from the bottom of his heart, and the words full of innocence and beautiful faith swept toward Emiya Kiritsugu,

Sweeping into people's bodies and minds.

People saw Kiritsugu who shed tears because of this and seemed to have been saved for a moment.

The hollow and numb eyes that had long lost their highlight color seemed to have recovered a lot.

Maybe Kiritsugu didn't expect that Shirou would really be able to persevere in the future.

Even if he teaches the wrong magic,

Shirou can continue to train for ten years,

No one would say anything even if Shirou gave up.

Kiritsugu never thought about what he would really ask Shirou to do, but this child's innocent dream, no... it's that warmth and care,

There is no better redemption than this!

For those who have nothing left...

In the end, I discovered that there was something worth cherishing.

'It's over...' Everyone's anxious hearts were shocked at first when they saw the scene in front of them, and then they were relieved unconsciously.

Of course it's not that Shirou is finished, but...

Archer, it's over.

This wave is absolutely killer!

Sure enough, then - the screen flashed, and people saw the red A returning to reality. The Noble Phantasm that was clearly raised high, but the sword could not fall down no matter what.

He just watched Shirou approaching, and then in the world where his thoughts accelerated,

He watched as the knife in Shirou's hand slowly stretched out... and stabbed him in the abdomen!

"It's really too much..."

"Show me your past self. This kind of man really existed." In the end, Red A's hand holding the knife trembled, and she sighed inwardly.

When Shirou stabbed Red A in the abdomen,

At this time, Red A did not lose his resistance, but he also put down the weapon in his hand.

The next moment, the inherent barrier disappeared.

People watched as Shirou won the final victory in the battle so dramatically.

Hermitus quickly understood: "He hesitated..."

If you hesitate, you will lose.

No - it's not just hesitation, it's that my heart has lost and given up...

It was the heart that was defeated, but it was also the heart that was saved - Red A, I finally remembered my original intention.

How can Shirou Emiya, who has no original intention, be called a true partner of justice?

It was the red A at this time that made Hermitos have the same interest in collecting...

If you didn't know that the other party is not a hero of this era at all,


"Shirou Emiya seems to have arrived in this era." The God of Alchemy thought as he rubbed his index finger and thumb on his chin.

At the same time, the word "Danger" appeared above the head of the Red A Master of the different world,

At this time, he was feeling complicated and uncomfortable about Shirou Emiya killing his Archer.

Even though he knew that Red A was also Shirou, Archer was defeated...! Not happy!


A tauren-like chill arose, and the young man said, "?"

What's going on? Why do I have an ominous premonition? It's like...

No, no, there is no Shirou Emiya in this era, Archer should not betray me like he betrayed Rin!

The young man thought to himself unconfidently.

He has to believe in Archer's character!

And on the other side——

Back to the immersive epic,

At this moment, the inherent barrier has disappeared,

Shirou still kept stabbing, without even looking at the stage. After a long time, he said, "I won, Archer..."

Red A's expression was also surprisingly calm: "Ah... that's also my defeat."


The moment Red A admitted that he lost to Shirou,

People felt an inexplicable feeling of comfort and melancholy in their hearts. It was all over!

Shirou...has also grown!

They witnessed the culmination of a man's dream and the birth of a new hero.


Looking at Red A's body dripping blood.

Emiya Shirou defeated Emiya Shirou...!

This is really—damn, it’s indescribably uncomfortable.

Red A is not a bad guy. People know very well that this battle has nothing to do with good or bad...

And the moment Red A admitted defeat, he also admitted Shirou's philosophy!

Obviously, I kept saying those things before were wrong.

But in the end——

But I was severely punished by my past self.

It's dramatic enough.

Maybe this ending is not bad for Archer.

It really makes them...

Watched a ‘Sweet Dream’!

With that beautiful vision, Shirou... I will definitely not follow the old path of the popular A. I want to be happy!

Thinking of this...

People's hearts are extremely complicated for a time,

But suddenly: "Wait, it feels like I forgot something?"



? ! Speaking of which, why did Shirou come to fight Red A to death in the first place? ...Thinking of this——

Someone: ... Come to think of it, Rin is still in danger of having his heart ripped out! "

What happened, what happened, what happened!

Kotomine Kirei revealed his evil side before,

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