Shirou——How long has the battle been going on over there? It’s too late for us here!

Lancer has already ‘died’, and if Shirou is fighting Red A again,

Saber, as a bystander, will definitely not be able to arrive in time. At this time, even if people are still anxious, they still can’t help but have a strong desire to complain in their hearts——Who is Saber’s master!

Compared to Rin’s safety, watching Shirou fight is more important.

It’s over, do we have to rely on the kelp-headed little universe next to him who is gritting his teeth and unwilling to let Tosaka be taken away to explode?

People shook their heads,

thinking that Erye would pass him immediately,

it’s better to rely on Mapo to suddenly find her conscience and let Rin live a little longer until Shirou and the others arrive than to rely on this scum.

When there is really no external help.

People can only watch a delicate and beautiful flower wither with heartache!


the turning point appeared so suddenly.

Puff! ! ! A familiar red magic spear suddenly pierced through the chest of Kotomine Kirei who just turned around!

? !

He was thinking about piercing the priest in Rin's chest, but his chest suddenly had a big hole!

Everyone: WOC!!

When they saw who the blue figure standing up with a spear in his hand and covered in blood was,

Damn...! He's dead!

Chapter 1539 No matter which god system, it's best not to mess with the goddess!

'C, Cú Chulainn... is not dead yet? ! '

Everyone: Fuck! ! So cool! This sudden counterattack!

"Lancer! You...!" Mapo was nailed to the wall and a lot of blood flowed out of her mouth. Her internal organs seemed to be completely squeezed!

"What a coincidence, Kotomine...

If I'm killed for this, I'm not a hero." After saying that, Gogo pulled out his spear,

Mapo fell to the ground,

But he naturally didn't have the strong vitality of Cu Chulainn, so he was killed just like that!

The dramatic ending made people feel like they were living in a dream!


They saw Cu Chulainn leaning against the wall, sliding down helplessly,

"Really... yes..., the result turned out to be like this, idiot."

This time--it seemed that he was really dead.

Before they finished savoring the joy of Rin being rescued, the people who saw this scene couldn't help but show a sad expression.

Cu Chulainn...!

At this moment, a long-lost memory appeared in front of people.

The change of vision--

That was the continuation of the story, telling the name of the hero Cu Chulainn, what happened in the end.

As the dream reappeared,

people saw such a fragment of memory!

Once because of the story of the bull robbery, three heroes were born-Cu Chulainn, Fergus and Ferdia.

In this battle, Cu Chulainn killed his fellow apprentice, the powerful hero Ferdia, who was both his friend and enemy.

The scene of carrying him across the river and burying his body yesterday seems to be still vivid in my mind.

He lost his life for no reason in the name of glory and fought a meaningless battle.

But the result... He fought a battle of death but got nothing.

No one will remember the name of the loser.

The glory is gone, and

his life is completely lost.

The two sacred bulls died of exhaustion in the fierce battle, and in the end...

Even Cu Chulainn and Engels, the only two winners.

One person won the battle, but lost the country (failed to protect the country in time, giving Engels the opportunity to invade),

One person won the country, but lost his friends. (Although Queen Maeve, who fled to a foreign country, finally seized the opportunity to successfully take revenge, she completely lost everything in the end. After revenge, there was endless emptiness.)

Maeve was finally driven back to Connaught by the late Cu Chulainn and said in a daze: "Now we are only left with shame and chaos."

Isn't it true that the heroes' meaningless battles and the vortex of tragic fate have already been told.


Heroes are such a group, for glory... always fighting some meaningless battles, pitiful and sad existence!

If you still don't have a clear feeling about this.


People saw the Celtic world seven years after the Bull Stealing.

When Queen Maeve returned and attacked the Kingdom of Altes again.

People saw a lot of dust rising at the border, and heard the clear sound of horse hooves.

'There is a second invasion? How dare Maeve...' This thought flashed through everyone's mind quickly.

Then they saw the method that Maeve prepared to deal with Cu Chulainn.

Of course she would not fight an unprepared battle!

That fierce dog of Cu Chulainn has long become a mountain that Maeve cannot cross in her heart, like a god or a demon... the figure of the strongest hero!

Ordinary methods are useless to deal with this son of light.

Even if there is a powerful hero who can fight against Cu Chulainn,

for Maeve who regards it as the strongest weapon of war,

it is hard to accept!

But just like the concept of "fate is already determined" in Norse mythology,

even the gods cannot violate the Ragnarok.

In Celtic mythology,

there are similar restrictions,

Geis - also known as Geasa, is weird, forbidden, and also a vow.

It is the sacred vow of the warrior,

It is a sacred oath that cannot be broken regardless of whether it is made voluntarily or by someone else's magic or oath.

Looking at it from another perspective, because it is too mandatory, it is not inappropriate to regard it as a curse or restriction.

No wonder it has the name of prohibition.

But in essence, it is really just a constraint, not a curse.

"You can't, you shouldn't, you have to do it!"

The curse can still be broken,

However, Geis is not simply a curse. This is the most helpless part. Its essence has the aspect of blessing and blessing, but also the aspect of setting limits and restraining it.

Obey it and you will gain; disobey it and you will suffer.

Maybe you will say that as long as you comply, everything will be fine.

However, it is often the case in reality——

Sometimes you know you can't do it, but you still have to do it.

Countless heroes gained strength because of Geis, but were killed by Geis instead.

This is both the source of heroes' strength and their fatal weakness.

Maeve dared to challenge Cu Chulainn again because she already knew how weak Cu Chulainn was at this time, so she prepared six wizards to deal with Cu Chulainn.

And there is another most important and key existence that can help the wizards defeat Cu Chulainn and make him weak.

That is Morrigan, the crow goddess.

"Female...goddess?!" Everyone.

Involving gods gave people another bad premonition.

Even a member of the god Hermitus has to admit that,

In any era - gods are the most capable of causing trouble!

Whether it’s the Epic of Gilgamesh, the six-thousand-year-old mythological epic of Game Life, or the local gods of another world, Norse mythology, Greek mythology, etc., etc.

Each one was more chaotic than the last. When they turned into humanoids and walked the earth, they were also like natural disasters in humanoid form.

It's never a good thing to be targeted by gods.

Especially you must not fall in love with a goddess!

A certain Venusian goddess who almost wiped out Uruk - Ishtar is the best example!

Then, people saw——

The worst happened!

It's like a reappearance of history.

Just like when Gilgamesh rejected the love of the goddess Venus.

When the red goddess driving a red chariot appears in front of the hero and expresses her love to him!

As long as the other party gives love in return, she can give Cu Chulainn the power to continue winning!

But Cú Chulainn also rejected the crow goddess's advances.

He asserted that he did not need help from others, especially women, to fight!

"???!" Many women felt their eyelids jump when they saw this!

What's the meaning? Look down on women?

The girls who were originally excited because of Brother Gou’s handsome rescues and the performance of her boyfriend Max,

Express displeasure!

If they are still just unhappy.

On the other hand, the goddess’s mind is very small.

Many goddesses are extremely vengeful.

They may not necessarily like heroes very much, maybe they want to collect toys out of a whim!

Although you may not really fall in love with the other person,

But if it is rejected directly, this interest will instantly turn into a raging anger of "feeling humiliated and rejected"!

And the goddess’s revenge,

Even more terrifying than many powerful male gods and the main gods!

The goddess whose charm was questioned turned dark... Not even Cu Chulainn's father, Luge, the God of Light, dared to intervene.


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