Who would have thought that the Pope was once a magician? His most powerful skill should be his magic, especially the freezing magic.

It was only after he joined the Dark Moon Knights and mastered the power of the Fire of Sin that he got used to the close combat method of the greatsword.

He was fearless even when facing the siege of so many people with his dual-blade style.

However, his magic advantage was almost invisible at this moment.

"Go to hell, you bug!"

"......!" Ashes gave him the last sword as Shalivan stared at Ashes under his mask.

Puff! !

——I am a tree man! Not a bug!

Shalivan, who was MMP in his heart, looked at the last sword that ended him with unbelievable thoughts.

He just lost like this?

Was he defeated by a group of ants, reptiles, and the residue left after the burning of a hero? !

Especially the undead, who was hiding in the dark and attacking him with magic during the battle just now! But now he came out to make up the last sword!

—— Despicable!

However, Ashes said, I also want to fight you in close combat!

If the shield counter in another world didn't sound too fantastic, Andersen would have passed this part directly, and his +10 broadsword would have been thirsty for a long time!

Why would he need the help of these scum phantoms.

Bang! ! Salivan finally knelt on the ground helplessly.

This is a man who started from scratch but was determined to rule the country. He is proficient in the art of frost and the miracle of the moon, wielding the sin fire of destroying the country with one hand and manipulating the deep of bone erosion with the other hand.

Relying on his infinite ambition and amazing political means, he rose step by step from an unknown rank and eventually overthrew an ancient country.

He bewitched the devout clergy to send their gods to the plate of the Cinder King, and then disintegrated the Age of Fire.

He is Salivan, a bloody king who has ascended to heaven in one step, but today all his previous efforts were abandoned because of a mere ash.

At the moment when Salivan's last consciousness disappeared, no one knew what he was thinking.

But people saw it, saw the end of this pope.

He may not be as strong as people imagined.

Claire and the others were shocked by Sullivan's series of methods, and then gradually formed an invincible image of Sullivan in their minds.

But his weak strength really made him fearless, and he didn't need to work so hard to calculate the gods.

Even if he had three heads and six arms, laid countless plans, had the power and army that made countless people terrified, tore and trampled on the badges and symbols of the Dark Moon Knights, and trapped the half-dragon girl Youershika on the high tower.

But all of this was ultimately unable to shake the invisible curse of the fire.

When Ashes really killed Sullivan.

When the readers saw this, they were stunned.

The pope who was full of vigor and determination to end the fire era... fell so easily? !

Obviously, we should be excited about this magnificent epic battle, and cheer and celebrate for Ashes' another victory.

But after reading this, people felt a complex and inexplicable emotion in their hearts, and they actually felt a little lost.

What happened -

Why did they feel lost?

Ashes obviously won!

But is it because the victory was too easy, and they always felt unwilling?

Just when people's hearts were blocked, and even they didn't know why they saw Sullivan kneeling down, their hearts trembled and felt a little uncomfortable.

With the monologue in the heart of Ashes in the story, or the narration from the perspective and tone of the author Andersen, people seemed to understand something.

"If even a powerful person like Sullivan still can't change the world, why are the remaining ashes struggling?"

The story is about to end. The new illustration in the epilogue is Sullivan, who was sitting alone and indifferent in the painting world of heavy snow in his youth.

At that time, he still had a mother who could rely on behind him.

It's just that he chose to give up this gentle harbor of arms.

The snow is flying. It's colder than ever.

Chapter 183 The Seventh Agency of the Inquisition!

Unwarranted ambitions had to be extinguished on this day.

"Even Shalivan, a genius who was so powerful that he never lost, could not change anything in the end. What can we, as nameless ashes, do to change the end of the world? ... Continue the flame like King Gwyn?"

"Do the remnants have the qualifications to pass on the fire?"

At this moment, the ashes that defeated Shalivan seemed to have won, but also seemed to have done nothing.

People were shocked to watch the monologue in the text and the figure of Shalivan wrapped in flying snow in the illustration.

The whole world was left with only a lonely and thin body.

——The boy who did what people dared not do the most and made a greater oath than anyone else, the bloody king now fell down like this.

"Where are you going, child? It's cold outside and you will freeze. Where are you going, my child?"

The tree man mother cried in the cold wind, and the voice of retention seemed to be still in her ears.

"No matter where you are, Irithyll [the world of painting] is always at the edge of the moon."

"No matter where you are, Irithyll [the world of painting] is still your hometown."


Salivan's consciousness completely disappeared.

...He was unable to visit his hometown once before he died, and he was unable to return to the hometown he had long forgotten and abandoned.

However, for him who has already regarded Irithyll as his second home, perhaps this regret has disappeared.


Not being able to see the arrival of the era of extinguishing the flame will be his greatest regret until his death.

The second part of Dark Soul ends.

Even after reading it for a long time, Claire and the others are still holding the book blankly, with dazed eyes.

So strange... why, the mood is suddenly so low.

Salivan is dead!

He actually died, and was defeated by the ashes.

Some people can't help but suddenly think, if Salivan really achieves his goals and wishes, will the era after the end of the fire cycle really come? !

Now people can no longer see it, this may be what they regret most.

Especially the last monologue, it seems to reflect the powerlessness of the ashes, the world has no future despair, and people are almost suffocated.

Yes! Even a genius like Salivan, who is so powerful that he can cover the sky with one hand and even the gods can calculate successfully, will fail.

Can the ashes really continue the inheritance of the Age of Fire?

Regarding this question, the answer may only depend on whether Andersen will release the third part of Dark Souls.

However, the plot has now eliminated the Pope, the biggest obstacle to the transmission of the flame. Which direction will the plot of the world develop in the future...

Did Ashes really succeed in transmitting the flame? Or did the flame completely extinguish and come to the terrifying deep sea era in the prophecy! ?


The second part of Dark Souls is still affecting this world.

With the good reputation of the first part, and Andersen's stories have never been less exciting, I'm afraid you can't stand the excitement.

...The second part of Dark Souls soon became a best-seller throughout the country, and several neighboring kingdoms also began to sell books of Dark Souls.

A few days later, in the center of the Emerald Cold God Court of the Church.

Puff! The Pope of the God Court suddenly drew out the mithril sword at his waist and pierced the book in front of him with one sword.

On the cover above, you can still vaguely see the appearance of a boy wrapped in a tree man.

"Pope Sullivan... It really makes people see an interesting character."

A wonderful story... but also a disgusting story.

The Pope thought coldly about all the descriptions of Shalivan.

Suddenly, a clergyman from the Inquisition entered the church.

The clergyman bowed respectfully to him and whispered something to him.

"Has the seal been broken?" The Pope snorted coldly.

He looked at the "Weaving of Destiny" placed in the center of the church.

It was a golden linen loom.

It was a divine tool given by God, which had a certain ability to predict fate.

The princess of the old royal family was not dead yet, and the seal of the church designated by the seal she stepped into was also broken.

Didn't the vampire eat her? What good luck!

"Let the Seventh Agency of the Inquisition prepare, and all members will go out to capture the 'target'."

"Yes..." The clergyman responded with a slight surprise on his face, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Even the strongest team in the Inquisition has been dispatched. Is there anything special about the target?

"That vampire, if you can catch it alive, then catch it alive. If you can't catch it, then purify it!" The Pope suddenly added.


He also considered whether the target would be staying with the monster designated by the seal.

It's not impossible...

After all, it is the blood of the royal family. For the shadow rats that live on blood, it must be a very good food supplement.

Is it planned to keep her in captivity and slowly suck her instead of eating her directly?

Vampires are indeed vampires. No matter how young they are, they are just a group of disgusting maggots.

Thinking of another work about "vampires" by Andersen that he seemed to have seen before, the Pope's heart became even more profound.

"That bard, it's better to catch him!"

Just when the clergy were about to leave to give the Pope's instructions.


"Please give your orders." The clergy stopped respectfully without any dissatisfaction and spoke.

"Send another team to secretly search for all information about Andersen in Lindo. If the location of the main body can be determined, capture him directly!"

"Understood, Your Holiness. Do you have any other instructions?"

"No. Go down!"

"...Yes!" He silently memorized the name Andersen in his heart.

The clergyman was not moved at all when he heard the name.

He never read any bardic biographies, so naturally he would not know Andersen's name.

But even if he knew, he would not be too surprised!

Having served the Divine Court for so long, most of the targets of their missions in the Inquisition are noble beings that ordinary people desire but cannot reach, even there are several members of the royal family.

Have they captured a few nobles, princesses, and kings? !

As for the pagans?

That kind of creature has long been wiped out in the church. The abyss monster has not been seen for a long time.

If the Kasas Orc Empire was not too powerful this time, it would not be the Crusaders that would be dispatched, but their Inquisition.

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