But if we talk about 'Shirou'... Tsk, Red A and Emiya Shirou, aren't they the same person!

Everyone: "I understand!"


Dang Lin looked forward to: "Contract another contract with me."

Everyone: ‘! ! ! ’

Tears streaming down my face! If Shirou Emiya is not enough, there is another love rival!

Is the red A the true love? !

Seeing the way Rin was running up anxiously just now, she didn't even care about Shirou on the other side...

Very good - you, the archer with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are the real class enemy! ?

LSPs who look after Rin and the two goddesses of the Sumerian mythology system are all in bad shape!

At this time, Red A turned back to look at Lin and paused,

There seemed to be a sigh in the deep voice.

He seemed to want to agree, but...

"I can't do this...

I don't have that right, and,

I have no purpose anymore.

My fight ends here. "

Rin: “But!!!

But - in that case! You...can't ever be...unsaved..."

Rin was already crying when she said this.

Red A opened his mouth slightly and was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head helplessly.

He made that familiar Shirou signature move.

"It's so nerve-wracking..."

At this moment, people were also stunned, as if they saw Shirou and Red A completely overlapping.

‘Shi…lang? ’ Everyone.

Chapter 1,556 A world where only Illya sacrifices is achieved!

"Rin!" Red A,

Rin raised her head,

Red A: "[I] leave it to you.

As you can see, he is an unreliable guy.

It's up to you to support him. "

Red A smiled, amidst the extremely soft background melody,

His voice also became extremely gentle.

This is the first time people have seen Red A’s gentle gesture.


'Human emotions...are more complex than most living things.

But occasionally I see one or two such pure emotions.

Rin... loves Shirou and regards Red A as Shirou,

Feel the pain that you can't save this Shirou. ’

The God of Alchemy sighed...

It’s incredible!

This emotion...

Obviously there is no need to put too much burden on this.

That Shirou is not the Shirou from their world line.

But do you still want to save him?

And for this tenderness,

This is probably the reason why Red A felt helpless and became so gentle at this time.

Even the proud, lonely man was warmed and infected.

After the ice disappeared, what was revealed now... was the same gentle and kind heart as Emiya Shirou.

This gave people an extremely familiar feeling,

He even felt that the red A at this moment was Shirou, but his hair color and skin tone were different.

His temperament and key things have changed, becoming closer to the person he was when he was alive and young...

Rin: "Archer..."

Her sky-blue eyes were rippling with water, and her pupils were trembling. It took a long time before she firmly agreed,

"Well, I understand.

I will work hard! I will work hard... to prevent him from becoming an awkward guy like you! "

A genuine smile finally appeared on her face.

"I will definitely work hard to make him cherish himself! So, you also..."

"I already have the answer...

No problem, Tohsaka.

I will work hard in the future..." After closing her eyes slightly and saying quietly, Hong A raised her head and tilted her head slightly with a smile.

And that smile made people feel distressed and stunned...

This smile broke the hearts of many girls——

‘I will protect this smile! 'xN! That impulse flashed through countless people’s minds!

He really, really, really... works hard!

People who work hard should not be miserable forever, and should also get a happy ending!

Under that sunshine, Red A’s smile will always be imprinted deep in people’s hearts.

In just a blink of an eye, the figure that was standing there had disappeared.

It's like it never happened...

Only then did two lines of tears fall down Lin's face——

All the toughness and pretense disappeared,

In the end,

"What? I didn't have time to complain in the end." Rin.

"Go home, Rin." Shirou, who had climbed up the mountain at some point, called from behind.

When people turned around with Rin, they saw the same gentle smile as the red A just now.

'The man left, but it seems he didn't leave completely...'

People shed some tears when they saw this scene!

Rin also gave Shirou a cute thumbs up while shedding tears.

OK...go home!

The story of the Holy Grail War ends here.

Afterwards, many subsequent clips flashed through, explaining the lives of these people after the war.

It is no longer related to the Holy Grail...

Shirou entered the Clock Tower to study as Rin's follower, and he also gained a new crush, (a lady crane who was also attracted by Shirou's high jump in his early years)!

Afterwards, they also visited King Arthur’s tomb...

Everyone: "Hmm... Are you sure it's Artoria's grave? Maybe it's Arthur's (old sword)?"

Old Sword: As we all know, King Arthur is a man! so--

Artoria? Who!

You are from the parallel universe next door! Get off my feet!

Everyone: Shirou, Rin: ‘Saber, we are here to see you! ! ’

Old Sword was full of questions: “…Who are you?! You look familiar in front of my grave?!”

Because of the special nature of Heroic Spirits,

Since future Heroic Spirits can be summoned, it is normal for the king of the parallel world to be summoned!


It is really hard to say what gender the king in this cemetery is——Everyone is talking nonsense!

Well, it is more likely that there is no king in the cemetery at all.

If according to the legend, King Arthur’s body was also sent to Avalon by boat after his death.

If you want to find the grave of the Knight King, it is easier to find that bastard Merlin first.

And in this world, with Rin’s company, although Shirou still hasn’t given up his ideals and efforts, he seems to be much happier and should not become Red A again.

Rin also said in a conversation with Shirou…although you may embark on the same path as Archer.


'It's not where you are, but where you can reach'

Shirou now will surely go further, to places that Red A has never reached!

In the end,

even if you reach Red A's current location, if you keep going, you will definitely have the right ending.

Everyone: !!! Well said! You are worthy of being my (our) wife!

That's right, Shirou, go and become a partner of justice. This path will definitely be righteous in the end. I (we) will take care of Rin for you!

Although there is no Cao Ze in the other world,

but Cao Ze's spirit has begun to spread widely in this world and has a profound influence!

And then this also led to the subsequent tidbits along the way, which made people eat a lot of dog food from the two of them,

so angry...!

So enviable!! Some people envy Rin, some people envy Shirou, and some people are weird...both of them are envied, and in the end I don't know who to envy!

It's a ton of critique for singles!

Although they still don't want to accept it, people have already accepted this ending in their hearts.

But on the other side——

In a blink of an eye, people saw the familiar figure of Kelphead in the ward.

I didn’t expect Shinji to survive to the end and was still being taken care of by Sakura.

!!! Kelphead could survive to the end?

Even though it was mentioned later that Kelphead seemed to have turned over a new leaf and was no longer doing evil.

People: My lovely Illya didn’t survive... wuwuwu!

Even Shinji could survive, why did Illya die.

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