Moreover, they are said to be beautiful because they have absorbed excellent genes from other races...

This is even more outrageous!

Those savage, vulgar, ugly guys don’t take a good look in the mirror! Who absorbs who?

Later, because of the ‘transfer’ incident,

The conflicts between the major elves and other races on the mainland once intensified, and several small-scale wars broke out in succession.

Until some elven children were also stolen!

The vampire race has just been exposed and fully entered people's perspective...

Because the appearance is too elf-like,

Even after the truth was revealed, people still liked to call vampires blood elves.

This is one of the reasons why all elves dislike vampires.

They are both originally handsome intelligent creatures, and their appearance is so similar that even if they are not close, they will not be too annoying...

But since vampires had just come to the surface from the abyss at that time,

He drinks blood wantonly, and especially likes to drink the blood of children.

Maybe it's because the soul in the child's blood is purer.

But their move did have a great negative impact on the entire elves.

This also causes vampires to have a very bad impression in the eyes of most elves.

Not to mention that vampires rarely give birth;

When they reproduce, they rely more on their first embrace and assimilation of other races to reincarnate into new vampires.

Those who fail to reincarnate will become low-level monsters in the abyss...

Such as the infamous Ghoul Army.

Low in intelligence, but not low in combat effectiveness...savage, bloody, and cruel,

When the ghouls appear on the land in droves,

Their fearlessness and tirelessness make them a nightmare for ordinary people of all races.

After all - except for the naturally powerful races such as dragons and giants,

Other races are still more ordinary people.

This kind of race is like a blood-sucking insect that needs to host other races to become stronger and stronger.

How could other races like it?

In addition, he was once a part of the abyss,

Almost no one likes the existence of vampires, and even mixed-race and reincarnated vampires will be rejected by their original relatives and friends.

The former vampire little loli was sealed by the church for this reason... and was hunted down several times.

But after the story of Vlad III appeared,

Only then did people's sense of vampires improve,

In addition, he was rescued by Accardo before.

The Elf Kingdom near Ceylon has greatly changed its impression of Accardo.


Pfft~! !

Late at night, on the edge of the Elf Forest, the Elf Archer on duty was bitten straight into the throat by a 'monster', and blood splattered everywhere.

The elf girl still had a look of fear on her face.

Breathing has stopped.

I didn’t hesitate at all about that pretty face,

The 'monster' took a sip and threw the body aside.

Then its eyes focused on the elven tree houses deeper inside.

It moved quickly, leaving an afterimage, and quickly disappeared in place.

Afterwards, countless ‘monsters’ also stepped out of the darkness and chased after them.

The next day, when the sun rises,

The city of Ceylon was in full swing and bustling with people.

Even after experiencing previous monster sieges, heroic spirits can appear in time,

Ceylon's losses were almost minimal, close to none.

This also allows the residents living in Ceylon City to still live a stable and peaceful life.

The morning sunshine and fresh air put a little more smile on people's faces.

The beautiful buildings with red bricks and white walls around them put smiles on the faces of people preparing to go to work in factories and farmland.

The living environment is better...

Even my thoughts about work feel more energetic!

It is different from the harmonious Ceylon side.

The neighboring Elf Kingdom...the Elf Forest has just experienced a great war and is in dire straits. There are still many things that need to be done.

Including the aftermath and memorial matters of dead soldiers,

Under the influence of this sad mood, the elves also added a lot of fatigue to their bodies and minds.

But early in the morning——

A scream awakened the tiredness of the elves!

When the elven law enforcement team and nearby elves came to the edge,

I saw a miserable situation!

Many treehouse windows were violently destroyed from the outside...

There are spirits crying inside the house,

Many elves said they had lost their children... and even beautiful girls in some families had disappeared.

At first, some elves did not see their children when they woke up.

I just thought I went out to play with other children.

However, after discovering that the window had signs of damage from the outside,

The elves finally woke up and realized that they had been robbed.

And they slept extremely deeply last night,

Didn't feel any movement at all.

This is a very rare thing for an elf who is the natural darling of nature and has a unique talent as a hunter.

Any disturbance may awaken these elves.

What makes the elves even more angry is...

In the children's room, the elves found a tree branch wrapped in a quilt!

"Switch!" The elves immediately remembered the long-standing legend,

It was once considered a shame and a legend that they did not want to mention.

Later, the law enforcement team found the elf shooter on duty who was bitten to death.

After seeing the two small holes for fangs on the Elf Archer's neck,

After some inspection,

"It's the breath of a vampire...!" The faces of the elves in the law enforcement team changed drastically, and their expressions were uncertain for a moment.

Then they found traces of being crushed in the grass and looked at each other!


With boundless rage, rage at the murder of fellow citizens and the theft of children,

The elves of the law enforcement team, after leaving one person to report to their superiors,

The remaining people quickly took action,

And following those traces, the pursuit went surprisingly smoothly! Soon... the elves had completely determined the escape route of this group of 'vampires'!

Chapter 1568 What a luxurious magic! Road construction is all enchanted?

The elves of the law enforcement team quickly tracked all the way to the place outside the Elf Forest.

"Captain... if we go further, we will reach the territory where humans live. We..."

There was a look of hesitation on the face of the elf.

Although the city of Ceylon welcomes all races,

But the past of humans abducting elven slaves seems to still be vivid in their minds.

The handsome and noble elves have always been the favorite prey of slave traders.

Elves who have their own living area rarely leave the Elf Forest...

Rushing into human territory also means that they must be prepared to bear the risk and crisis of being captured by human slave traders.

Although they have never been to Ceylon, they heard that many businessmen from the mainland would pass by Ceylon to do business and buy some rare goods.

Who knows if there might be a large slave transfer station there!

Maybe there are elves among those rare goods...!

"Keep chasing! We must catch those damn vampires!" the captain gritted his teeth.

One night has passed,

He didn't know how long these dirty rats had been running around in the dark.

What if the Elf Queen gets the news, sends a large force to hand over to humans, and then searches for this group of poachers?

At that time, these dirty rats didn’t even know how far they could escape.

If you give up at this time, you may not be able to catch up!

And all it takes is a light rain to completely bury the traces of the vampires' escape, making it increasingly difficult to find them later.

Don't miss this opportunity,

At least get the children back!

So, the elf team rode on the unicorn and continued forward,

Soon we reached the border of Ceylon,

At the same time, on the other side,

On the new road paved with cement,

A luxurious carriage drove slowly,

Many convoys of goods followed.

Although Yan Yan promoted technological alchemy and developed epoch-making products such as steam engines in advance, he even laid railroad tracks and built steam trains.

But many people still haven’t developed the habit of taking trains.

Especially when carrying valuables, you are worried about whether they will be left behind on the train.

This inherent thinking takes a long time to change.


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