I was suffering from great conscience torture in my heart, and finally struggled to comfort myself.

Sacrificed two companions,

And killed so many people,

If the killing was wrong...

No, it’s impossible to kill the wrong one!

In order to prevent their already tense spirits from breaking down, the elves soon agreed with this point of view.

At the same time, more anger comes!

If the child doesn’t come and can’t be rescued, then at least some of the ‘murderers’ should be brought back!

Chapter 1,572 It’s not a prayer, it’s just a confession to God!

They don’t want to know they’re wrong…

As long as Mou determines that the poachers are the vampires in front of him,

All the killing they did was 'justice'.

Lift high the name of ‘judgment’…exercise justice!

"Just kill that man... Just take the mother and daughter back." The elf captain looked at the butler who was still struggling after being subdued and said coldly.

Although he is also a vampire,

But the butler's bloodline is obviously impure, and he is just a minion of a pure-blooded vampire.

It’s an accident, so let’s get rid of it!

"...Ouch!!" After being restrained and her mouth covered with clothes, the young lady began to struggle.

If it was not life-threatening before, it was just temporary despair.

They want to attack the housekeeper! !

No, no! We can't let them succeed!

Vampires have a long lifespan, and the housekeeper has been with the Fran family for a long time.

I also watched mother and daughter grow up from childhood to adulthood!

To them, he is like a father or grandfather.

For the young lady who no longer has her father and is dependent on her mother,

It is absolutely unacceptable to lose such a relative!


The struggle was in vain. When the two elves noticed the movement, they immediately came up and held down the young lady's shoulders.

She was overcome by force and fell to her knees,

Then I could only watch helplessly as an elf walked towards the bound butler and raised the sword in his hand!

At this time——

Anyone... anyone else can help us! ! !

The little lady felt even more desperate about the situation in front of her and wailed in her heart.

Even praying to gods who never pray,

I prayed to all the gods I could think of in my mind, but no gods responded——!

Powerful spirits can respond to prayers and true name calls.

But no god will accept an abyssal species as a believer...

Vampires probably only appear among the subordinates of the Abyss Demon God.

The local gods and the abyss demon Xiang Lai are mortal enemies!

After hearing this vampire's prayer, it would have been a good idea to shoot them to death without leaving any hands to help the elves.

And the Abyss Demon God was already dead and hiding when the abyss invasion was repelled, and it is impossible for him to come out and jump around at this time!


Who else?

If God doesn’t respond, who else can you pray to? !

"Wait a minute... first ask the unicorns for some blood... Their blood contains the magic power of the light element.

Can actually kill vampires! "The captain suddenly stopped the elf,

Ordinary attacks cannot kill vampires.

Immortal monster...

Even if it is penetrated through the heart and brain,

If the immortal curse is not resolved, it will still be resurrected.

The elf obeyed and put down his sword,

Heading towards his unicorn mount...

But looking at the turn of events, it didn't get better, it just delayed death...

The little lady on one side felt completely desperate.

She looked at the housekeeper,

He found that the housekeeper was also looking at him and shook his head with some worry in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if he himself dies;

I'm afraid that the young lady and the young lady can't think about it and anger these elves, so they will be executed on the spot.

Then it's completely hopeless...

And at this moment,

The little lady also understood that the gods did not hear her voice;

Or maybe I don’t want to respond to her!

Except for those abyss demons who are no longer reliable and are hiding in the abyss and dare not come out...

Is there anyone in this world who would lend a helping hand to a vampire?

A dark look flashed in her eyes, and she already gave up hope——

Then she remembered their vampire ancestors,

There was no such thing in the past...

Because they themselves don’t know how they came to be vampires.

Maybe it's also one of the monsters created by Mother Abyss? !

It wasn’t until I watched that epic poem that it seemed like... I had it!

That’s right, King! They also have the Vampire King!

But the king is not a god,

Can you also hear your own prayers?

Even though I think so in my heart,

To the king who dares to spurn the God he believes in and to raise the banner of rebellion to the God who betrays him!

The admiration and admiration made her suppress the problems in her heart.

She began to pray to the gods, praying for the king's helping hand!


I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

She seemed to hear the sound of heaven in her ears! !

“God, I make no demands of you, I ask no mercy from you.

God does not...

does not help the supplicant,

Will not extend a helping hand to those who pray for mercy.

Because that's not prayer,

It is just a request to God. "The voice seemed to be someone making a declaration to the God in Nothingness!

There are words of endless sadness in the tranquility,

It seemed to be referring to the stupid 'struggle' she was doing just now!

The young lady shuddered and opened her tightly closed eyes in disbelief.

The prayer was also forcibly interrupted...

‘Just now... what was that? ! ’

It was impossible to determine where the ‘heavenly sound’ came from,

but the words described in it touched the young lady's heart at this moment.


Will not lend a helping hand to those who pray for mercy...?

This was completely different from the ‘theory of the mercy of the gods’ that she had heard in the past, which the priests of those churches preached to the believers.

But she felt recognized from the bottom of her heart, and was inexplicably happy! Exciting!

Didn’t those priests say that as long as you pray to God, God will lend a helping hand to all those in need?

Didn’t it say that the gods will never give up on every believer?

But why didn’t a god respond to her just now.

Was it because her despair was not enough,

or because she prayed to too many gods for help, which seemed not sincere enough?

Or was it because she was despised by the gods as a vampire?


The voice gave her an explanation,

So that’s it!

Such a true answer...

It is because she cannot give anything back to the gods.

Her prayers were just one-sided requests...Ah! So that's it!

At the same time as she was disappointed with such a god,

the unwillingness in her heart, the slight complaints and resentment that had unconsciously arisen also disappeared.

For such a god - what is there to resent?

God is no different from them.

It is normal that he will not help people who have nothing to do with him.

If she were a god, she would make the same choice -

But thinking of this, the young lady looked a little confused.

If the gods are not reliable,

what else can people rely on?

In such a crisis...

What else can bring warmth to that trembling, scared heart?

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