As if feeling something, Accardo froze, raised his head and looked in a distant direction.

"Hey... have you discovered it?" Sur'an, the god of light who has survived from ancient times to this day, chuckled nonchalantly.

His divine body looks like an old man,

But it doesn't mean that he has really become old and feeble over the long years.

Although he was a little surprised, how did Accardo find that he was paying attention to the other party.

There is no doubt——

That man is looking at me! He can see his own sight!

But——it was just looking at each other.

Su'an didn't think that this meant that this vampire had the same level of strength as himself.

However, Suran did not notice it.

The person looking at him at this time was no longer just the vampire king.


Chapter 1,580 What you see is what I want you to see!

Future vision is not unique to the Xingyue world——

...It should be said that there are many worlds with mysterious properties,

There will be special products similar to spiritual awareness,

It may be called the sixth sense, or it may be called predicting the future, or even in mythology,

As long as someone sees God's appearance and calls out God's name, God will pay attention.

These various miraculous manifestations——

It is a symbol of the individual life level reaching a certain level.

...Or can such an existence really be called life?

From the perspective of intelligent creatures, trying to understand the life class of real gods, the results obtained are also specious answers.

And there is also such a saying circulating in this different world——

For those fools and mortals who try to understand gods with their own thinking,

God: ‘I am an existence that is completely different from yours in terms of rank and order...why do mortals trap themselves in a cocoon and seek death? ’


Just like the sixth ladder and the seventh ladder are the difference between humans and natural disasters, they are unimaginable transformations and leaps in the level of life.

The gods on the eighth ladder are also such incredible and insurmountable ‘stairs’ on the seventh ladder.

But when mortals look at God... they have to cross two steps,

It's already a completely different dimension,

Although gods have various forms, such as old men, young men, beautiful women, and even various sacred creatures,

But that's not their real existence...

In essence, the divine body is just an empty shell, revealed as a way for ordinary people to understand, see, and communicate with mortals.

And if someone wants to see through that virtual shell and see the true nature of the spirit—!

If the brain cannot understand, it will die.

The body cannot understand it, and it will twist into the shape of a monster.

And the absurd thing is-

As an ancient main god, he is also a powerful light-type god.

Suran would never dream of it at this moment,

He is playing the role of the fool in "God and Man Staring", playing the image of a mortal who wants to understand God with his own thinking.

At this time, the Lord of Light focused his sights on Accardo, wanting to see clearly the essence of the heroic spirit, to analyze the immortal curse, and to understand his 'sin' from hell!

However, this behavior itself was a bit transcendent and triggered the self-protection mechanism of this vest.


On the other side, Flame, as the main body, has inadvertently activated the mode of omniscience and omnipotence.

His eyes were shining like divine golden pupils,

He is obviously not a god, but at this moment he shows a stronger divine brilliance than Su'an.

Yan looked through Akado's body and saw Suran in the distance...

When he discovered that Sur'an wanted to study Akkador's soul,

In one thought,

He made up a fictional 'Akkado Heroic Spirit Template. Pseudo' and stuffed it into the originally 'blank' body.

The other end——

Su'an suddenly breathed a sigh of relief,

Although he still maintains an 'interested' and calm attitude to the outside world,

But this is just for my juniors to see!

...He had been unable to find Accardo's essence just now.

The heroic spirit seen through divine vision was just an empty shell with nothing inside.

This made the God of Light confused for a long time!


He felt like he was lonely after watching it for a long time.

Is this really a living thing?

Even if vampires are called resurrectors, immortal monsters, or undead souls who have returned from hell.

But in essence, it is still a species of the flesh and blood class.

It's not a fantasy species, a conceptual creature that can't be understood.

Even gods are only semi-conceptual existences, somewhere between tangible and intangible.

But he really couldn't see anything in Accardo's body...

What, what, also, no, there is!

It's like looking directly into a black hole, into an abyss whose bottom you can't see clearly!

This ominous and confused feeling made Suran, the ancient god, feel a little chilly in his heart!

Fortunately, I can suddenly see it again just now...!

Was there something wrong with your vision before?

Su'er An could only think so, and his heart was full of confusion.

(Yan: Haha...

You can only see what I show you, and you can only see what I want you to see.

Su Er'an:! ! ! )

But what Su'an saw now was exactly the false information Yan showed him.

First, the composition and essence of heroic spirits——

Similar to a divine body,

But it is not a divine body, it is somewhat similar to a spiritual body.

And when Suran wants to further explore the nature of heroic spirits...

I don’t know whether it’s because of the distance, or because the structure of the heroic spirits is more complicated than imagined.

Su'an was blocked outside and couldn't find the door for a long time.

Su'an didn't pay much attention either——

He still knew too little about creatures like heroic spirits.

I have never seen it with my own eyes,

If you don’t know how to research, then try another direction!

Study Accardo’s vampire physique!

As an original vampire, what is the difference between ordinary vampires?

Suran is still very interested in this point.

over a long period of time,

It's not like he's never encountered vampires before.

I also learned about the immortal curse on vampires,

Based on these experiences, he was confident that he could solve Accardo's immortality even from such a long distance.

Anything cursed or dark,

There is nowhere to hide in front of the light! !



Suer'an saw a terrifying and unforgettable scene! !

Blood is the currency of the soul,

The curse that comes from the blood is the curse that comes from the soul...

And anyone who attempts to touch the soul of the King of Monsters,

Are you really ready to carry that hell song?

Wow~! !

Some fragments flashed before Su'an like apocalypse!

Originally, when human beings saw life in higher dimensions,

If your life qualifications are good enough, you may be able to see some great achievements - fragments from the beginning of your birth.

Like a world with disobedient gods,

If the witch's psychic qualifications are sufficient,

When facing the gods directly, you can see some relevant fragments of the descending gods.

At this time, Sur'an had glimpsed a small fragment of memory.

So ridiculous...

Things that should happen to humans and gods.

But because the person who gave Akkado the cursed immortality was too high-ranking,

As a result, Sur'an, the main god, suddenly fell into a state of trance like a mortal looking directly at a god.

The spirit in the image of an old man suddenly murmured,

"Blood, fog, and rivers are roaring... playing the song of hell!"

The goddess of life and the god of light and hope were stunned.

Senior (uncle), what's going on?

Such a crazy state,

What did he see? !

Although they did not understand the profound meaning of the words in the old man's mouth, the two gods subconsciously memorized them.

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