As long as all the souls in the vampire's reserves are consumed, even the vampire's powerful regeneration ability will..."

"Okay... let's end it here." Su'an interrupted.

He already understood what his nephew wanted to say.

When did it start——

Su'er'an felt a little irritable and complicated inside...

He once discovered that his nephew also had the qualities to become a powerful god of light.

No matter what magic he learns, he is very fast and often draws inferences from one example.

...This makes Su'er'an, the uncle, very proud.

Sursin's rapid growth will undoubtedly bring him new glory, wealth (this does not refer to ordinary treasures) and a qualified heir.

But with Sursin’s performance just now,

Compared with the previous experience of being so embarrassed in the world of memory fragments.

At this time, Su'er'an felt a slight sense of alienation towards his nephew.

The old man began to realize that his nephew was a strong competitor for him.

Although I once had the idea of ​​​​training him as a successor...

But the other party's growth far exceeded the psychological level he could bear.


Why is it that when he probes, his heart is ripped out!

His nephew probed, but he was able to harvest useful information!

So excellent...! He suddenly realized that his nephew had surpassed him unknowingly?

He has not really died of old age yet, and it has never been heard of whether the gods will die of old age.

Anyway, although this ancient god of light is already one of the longest surviving gods in the world,

But he still felt that he could still do it,

You can even work as the Lord God for thousands more years without getting tired of it.

The heir has grown too fast and has even threatened his current status.

This is absolutely not allowed.

Sursin accomplished what even his uncle could not do,

Having accomplished what he asserted that even the gods could not do, this slap in the face made him even more embarrassed.

Think carefully...

Didn't he let his guard down too much when he allowed this child to come into contact with the high priests and believers under him?

If he wants to become a sect in advance, he can directly recruit people from my sect!


The old man's inner emotions changed drastically.

But Sursin and the goddess of life on the side were not aware of it!

The goddess of life exclaimed in surprise because of Sursin's bold guesses and discoveries...! Start looking at this young god again!

She never thought that she might have made a mistake.

I originally thought he was just an ordinary junior, a young god whose strength was still immature.

Unexpectedly, he accomplished what his uncle could not accomplish and found useful information.

Looking at it this way...

It seems like she’s not too bad off!

The goddess of life felt so much better that she didn't even bother to pay attention to the old man's interruption. She stepped forward and took the junior's hand cordially and asked,

I can't wait to learn more useful information from this descendant god.

But the two of them were talking and laughing,

Especially the scene where Suersin was excited, hesitated for a moment, and then continued to talk about his ideas with the goddess of life.

It once again stimulated the old man's heart.

Sursin actually disobeyed his orders! ! !

He actually didn't listen to himself!

He knew clearly that his uncle had accomplished nothing in that matter, but at this moment he was so active and attentive to the goddess of life!

This is a blatant challenge to your own authority!

How dare he...!

Su'an suppressed the anger in his heart, and his face became completely disgusting.

My nephew’s wings are hard...

Even turning a blind eye to his own words,

This is even in the presence of other gods.

If there is no one left, does he plan to have a showdown with himself and go out 'independently'? !

But at this moment, Sursin didn't have so many thoughts...

Although his uncle told him to shut up,

But seeing that the goddess of life seems to be very interested in this, if her information can repay the rewards that her uncle received before,

Even if his uncle calls him stupid afterwards, it doesn't matter to him.

Until this moment, Sursin still did not realize that

The treatment he and his uncle received in the world of memory fragments were completely different experiences!

Because I got useful information easily.

My uncle seemed to have had visions for a longer time at that time, so he should have seen more scenes.

He did not think that he had surpassed his uncle;

He was just an uncle, and for some special reason that he didn't know, he didn't want to help the goddess of life.

Is it because you don’t want to offend the person behind the Vampire King?

Sursin felt that this was a bit too much.

Since it is a curse...

Presumably the 'master' behind the King of Monsters doesn't really care about the life and death of this monster!

Both men take it for granted that they think according to their own ideas.


When Sursin sent the satisfied Goddess of Life away and promised... that she would help if needed in the future.

Looking at the goddess of life who has gone away...

The old man suddenly walked up behind Sursin and said coldly, "Do you know what you just did?"

"Uncle?" Suersin turned around and was startled by the old man's ugly expression.

As for Sursin's dazed and helpless look,

But the jealousy and hatred in Su Er'an's head ignited a blazing fire in his heart.

I’ve done it all…and now I’m still pretending like I don’t know anything!

He didn't remember raising his nephew to have such a cunning character!

Even those Abyss Demon Gods are not so treacherous and hateful!

Chapter 1585 Shut up! You made me the laughing stock!

Su'an felt that his nephew was treating him like a monkey!

He was so angry that he no longer wanted to hold back in his anger.

The terrifying light element was suddenly released from the divine body and pressed towards the nephew.

Under the expression of the young god who was shocked and flustered, not knowing what was going on,

The light element directly restrained him,

A magical hand ax appeared in his hand!

He directly used the excuse that he wanted to test what his nephew had learned from him in actual combat.

And faced with the uncle's declaration and the raised ax!

"But uncle, how can I fight when you are imprisoning me?!" Sursin asked anxiously.

He was a little confused...

Because I trust my uncle too much,

I didn't react at all when my uncle used magic just now, and I didn't resist at all...!

But now that the confinement has taken shape,

Even if the main god is of the same level as this ancient main god, it will take a lot of effort to break free.

Not to mention fighting! This is not fair!

Suran: ‘What I want is unfair! ’

His anger has not been vented yet.

"Idiot... you are imprisoned and you have to stand still and be beaten! Then just stand still!" After saying that, he scratched Sursin's scalp with the axe!

The golden blood turned into light particles and dissipated in mid-air, and some of it flowed through Sursin's cheeks and neck.

This scene made Sursin couldn't help but close his eyes and tremble in fear.

He hurriedly used healing magic to heal the injuries on his divine body.

"Uncle!! You are crazy!"

He didn't understand what he had done wrong to make his uncle so cruel!

Is it because he helped the goddess of life?

And his uncle's overbearing gangster logic made him so angry that he couldn't say anything to refute him!

What do you mean by ‘being imprisoned, do you have to stand still and be beaten? ’

Since you said you were in a state of confinement, how could you move?

Are you being imprisoned and trying to move? !

And on the other side...

Watching Sul'an's wounds heal,

Sursin sneered and praised his nephew for his good learning of healing magic.

I still remember that the first magical skill I taught my nephew was this.

As the god of light and medicine,

Apart from the light magic, what he is best at is the healing magic!

His nephew's ability to quickly master these magical arts has always been his pride and made him proud.

But now seeing this scene,

Su'an only felt dazzled!

He struck his nephew on the head with the axe.

The wound exposed thick bones!

Sursin screamed...his eyes seemed to be filled with rage and engulfed Sursin.

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