In this posture, Acard's grand beauty is directly impressed in people's eyes.

"Shit!!! The Archduke is so beautiful!" xN, fans of the Impaler and Dracula were excited!

Merlin: "Coming... the river is coming, the river of death!"

Accardo's chant begins: "The Bird of Hermes is my name!"

"Eat your own wings to control your own heart."

...Boom! ! Bang bang~~! !

On the battlefield, the attacks of the elves never stopped,

Even many demigods on other battlefields felt an unreasonable sense of uneasiness.

Start to abandon the enemies in front of you,

He turned around and led his elves to launch a fierce attack on Accardo.

That ‘Dracula’ feels so ominous!

I originally thought it was just more servants of death (river of blood) than the ordinary True Ancestor, but it seems to be more than that.

Let's deal with the vampire king first, and then slowly process the remaining vampires.

However...the next moment——! !

Rumble, rumble... like a flash flood! The earth shook!

The river, the river of death has finally arrived!

From the distant outskirts of the forest, a sudden surge...the dance of the dead broke the silence of the forest!

The entire battlefield is surrounded from all directions!

The sound of artillery fire suddenly stopped,

The elves looked blankly at the scene in front of them, so horrified that they forgot to attack for a moment.

All the elves took a breath at this time...

The bright red, sticky river was rushing, countless crimson eyes opened in the river, and finally countless arms and heads emerged from it!

This is like a scene in which a drawing of hell becomes reality!

You can never experience the feeling of cold hands and feet and trembling whole body without seeing it with your own eyes.

When we really face the river of death,

The elves felt unspeakable fear!

That kind of hairy feeling... can easily make people lose their will to fight!

"Defend, defend!!! Open up the barrier! Hold on!!" The demigod heroes were the first to react.

Even mentally prepared for this.

Then the elves woke up under the orders of the demigod heroes,

He hurriedly started chanting defensive spells,


After the Dead River swallowed up some of the vampires and elves in the periphery,

The elves' defense projects are completed.

Boom~~! ! The dead river slapped against the huge barrier shield hundreds of meters high that suddenly rose.

The barrier shield trembled a few times but did not break.

The elves then breathed a sigh of relief,

Then they saw that the Dead River began to spread upwards, and finally climbed up the barrier shield!

For a time, the sky around the entire barrier shield was completely wrapped in a bright red film.

Looking at the sky, looking in all directions, the servants of death clinging to the shield, the corpses forming a river, and the monster pressing its face ferociously against the barrier.

Ugh~! ! !

Although not all elves yearn for natural, clean and beautiful things like the nature elves.

But the violent aesthetics in front of him was obviously not something that normal elves could bear.

Physical disgust, hairiness, and fear surged into my heart at the same time.

At this time, only this unstable, constantly trembling barrier could bring them some peace of mind.

And the demigods began to feel extremely lucky... Fortunately, this barrier even blocked the sky.

Who knows these monsters can still climb up!

Chapter 1,608 There are heroic spirits in the dead river!

But they soon discovered that they had rejoiced too early.

Ordinary servants of death are indeed very weak;

In the original book, these dead people couldn't even break the Vatican's special glass.

In the end, Anderson's help was needed to kill his disciple whose mind had been twisted for a long time.

Even though the current Accardo template has been enhanced,

A protective project built by millions of elves is no shoddy project compared to special glass.

"Blocked...?!" There was a barrage passing by in the live broadcast room on the other side, and I looked at the hellish scene with lingering fear.

Merlin's narration suddenly sounded: "Blood is the currency of the soul, the currency of life...blood-sucking is the way of trading life.

It means taking the entire existence of life as your own, which is not simple - a natural disaster of the undead! "

Put your whole life...! !

People were shocked, someone seemed to have caught something.

Before they could filter out that conjecture...

Suddenly I saw new movement on the battlefield!

It's as if the long night is about to usher in a deeper darkness, just like a ship drifting on the sea in a storm, isolated and helpless, and in danger of being swallowed by a terrifying sea monster in an instant!

Suddenly the sound of a neat phalanx came from the River of Death——

That's the sound of troops marching!

"...What?" The subtle voice was not obvious among the howls and roars of countless servants of death, but the neat frequency was like an agitation in the hearts of everyone on the battlefield.

A sense of uncertainty arises in everyone's mind.

They looked in the same direction where the 'special' message came from in the dead river.

It's getting closer, the sound is getting closer!

When the neat voice became clearer and clearer.

Boom~! Boom, boom, boom, boom~!

From the river, an army came out.

Bathed in a torrent of blood, soldiers in uniforms far different from the ancient army of this era stepped out of the dead river.

"Battle Cauldron, Yenicheya Legion..."

It was the most prestigious professional army in the history of the Ottoman Empire's army.

It is also the only army that uses a pot as its military flag symbol.

He is famous for his luxurious clothing and decorative knives, as well as his white hat and large mustache. "Merlin's narration voice sounded.

People who had read the Grand Duke's epic quickly remembered the identity of this army.

Isn't this Duke Impaler's former enemy?

Once across an era and a continent,

Appears in the epic as a hateful yet powerful invader.

It was they who achieved the name of Lord Impaler and the birth of the earliest heroes.

"No...possible! This is impossible! How could such a stupid thing happen!" the demigod said with a ferocious expression and a dull look on his face.

Looking at the barrier that was shaking under the attack of ordinary servants of death and barely blocking the attack...

The different armies in the distance have a sense of specialness that is far different from these ordinary monsters and servants of death.

To put it bluntly, it is the difference between a simple soldier and a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles.

If the enemy adds such an elite soldier!

Huh~! Huhahahaha!

"False! Even the claws of those monsters can't penetrate the barrier... Just the long knives in the hands of those soldiers can't..."

The sound of horse hooves suddenly interrupted the demigod's words,

An even more ominous premonition came to the demigod's mind, and he widened his eyes and looked in the other direction.

A group of cavalry wearing black armor, resembling hell knights, rode out of the river.

When I saw the bright red eyes of those cavalrymen, even the sitting horses' eyes were red, filled with a shuddering feeling of heart palpitations...

‘Wha, what? ! This is again...! ! ’

That's too much! ! There are actually cavalry?

Even the mount can be resurrected,

Although people are not surprised that those monsters can be resurrected.

But subconsciously, they still ignore that the servants of death can also ride horses and mounts to fight, increasing their combat effectiveness!

This does not mean that if you want to,

Can even monster cavalry and even dragoons be easily achieved!

As long as you swallow enough flying dragons——!

Everyone gasped!

In the live broadcast room, Merlin also revealed the identity of this army.

Merlin: "The army of the Principality of Wallachia,


This Romanian cavalry unit... there is no doubt that they are the soldiers who accompanied the Impaler throughout his life and achieved the terrifying feat of piercing the rainforest!

In addition,

Their current status is not only servants of death but also heroic spirits! "

‘Heroic Spirit’? ! !

Are these soldiers heroes? All of them? !

Just kidding! !

Everyone who heard Merlin's words wondered whether the sage had finally gone crazy, or whether they had gone crazy and the world had gone crazy!

That's a heroic spirit!

Even though the fame is not as good as those famous kings and heroes,

But as long as they can be called heroic spirits,

Which one is not a powerful and battle-hardened warrior.

Just think about the Holy Grail War between seven heroic spirits. It would destroy the world and even level the world at every turn!

These hundreds of troops,

No matter how weak it is, this quantity is enough to crush everything!

"By the way, that 'them' also includes war horses!" Merlin's slightly evil voice suddenly sounded.

People who have never watched the Fourth War and only know a little about the troops in the Fourth War,

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