Until Accardo leaped from the boat and rowed directly across the Thames River into the battlefield of London!

Soon the Vatican, the Last Brigade, the Royal Order of the Ecclesiarchy,

The three powerful men representing the three forces gathered here one after another.

Werewolf, Priest, Accardo!

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet...!

Such a striking meeting,

The elves are not blind...!

The demigods immediately made a decision.

"Attack! Everyone!! Target Accardo! Attack!"

Just kill this monster king! !

Even Sursin in the sky is ready to take action, and he also wants to take action!

The actors have all arrived,

The witch's night before dawn is about to begin.

Of course, the Witch's Night referred to here is not the Witch's Night in a certain magical girl world.

But Valpus Night,

The carnival held by the devils and witches in religious legends at the top of Broken Hill! Commonly known as the dance of demons!

Those who wish to join the devil's carnival,

You must be prepared to be devoured by the devil!

And at the moment when all the elves aimed their weapons in the direction of Akkado,

The next moment——

Accardo, who was confronting the other two people, suddenly shouted loudly: "Master!! My master! Integra, Hircine! Give me orders!"

Lord, master?

The master of Accardo! !

The elves were stunned, and so were the demigods. They were all startled by Acard's sudden reaction.

No one even urged or directed these elves to attack quickly.

Just because I heard shocking news.

'How is it possible...how is it possible that that vampire king has a master! Who else is qualified to conquer him! ’

'impossible! Absolutely impossible! ’

At this time, let alone the elves, demigods, and Sursin who are enemies,

Even the vampires who were brought into the inherent barrier as friends don't want to believe this!

No matter how unwilling I am,

The picture in front of you will not change!

at the same time……

Everyone heard the woman's high-pitched voice suddenly coming from high in the city!

"My servant! Vampire Accardo! The order is-"

“Dye the white army into vermilion with the silver spear!

Use the black iron gun to dye the black army into vermilion!

Dye everything on your enemy into vermilion! Search-and-Destory! ! Search-and-Destory! ! (Kill the enemy on sight)!

Kill them all!

Don't let them leave this island nation alive! "

"As you command...as you wish, my master." Accardo chuckled.

‘It’s that woman just now…! ’ People in the live broadcast room thought in shock after seeing Integura.

And that order——

Let everyone take a deep breath!

What a simple, direct, cruel and crazy order!

The anger contained in it was bound to crush all the enemies. The will to fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood moved everyone.

This woman is so cruel!


‘Let Accardo deal with those two armies by himself? ’ The demigods frowned,

Although I really want to say it, it is simply a fantasy for just one person to want to join such a huge war!

But when they thought of Accardo's death river, their faces became a little ugly.

That man...!

If it were him, he would really be qualified to represent an army!

"Restraint Control Technique Type Zero, open!

Come back! Come back as thousands of people! "When Integra waved his hands horizontally in front of him and loudly said these words that were somewhat familiar to people.

Type Zero——!

It's a dead river! !

"Stop him!!" No longer hesitating, the demigods suddenly rose up and swarmed forward!

Thinking of the army of the dead that was like a torrent before! The demigods made a decision in their hearts - they must not let Akkado release the river of death again!

Chapter 1,616 The cycle of eternal calamity begins!

The chanting begins again!

When the phrase "The bird of Hermes is my name" echoes in people's ears again!

Live in Bengbu!

The attack speed of the demigods has accelerated a bit,

But these attacks did not fall on Accardo's body.

Instead, he fell into the blood-colored light curtain that suddenly unfolded and burned like a flame!


It's like what will happen after the 'rules' are broken!

Just like the pattern they discovered before, once they choose to step in! They will be exposed to the eyes of these ‘local forces’…

But whether it was the werewolf or the priest, after discovering these outsiders who were suddenly 'exposed', they only took a look -

Or the center of attention is shifted back to Accardo!

Only this man is the most terrifying enemy who needs to be vigilant most!

The priest wielded countless blunderbuss! It penetrated Accardo's body like a flying knife,

The werewolf also kicked Accardo with a spinning kick.

The vampire king swayed in the wind like a rag, and the blood of the attack was scattered all over the sky!

Although he escaped the attacks of the demigods, Accardo still gave his blood!

The old rules...

At the beginning, give two lives to the enemy!

The enemy is too weak. It would be completely meaningless if we don't let him go!

After that, the Vatican Crusaders, the last brigade, and even countless elves began to attack Accardo's direction desperately.

Bullets! Magic bullets! Magic and artillery fire!

The power of magic and technology combined together, all just to destroy the same enemy!

For a moment, the people in the live broadcast room were shocked by the huge momentum.

On the other side...

The vampires in the inherent barrier were also confused.

The little vampire loli, the little lady, and the true ancestors didn't know whether they should help Akado at this time.

What's going on...?

It's normal for the elves to attack Akado,

but these... are obviously soldiers summoned by Akado's inherent barrier, why are they attacking him? !

Aren't all the lives in this inherent barrier because of Akado?

Shouldn't they obey his orders?


A very funny scene appeared on the battlefield.

The elves were stunned halfway through the attack!

Even the attack strength was reduced a bit.

They looked at the silver-clad Crusaders around them, and the last German brigades.

These "heroes" summoned by Akado attacked harder and crazier than them!

Suddenly, I felt like a husky mixed in with a wolf pack!

Please ask...

They were teaming up with their leader to attack the boss,

but the boss's younger brother helped them fight the boss, and fought more fiercely and vigorously than them!

Who is Akado's enemy?

Even the brutal progress! That firepower coverage that was even more terrifying than theirs, which was completed without "magic power" and relying on unknown alchemical (technology) products!


Behind the elves, there seemed to be a sound of someone swallowing saliva.

At this time, Anderson shouted solemnly: "Everyone here feels that something terrible will happen!"

(The elves, demigods, and everyone who heard the priest's voice: "!!! We have seen terrible things!")

Anderson: "If this monster is not destroyed, terrible things will happen!"

(Elves: '... You look more terrible!')

So, facing the harmonious scene of the enemy and us working together to defeat the enemy boss!

Even the elves couldn't help but relax a little,

as if...hiss~!

The vampire king has become less scary.

In this situation of "enemy with the world\

,"the soldiers summoned by the opponent have betrayed him,

that man should...can't turn the tables...right?

On the other hand,

it is worth mentioning that

when Yan made this heroic spirit template of Akado,

the inherent barrier of the treasure added is not just a simple field bonus effect...

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