The kind of person who can persist in trying hundreds of times in reincarnation to change something and reverse something that is impossible to achieve,

It takes a lot of perseverance and persistence...

Obviously they don't have that kind of determination and will.

They have identified it! There's no stopping that monster from unleashing the Dead River!

There is no way to defeat that terrifying river!

The only thing they can pray for now is that Accardo's magic power is exhausted and he can take the initiative to unlock this terrifying inherent barrier!

But after experiencing so many deaths,

They already had bad suspicions in their hearts, but no one dared or wanted to admit it...

This inherent barrier is very special...

Perhaps the consumption of Accardo is not large, maybe even zero.

Not to mention resurrecting them dozens of times!

Just by constantly resetting time (the world) and letting the familiar scenes play out before my eyes,

The consumption of this magic power,

Even the main god must have been emptied of time long ago! But reincarnation continues...

Even Sursin, the real god, has long been in despair.

I even feel that even if I succeed in being promoted to the God King, I may not be able to break through this world of eternal reincarnation.

Is this really a monster that can be defeated?

How could there be such a terrifying Noble Phantasm in this world...

No, the real horror is the monster,

He began to somewhat understand why his uncle was so fearful and frightened of Accardo.

She doesn't even want to help the goddess of life any more.

It turns out that he has never seen through the nature of this monster!

This is like an abyss, a bottomless pit,

It seems that there is no end like this world, like a monster that swallows everything in endless reincarnation!

He is the King of Despair and the God of Despair more terrifying than himself!

But this time, everyone gave up resistance,

After quietly watching the death river coming...

Chapter 1618: Without any mercy, I will crush your pitiful dream!

If nothing is done——

Is reincarnation impossible to break?

Being trapped in this time period forever, until loneliness and despair torture the soul until death!

It’s not just the elves who are thinking about this issue;

Vampires are also afraid!

Although they don’t have to experience death,

I just play the role of a group of spectators, but I have seen too many repetitive scenes.

You will also feel numb, scared, and have goosebumps in your heart!

At this time, everyone was eager to see a breakthrough.

Seeing the hope that this reincarnation will be broken,

This is probably the moment when the two hostile forces have the most unified ideas!


When faced with the approaching death river again,

Subconsciously, many elves reacted physically and wanted to attack the army of the dead...

But when they thought of something, they put down their hands in frustration, and just closed their eyes in horror and despair, thinking that they would be torn into pieces again.


As they did not interfere with the operation of the world this time, a new turning point seemed to have appeared.

"Ann...Andreessen!!!" Maxwell's desperate shout suddenly sounded from under the sky,

Because no one can stop the vampire king from opening the river of death this time,

Associated with...

As long as you attack, your 'law' will inevitably be exposed and it has not been triggered.

It's like the army of the dead is completely invisible, no...

It was like a cognitive impairment, shunting past the Elf Alliance Army!

All the elves were still frightened... This time they did not resist but...

‘...actually survived? ! ’

And it is precisely because the script continues according to the original process,

Not long ago, Maxwell's helicopter was shot down.

Although he saved his life by relying on the special tempered glass attached to the helicopter,

Even the army of the dead is shut out and cannot come in;

But before the young archbishop could act arrogantly for a few seconds, he was stabbed in the back by Father Anderson!

A baptized blunderbuss flew from a distance, directly piercing the tempered glass blocking the army of the dead!

"Andreessen!!!" Maxwell roared, desperate and angry, angry and unwilling! He looked in the direction where the bludger was flying!

At this moment... it was as if he was in a vast expanse of white light, standing on top of the army of the dead, looking down at the priest Maxwell.

Father Anderson slowly spoke: "We, Lscariot, are the earthly agents of divine punishment!

I will crush your poor dreams without mercy.

Goodbye, my friend! "

In the live broadcast room...

I finally saw some people with different plots,

Looking at this moment, Father Anderson, who is like God’s messenger on the earth, judges sins that ordinary people cannot judge!

Hiss~! This priest is a bit handsome!

Archbishop, immediate superior...

Was he just taken away like that? !

"Anderson! Andrewson! Andrewson!!! Save me, Andrewson!" At the last moment when he was swallowed by the endless sea of ​​corpses, the Archbishop stretched out a hand with a pleading look!

Looking at this scene, people felt extremely sad.

A moment ago, this man was in high spirits;

Bring destruction and carnage to the city under your feet, and enjoy the beauty brought by the supreme power wantonly!

Who would have thought...? !

"Save me!!! Teacher!! Teacher!!" In the end, Maxwell even shouted this title that he had not called for a long time.


People followed Maxwell's gaze and found that he was still shouting at the priest.

Only then did everyone realize that the two had a teacher-student relationship.

Wait...wait, people's eyes widened.

No way!

The priest is actually the archbishop's teacher?

The feeling of destroying relatives for justice has become stronger!

"...Old...Teacher..." Maxwell's voice became smaller and smaller in the end. After all, he could not wait for the teacher's help.

At the moment when he was pierced by the spears of the Wallachian army,

"Am I going to die here so lonely...

No... no... live alone, die alone...

--Jesus! "Finally, he weakly stretched his hand to the sky, and the sinful man died.

Maxwell, who once wanted to be a big shot and a big shot that everyone had to look up to, let out a miserable cry at the end!

Although he has gained supreme rights,

But before dying, I still felt ‘lonely’!

This scene gave people a great touch and impact...

"You are such an idiot..."

"Big idiot...!" Slowly walked to Maxwell's body, Father Anderson...Although he single-handedly contributed to Maxwell's death,

At this time, there was no happy look on his face, and he seemed to be reminiscing! silence!

Killing the disciple I was once proud of with my own hands,

The priest must be heartbroken too!

Slowly close your eyes for the disciple who is still staring at death!

At the same time...on the other side,

Although I don’t know why Dead River didn’t take action against the elves this time, couldn’t even Accardo himself violate that ‘law’ and detect the elves’ army?

And the scene in front of me is like a script,

Priests and archbishops with their own beliefs and sorrows, anger and despair!

Looking at the righteous extermination of relatives that just took place,

The people who were deeply touched by this incident could no longer regard them as the 'soldiers' summoned by Accardo at will.

They are all flesh and blood!

Those sad, lonely, and heartfelt cries don’t look like they are fake at all.

Is this really just a simple inherent barrier?

Suddenly... people couldn't help but start thinking like this.

And this time, just like a stage script, are these 'local forces' who repeat the same thing in reincarnation really all false?

This weird world is full of violence, despair, and sadness.

What exactly do you want to express to them...!

A sense of depression spreads in people's hearts,

No longer thinking about the ability of the inherent barrier itself,

For the first time, people began to face the story that has been happening inside this inherent barrier.


They were curious about the war that had happened in this city.

That is an extremely strong desire to explore!

The inherent boundary is the embodiment of the mental landscape.

And for that vampire king!

What kind of experience does this reincarnation and the realm of mental imagery represent? !

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