Everyone was shocked! This, this is all...!

Chapter 1,622 You can’t go to heaven by committing suicide...!

"You can't go to heaven if you commit suicide..." Merlin said suddenly.

There’s a lot of meaning in a sentence…

Taking advantage of this moment, Merlin suddenly told people the story of what it means to be a betrayer.

In the Catholic Bible, Jesus the Son had twelve disciples.

One of them was called Judas!

Also known as Judas Iscariot...

According to records in the New Testament, he was born in Calvary and later betrayed Jesus to the Roman government for thirty silver coins.

This led to Jesus being crucified and Judas committing suicide out of remorse.

This is also the origin of the shocking and neat lines that Anderson and the others sang just before the battle.

Everyone was slightly stunned...

Is he really a ‘betrayer’?

But the group in front of me is obviously a group of loyal believers who will die for their faith!

Why call yourself a 'betrayer'?


Before the barrage refreshed,

They heard Merlin mention again,

“Suicide is a mortal sin in Christianity and will result in eternal damnation.

The betrayer does not really betray the believer of the god...

That's what they call themselves,

The will represented is nothing more than the belief that God will destroy all enemies of God at all costs, even if he falls into hell!

Although he is called a traitor,

But they believe in their gods more fervently than any believer. "

There were still some words left, but Merlin did not continue. It was enough.

But many smart people have understood the importance of the thirteen subjects and...

As the executioners of the church, dealing with the dark side when necessary, does require such a group of determined fanatics.

They do the dirtiest, most tiring, most hateful, hateful, and disgusting work.

But no complaints!

For this reason, he would not hesitate to go to hell after death.

This kind of spirit is beyond the understanding of ordinary believers...

For most people,

Human beings worship and revere gods in order to receive God’s blessing and live a better life.

But if you believe in God, not only will you not receive blessings,

And if you die for God, you won’t be able to go to heaven after you die! You can only go to hell where sinners and beasts go.

How frightening, terrifying, ironic and sad.

Thinking of this...

Even if they can't understand it, people still feel the emotion of admiration in their hearts.

Just the courage to face hell,

It’s something ordinary people like them can never have!

... Such a small team and a sharp knife who originally regarded death as home.

After being polished by Merlin,

The image in people's eyes has also been improved!

To those believers who serve as executioners and heresy judges in the church,

People also have a new perspective.

If we must give a definition to ‘fanatic believer’…

Such a crazy and shocking, shocking and touching, passionate group of people,

It will definitely pop up in people’s minds for the first time!

‘Judas the Betrayer’! ! !

A group of real men that people really can't hate at this time!

At the same time, on the other side,

At this time, he had changed his position. The major, who was in the inner command room of the airship, slowly raised a white-gloved hand while drinking coffee.

As if praising and waving to his brothers and compatriots:

“A joy as a common will!

Countless lives are squirming and struggling like one life.

Bleeding, longing for blood,

Repeating the cycle of increase and decrease, the battle continues indefinitely.

For the Crusaders it was faith,

For us it is war,

For Acardona it is its own existence...and we have the same purpose, the same dream - my black brothers..."

Merlin once said that this is the cycle of eternal calamity.

People once thought they already understood what the world of reincarnation is.

Got it...

What kind of reincarnation story are those elves who are trapped in despair.

But at this moment...

After hearing the major's words,

While watching the perspective keep changing,

In order to create conditions for Anderson to break through, are the members of Section 13 starting to suffer casualties as they continue to fight?

More than one place,

A member of Section 13 lit up the explosives tied to his body with a smile on his face!

Amid the sky-high flames and explosions,

People seem to have seen another eternal reincarnation.

There will be no peace after death, and you will fall into the hell of eternal reincarnation! !

At first people thought it was talking about foreign invaders like elves,

Until this moment, the people who had been stunned suddenly felt that maybe they were talking about the real men in front of them! !

Bang! ! !

Anderson, who finally defeated the army of the dead, made a leap and arrived in front of Accardo.

At this time, there were no more monsters between the two.

Anderson also stuck the two blunderbuss in his hands on the ground, with white air coming from his nostrils, and looked at Accardo fiercely.

'A human who is as strong as a monster! Especially that will! ’ Everyone couldn’t help but think.

Accardo also spoke happily: "Finally you are in front of me! Well done!

As expected of Lscariot!

As expected of Alexander Andreessen! "

When the priest's full name was mentioned, Akado's tone of voice unconsciously rose!

It was as if he would turn into a celebration monster in the next second and personally celebrate the birth of another human brave and strong man!

A hymn to human courage!


The priest suddenly took out a wooden box containing the holy nails.

"You are not the only one who has weapons." Anderson.

At that time, the people watching, the elves, demigods, gods, and even Akado, had not yet realized what kind of special thing it was!

It would even make this battle, which seemed to be completely a suicide mission and had no hope at all,

more exciting...

But it would also completely destroy the already weak possibility of defeating the "monster".

Although it seems contradictory to say this...


"Is that your trump card?" Akado chuckled.

But after seeing the priest use his five fingers to crush the wooden box and suddenly reveal the nail-shaped holy relic inside.

Akado suddenly clenched his lips tightly! His eyes also changed! !

All the expectations, excitement, and good mood disappeared...

The Vampire King seemed to be enduring something! He looked aggrieved and angry!

Many people who noticed Akado's expression were also stunned...

A nail?

And...what's wrong with that thing?

A nail can also be used as a weapon?

Why did the Count lose his color so much?

Everyone was puzzled...

Until they heard Akado slowly say: "A nail? The Holy Shroud...The Holy Grail...The Spear of Longinus..."

He listed many holy relics that people knew about and had been mentioned in various epics!

With each name that Akado read out, people were shocked and listened carefully.

The curiosity in their eyes became more and more serious!

And then...

Akado: "The last holy relic that disappeared from Rome!"

The Vampire King stared at the nail coldly.

Some things are already obvious.

Chapter 1623 I wish I was born a storm!

"A relic of the same level as the Holy Grail?!" Everyone thought in surprise.

It's hard to say about other relics...

The Holy Grail is very familiar to people!

Even if they know the Holy Grail in Christianity, it should be very different from the omnipotent wishing machine.

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