Acardo's arm suddenly broke neatly,

and then his head was cut off! !

"!!!" Everyone,

Impossible! !

Acardo didn't even have time to react...

The monster king who was furious at this time should be in a serious state! ! He was in a serious state, and his head was cut off in front of him? !

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

Then, they also saw Acardo's counterattack!

Even if he lost his head, his body was still able to move.

The other arm that was still intact suddenly raised up, and the black gun smashed Father Anderson's head with a shot!

Anderson's head also exploded.

Soon a lot of blood splashed in the sky,

The two headless corpses fell backwards, and then suddenly stepped forward, stomping their feet hard on the ground to support their backward bodies.

Blood and thorns, reorganizing their brains...

For a while, they did not transform into human form again,

but revealed the outline of facial features, and the bright red eyes and the empty thorn pupils looked at each other!

Watching the fight between monsters and monsters, between the undead and the undead!

People were stunned...

Next, it would be a battle they could not imagine.

A broken arm and a blown head could be repaired instantly,

The fatal injuries of ordinary people would not work on these two monsters.

How could an undead monster kill another undead monster?

People's hearts trembled...

Looking at Acardo for a while, and then looking at Father Anderson again.

‘I don't know what level of immortality that priest has reached now, can he match Acardo? ’

“Thorns!! It’s thorns!!” The members of Section 13 also exclaimed.

“Anderson! What on earth have you become!”

And hearing the lost voice of the members of Section 13.

The one who answered them was Akado, the enemy.

"He is no longer human. If we want to die now, we have to destroy this place."

Akado put his hand on his heart.


When Akado's words fell,

people also looked at Anderson's heart and noticed the holy nail that was still trembling, as if it came alive with the beating of the heart.

At this time, a small part of the holy nail was still exposed to the outside air.

"Can we kill these two monsters by killing the heart?" The elves, demigods, and Sursin obviously did not miss this important information!

Under normal circumstances, with Akado's immortality, he would not die even if his heart was pierced.

But looking at the current situation,

recalling what Anderson said before,

Sursin and the others understood a little bit-

After releasing the Dead River, although Akado's immortality was still strong,

he became able to be killed.

If it was just the heart!

Thinking of this...a group of people were a little restless.

But they did not forget that if they attacked, they would attract the attention of the Dead River Army.

That was a river formed by perverted monsters whose combat power would become stronger as their attacks became stronger.

If they could not pierce Akado's heart with one blow and let him dodge,

the cycle of being killed again would still be unavoidable.

'Let's take another look, let's take another look...' Sursin and others thought so in their hearts.

They resisted the urge in their hearts.

Even if the priest turned into a powerful monster,

it might cause considerable damage to Akado, allowing them to find out more information.

Now is not the perfect time to take action!

On the other side, the members of Section 13 could not help but shout anxiously: "Father Anderson!"


However, what responded to their call was not the priest's kind voice like a father.

Instead, it was a clean and neat kick that directly crushed the fallen glasses,

and then——!

Anderson slowly formed a cross shape with the gun sword in his hand!

Akado also placed his two guns in the shape of an inverted cross!

This was like two distinct, opposing individuals, reflecting each other.

For a moment, people lost their minds,

as if they saw two extremes...

saw a fateful duel between a fanatic and a blasphemer!

This war seemed to be given an unusual meaning!

It was no longer a simple fight,

but also a battle between beliefs,

a battle between monsters,

beauty, art!

It was a dance between guns and blades... there seemed to be a sad, sacred song playing in the darkness.

The Virgin Mary sang a lament for it!

Then... the sound of gunfire, the flash of blades swinging!

Blood splattered, and the two monsters completely abandoned defense and attacked each other frantically.

Bang bang bang bang bang~!!

Looking at the monsters that were like two wild beasts, completely abandoning the biological defense instinct and fighting each other.

People couldn't help but hold their breath, and their expressions became dull.

Just when Acardo shot at the nail in the priest's heart but failed to kill him,

Anderson took advantage of the situation and jumped high,

'He is neither human nor devil!

He does not belong to the day nor the night! '

Puff! ! It was also a knife from the sky!

Just like the way Anderson attacked Acardo when he first appeared,

But this time Acardo was unable to react quickly and respond to such a blow,

The arm that had just raised the gun was suspended in the air.

At this time, the gunblade had already penetrated his pineal gland between his eyebrows!

Afterwards, countless thorns (meat filaments) seemed to invade Akado's body with this blow.

Break out of his body!

Starting from the wound that Akado was penetrated, a burst of fire appeared.

Then people saw Akado's arm drooping weakly.

Clang, clang~!

Silence...!! The battle has reached the most critical moment!

People were stunned as they watched Akado, who seemed to have given up "resistance" and was about to die.

Even the elves and demigods who had always hoped to kill Akado were stunned.

The fighting consciousness dissipated...

Resistance disappeared,

That man, just like that, so easily, so going to die?

Chapter 1625 God will come, God will not come! Only fight!


How could he die...

How could he die here so easily.

Killed by a knife——!

He is the king of the undead, the king of monsters!

Not to mention the ordinary elves,

even Sursin's face became ferocious, unacceptable and full of astonishment!

The monster that made him afraid and dreaded,

was still fighting madly with another monster the last moment,

and was killed the next moment...

He couldn't accept it——!

Even Anderson turned into a terrifying monster,

but in the eyes of this group of enemies who had seen Akado's horror many times,

Akado was the strongest, most fierce and most terrifying monster,

but now this monster was going to be killed by another monster...!


At the same time, on the other side,

the people in the live broadcast room were also confused and their thoughts were confused.

They didn't want to believe that Akado was going to lose like this,

watching many vampires on the battlefield roaring and wailing.

This was the first time,

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