Merlin's voice also sounded in the live broadcast room again:

"An old human once said that there are many immortal monsters in the world. When I saw them, I thought...

Do they really want to be immortal?

Most of them are looking for a fight, a bloody battle, which is almost whimpering and longing, a scream of longing for death.

The Immortal…The Immortal King,

The castle, the territory, the people, the hearts of the people you love, everything has disappeared, they are just ghosts running in the struggle,

In my opinion, that immortal monster is just a very sad child crying on the ground. "

The immortal immortal monster, just a child crying on the ground?

This is the first time someone has described immortal monsters to them in this way.

Still describing it in such a weak image,

Everyone was stunned.

The feeling of sadness is even deeper,

Especially a special individual like a vampire...

Using blood as the currency of the soul, he absorbed too many soul fragments, and finally became himself no longer himself.

That powerful power, the sense of immortality, the ability to enjoy power and money forever,

Is it really that beautiful and enviable?

When people look at Accardo again,

At this time, Accardo had penetrated Father Anderson's chest, took out a heart, and then crushed it suddenly!

Extreme violence and crushing power,

The Earl became serious,

Even the priest who used the holy relic and turned into a monster is no longer an enemy of Yihe.

But people couldn't feel the slightest happiness from Accardo at this time.

When everyone realized something, the excited expressions on their faces gradually disappeared, and their blood cooled down.

They looked at Accardo quietly,

After crushing his heart, he gritted his teeth and roared: "You are me!"

At this time, in front of Accardo, only half of Anderson's body was left, which seemed to be dissipated in the wind at any time.

Lost the heart connected to the power of the Holy Nail,

Anderson also turned back into an ordinary human being,

Obviously it cannot be regenerated...

Accardo: "You are me...I was once a loser like you."

He kept shouting in a sorrowful voice that was close to crying, covering his face with his hands and shedding tears of blood.

"I used to be like you!"

! ! ! ! !

At this time, not to mention the local forces,

The elves were stunned watching this scene, and the vampires were even more stunned.

As the victor, the King of Monsters is the one who suffers the most.

At this time, the little vampire loli,

And many vampires who had been in human society for a long time and gradually lost their wild nature seemed to suddenly understand something.

Even though they were not in the live broadcast room, they could not hear what Merlin said before.

But some feelings are relatable.

Just from the trembling voices and the confused sadness in the air, they seemed to be able to understand each other.

‘…Monster…? ’ There was also a hint of sadness in their eyes.

Many vampires also have friends of other races.

But immortal species like elves and vampires are in the minority.

Most vampires are hidden among humans, who have the largest racial base.

This has also resulted in many vampires falling in love with humans, but due to various accidents they failed to transform their loved ones into vampires.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the pain in the end.

Sometimes immortality lasts for a long time... After getting everything you ever wanted to pursue,

On the contrary, you will feel even more lonely!

Because of this, vampires are even more eager to build a country and establish a country unique to vampires!

They are like monsters out of tune with this world!

Neither party will accept them...

In the end, they can only choose to survive alone.

What if there really was a king who could integrate all vampires and establish a vampire empire!

This is indeed what many vampires long for.

Not just because of the suppression from the elves...

It is even more because of desire that I want to gather under the command of His Majesty!

I hope he can lead everyone to a new world.

Chapter 1,628’s always people who defeat monsters!

Even the King of Monsters is nothing more than a pathetic creature...

A poor child tricked by fate and God.

"Devil, please don't cry." Anderson, who had lost half of his head and most of his lower body, spoke slowly.

Without the Holy Nail, he could die at any time, and now it was completely his final moments.

But by this time, the madness in Anderson had disappeared.

"Are you being chased by children?" At this time, Anderson, like a kind old man, in turn persuaded the "child lying on the ground crying".

"Don't cry, devil. It's because you don't want to cry anymore that you become a devil, isn't it?

After humans cry their tears, they become demons and monsters, and they stay like that until they die.

Then laugh... laugh arrogantly.

As usual!

I'm leaving, how long do you have to live...?

Sadly, when will you no longer need to live? "

When Anderson finished his last question,

Obviously he is the loser, the one who is about to disappear,

But at this time, he seemed to be relieved and redeemed.

But the one who survived became an even more lonely, sad and painful 'monster'.

When they heard Anderson's last words, many people were greatly touched in their hearts.

They all understand why Accardo saw Anderson using the Holy Nail.

Why are you so shocked, angry, and disappointed...

Humans kill monsters, humans are still humans.

But if a monster kills a monster, the monster remains a monster.

The fight between two monsters must have already determined this outcome.

Those who survived were only stronger monsters...

Waiting for the future, who will continue to challenge? Then even if you defeat the former monster, it will be meaningless!

This hellish world will always reincarnate and repeat the same sorrow!

It’s precisely because he doesn’t want to see such misery and tragedy that Accardo cannot accept Anderson giving up his ‘human identity’.

The more immortal the monster is, the more it craves death...

But it is not a simple death,

It is about hoping and placing hope on the miracles that humans can achieve among those who are weak.

It's not like him, who couldn't do anything in the end and could only cowardly choose to side with the monster.

It is a heroic epic that bravely challenges monsters and overcomes death.

Precisely because humans are such a group of persevering beings,

It has left countless evocative legends in history and mythology.

Heroes, heroes...

Only then can all the gods be captivated by it, and everyone be envied and admired by it.

'If that priest had chosen to persevere, would the outcome have been different...' Everyone in the live broadcast room fell into endless silence when they saw the end.

Accardo... must have recognized that man's pride as a human being at that time.

For monsters who want to die,

If Anderson keeps fighting,

Will Accardo also 'help' the priest to defeat himself?

This is an open-minded question,

People are wildly imagining,

But from the earliest days, it was clear that Anderson would fail.

Now I really see Anderson failed,

People's moods and feelings are completely different again.

From disdain to shock, to admiration...until finally being completely impressed by a man named Alexander Anderson in just one battle.

Impressed by its charm...

At this moment, after actually seeing the results come out, people are really upset.

But no matter what...


‘It’s always people who defeat monsters! 'now,

The same thought flashed through countless people's minds.

That concept and that touch deeply affected and inspired people.

'Human beings...are indeed an incredible group of creatures. ’ Sursin murmured and looked at the sun that was gradually rising in the sky.

The entire world of London within the inherent barrier, the breeze blows... it is peaceful and peaceful.

Just like a real world,

He almost forgot that he was still in reincarnation.

And that ray of sunshine on the horizon,

It is something that has never been seen in dozens of reincarnations before.

It seems that hell is finally over and the dawn of hope is about to usher in - so beautiful!

Sursin lost his mind;

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