
Bang~! After a gunshot, there was the sound of a body falling heavily to the ground.

Chapter 1631 Ten years ago? Or twenty years ago? Or—longer!

It was not Walter who fell;

Instead, it was the member of Section 13 who drew his gun and wanted to shoot.

He failed to fire the shot, but was shot to death by the werewolf captain who jumped out of nowhere.

Well, in people's eyes, if your head is penetrated by a bullet at close range, you should be too dead to die.

Not everyone is a vampire or an immortal monster.

Boom~! !

The dull sound of falling to the ground made most people in the live broadcast room unable to bear to watch.

The children that Anderson once wanted to protect went to hell alone, shouldering the responsibilities of Judas alone, and could not bear the members of Section 13 to follow him to death.

I was thinking about these children before I died...

How much does that man care?

If he was still alive, he would definitely not watch the members of the Thirteenth Section die in vain one after another.

This is not a battle... nor a martyrdom,

But torture!

The two members of Section 13 didn't even have the ability to resist.

This group of fanatical believers really sacrificed too much in this battle.

What a pitiful and pathetic group of people...!

I thought that after Anderson died, the battle here would have nothing to do with them.

I didn't expect that in the end...

Thinking of this, everyone let out a deep sigh.

Walter: "No one can hinder me...I won't let anyone hinder my...rebellion!"


If it is rebellion, there will always be a beginning.

When Walter's final announcement fell,

When people are still thinking about what position that man holds on Accardo's side.

The next moment...

It makes people 'astonished'!


When they opened their eyes again, the scene in front of them was no longer the world before dawn.

Instead, it turned into a dark underground passage!

Elves and vampires!

They all found that their companions were missing, as if they were all alone!

Are they the only ones left?

Such a discovery made them start to panic.

But they are still a group of warriors after all...

Especially the elves, who have experienced the reincarnation of death dozens of times.

Even death was numb, and there was nothing more to be afraid of at this time.

Saying so,

But when they looked at the dark and lightless passage, the elves still felt depressed in their hearts!

Where have all my friends gone?

Or is it that he is now in the same predicament as himself and has entered a new 'reincarnation'?

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the underground passage.

Then they (they) saw the true master of this reincarnation world.

When Integra was young, he was hunted down by his uncle who wanted to seize his family property.

at the same time……

The voice of a man talking to his companions also sounded in the void,

It seems to come from the nothingness 'outside the world'.

"I have a fear...

Arthur, I gave Integra's advice when his father died,

His brother Richard is a dangerous man;

He will definitely find a way to kill Integra and seize the family status!

Don't let down your guard against Richard!

We cannot relax our protection of Integra!

I gave advice to the butler...the Helsing's butler, Walter C. Denis.

But on the night of the attack,

Where is that man! What are you doing! "

The strange man's voice trembled, with an indescribable sense of oppression and urgency.

And the scene of Integra being hunted down before people's eyes,

The elves(s) were also stunned.

Doesn’t that describe the scene in front of me?

Although the girl being hunted was a bit cute and delicate, and completely different from Mirai's sassy temperament, her facial features and appearance could still tell that she was the same person.

Later, they witnessed with their own eyes how Integra escaped to the deepest part of the basement, and how he signed a contract with Accardo and was saved.

At the same time, the sound of the void continued to reach my ears...

"Arthur realized the danger of Accardo and sealed him underground. However, that night,

Integra, who was driven into despair by Richard, released him, and the two became master and servant.

If this series of events has some kind of direction -...!

If he acted for this purpose from the beginning!

If that's the case,

Since when did he betray!

Ten years ago? Twenty years ago? It was still in Warsaw in September XX! "

! ! !

Shocked! People were completely stunned by the analyzing voice of the man in the void!

The purpose of stewardship?

Could it be that even Accardo was released from the seal according to his ideas? !

The elves... are a little unbelievable!

Akado was in a sealed state before, so there is nothing surprising about this.

It’s not like he was killed anyway.

But if Accardo was induced and deliberately liberated.

What about the purpose? !

What's the purpose of doing this?

The housekeeper, and even the soldiers! (The last group)

The step-by-step plan was completely exposed today...

Even Miss Integula has grown up!

It took so long that it took years to plan...

For humans who only have a limited life of a hundred years, what is worth doing?

Everyone trembled in their hearts and felt chilled!

A feeling of a terrifying conspiracy network slowly unfolding in their hearts spread.


Another inadvertent blink, when people looked back, they had returned to the London battlefield at dawn.

It seemed that everything they saw just now was just an illusion.

"Back, back!?!"

"Just now I saw a human girl being chased!"

"Did you see it too?"

"I also heard a voice telling about the conspiracy and betrayal of the housekeeper!"

"I heard it too!!" The elves and vampires, as soon as they returned to the battlefield and looked at their familiar companions, they couldn't help but communicate.

At this time, when people looked at Walter again, they felt different again!

For a man with such "persistence" and "obsession" who has endured hardships for so many years,

what exactly should he do?

Those who have power are fine,

For many civilians in the live broadcast room,

it is not too much to be vigilant and afraid of such a man.

And such betrayal is too terrible!

Rather than betrayal, it is better to say...has he never been loyal?

Since he never intended to be loyal from the beginning, how can he talk about betrayal!

He acted with a purpose from the beginning, just for...this moment!


Thinking of this, people swallowed their saliva.

But they couldn't think of it at this time,

the butler did so many terrible things,

but in the end, all he wanted was...a "fair" fight! ?

He wanted a chance to challenge Akado!

Just like people didn't understand Anderson's challenge at first, it was enough to surprise people that there was a madman who was as desperate as Anderson (looking for death).


(Yan: Sorry, everyone in this battle is a lunatic.

They are either thinking about death or on their way to death! Even Akado is a monster who wants to die, so it is called the Song of Hell!)

Chapter 1632 What is a monster!

It is precisely because no one knows what Walter and the others are thinking now,

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