Purely moving,

Must be defeated! You can’t become your true self without defeating yourself! I can't take another step!

This is simply the purest evil, the purest violence!

It’s so evil that it’s full of beauty, and that’s exactly what the aesthetics of violence are... It’s already like art,

At this time, everyone's eyes were shining brightly and they continued to watch silently.

No one complained or complained.

They gradually began to be attracted by this group of crazy people, these lunatic existences, and the stupidity and maverick purity of each of them.

Bang~~! ! ! Bang bang!

On the other side of the battlefield, an explosion suddenly occurred on the airship. Countless flames burst out of the surface, attracting everyone's attention.

Accardo: "This is too much. My master, my servant.

If this continues, everyone will go bankrupt, and then,

Let me wait and see.

The boring opening has to come to an end.

The high court of Hellsing has arrived! "

The girl Accardo spread her hands and cheered!

The people in the live broadcast room changed their perspective at this time and suddenly gave the female police officers a little shot of their side.

People didn't see the battle.

But he saw that the inside of the airship had been cleaned up and was a mess of blood and flesh.

The only remaining soldier who survived and was seriously injured lay on the ground and said with a crazy smile:

"What are you waiting for!

Your death and mine? Our death? ! "

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned by this strange scene.

Then they saw Silas deliver the final blow to the soldier.

Integra spoke in a low voice: "They all died laughing,

Yes, they come here to die. "

Silas was a little excited: "...Do you really want to die that much? Do you really want to die that much! Just die casually! You should have died fifty years ago!"

She looked a little incomprehensible, and everyone in the live broadcast room also felt ridiculous——

Why can these people do this to their lives?

And bring pain and hell to countless others with a smile on his face!

Infuriating! Creepy too!

They no longer look like normal humans, but more like devils...

But at this moment, the major's voice sounded again from the broadcast in the airship,

“That’s not okay to say, miss.

Simply dying is absolutely not an option.

We are all hopeless people,

People all over the world think that there is no need for us to exist, and people all over the world plan to forget us completely.

It is necessary to know that our existence is necessary for us.

To die without any reason is the most annoying thing. This is the most annoying...

We have something more important than death, more important, more important! "

Something more important than death? !

Everyone looked shocked!

Talking about the mastermind and conspiracy behind the scenes,

That major is the biggest culprit!

Even if the housekeeper just relied on the strength of the major and others just for the sake of struggle.

What about the Major and the others? What is the purpose.

Even the list of those attracted by Accardo for the 'struggle' includes the Major.

But people weren't completely convinced either.

What people never expected was that an even crazier speech would hit their ears and their souls next!

Chapter 1,638 The greatest despair is to cut off the hope of others!

The major suddenly shouted: "This is why we are here,

postpone death,

There will be more, there will be a lot! There must be somewhere to fight! There must be some enemy to fight!

The world is huge, full of threats and wonders.

War and cannon fodder are everywhere!

There must be more things in this world that we need more than death.

We pursue something until we die, something we need more.

Otherwise we will not be able to go further towards the infinite realm!

So we can't die!

So you are very pitiful! You only have that value!

You guys are great! Wang Li Guojiao Knights, Hellsing! You are worth death to us.

You exist for us to be killed by us. "

Varied,……! !

Everyone was suddenly stunned!

I never expected that,

They still underestimated the madness of the major and underestimated this crazy world.

The so-called more, more things.

It is the struggle itself!

Just because it is valuable and worth defeating and destroying,

are considered enemies...

Then kill it or be killed!

A meaningless battle!

No...that wouldn't be considered a meaningless battle!

Rather, it gives meaning to the struggle itself.

‘Do they want to... die in the war, die in the ultimate war! ? ’ Thinking of this, people were suddenly in an uproar.

'--monster! ’

This man, and the soldiers under his command,

He is simply a monster who takes pleasure in war! Their thoughts are too terrifying, shuddering and frightening.

Policewoman: "Lord Integura, please go first!!"

Integra: "Silas!"

Policewoman: “Hurry up, get to that major!

That man...

We can't let that man say another word! "

Integra was stunned, and after a slight silence... "Don't die!

Don't allow it, Silas.

Absolutely not! "

The policewoman chose to stay alone and stopped the werewolf captain who suddenly appeared in front of the passage.

The atmosphere of separation also infected everyone in the live broadcast room,

and their mood became a little heavy...

Come on!

If it is said that originally, most of the people in the live broadcast room were just spectators, and a small number of big fans were completely on the side of Hellsing.

At this moment——

With the gradual understanding of the "Last Brigade\

,"people also felt that such an army should not exist in the world at all...

It was like a devil,

and the words were full of incitement. Sex and temptation,

If humans cannot restrain themselves,

they will be led into the hell of darkness by the "devil", and will never be able to maintain a single bit of rationality called order.

That will be an extremely terrible world!


Even if it sounds very inflammatory, don't listen.

Everyone shook their heads,

and continued to watch,

but was surprised to see that the werewolf captain pointed Intergula in the direction of the major's command room.

He was silent, not saying a word,

as if he said nothing,

but it seemed that he said everything!

Intergula's eyes were stern: "What a loyal dog!"

Then Intergula walked to the side of the werewolf captain generously, not afraid of him taking the opportunity to attack.

"Thank you for your hard work..." After saying that, Intergula went in the direction he pointed.

On the other side,

the battle between the policewoman and the werewolf captain also began!

...But the perspective of the live broadcast room has returned to Acardo and his team.

Acardo: "What a bad gamble, Walter.

Soon, your cards will also fall and burn.

Your master was killed by my master,

your descendants were killed by my descendants,

and you...will be killed by me too.

Humph...a cruel end. I am not interested in playing a game with you that you are risking your life on.

And you are just a traitor, a traitor only. "

Acardo...what are you going to do?

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