After the episode in the bookstore, Yan and Restia did not stay there for too long. Although they met a cute little girl, they only knew her name and left.

After all, it is not a wild PM (Pokemon). As long as it looks cute, you can catch it home if you like it.

Yan has always wanted to raise a golden Pikachu that can open or close its mouth!

It is Pikachu, don't think too much.

He was once brainwashed by B station, and he has no resistance to some maverick elves.

After completing the life alchemy, he may be able to create a Pikachu by himself.

Both the miscellaneous version and the Bilibili version are good!

When he returned to the library, Yan finally remembered where the familiarity with Loli came from.

"Hair color and eye color..." Yan suddenly said, and then the book he had read before suddenly flew into his hands.

Turn to the page he wants.

Sure enough, the hair color and eye color of the two princesses in the story are that color.

Five years ago, the little princess was only the size of a bean, and now she should still be a young loli.

"How could I possibly encounter such a coincidence?" Yan shook his head and murmured.

The descendants of the old royal family.

But——not necessarily!

Yan's eyes showed an interested look.

When he and Restia stepped into the bookstore before, the simulated star creation map had a reaction.

That was a brand new mystery that he had never observed before.

The nobility of the night who is not old and immortal.

For that kind of "mystery", there are many titles in the world to define it.

——【Transcendence of Death】, 【Undead King】, 【Ruler of the Dark Night】.

As these countless names show, the feared race——vampires.

The little loli with blond hair and red eyes who is immersed in her fairy tale collection is the vampire of this world.

Although it is the first time to encounter such a creature, Yan is very sure of this answer.

"Except for that little cutie (Lily), there is no breath of other souls in the blood. She is also a very simple and cute guy!"

Blood is the currency of the soul. Vampires absorb a small amount of [soul] from blood or body fluids.

Then they mix the absorbed soul with their own soul to promote their growth-to increase their strength.

The purer and stronger the soul, the more attractive it is to vampires.

But in the same way, after absorbing too many souls, the soul in the vampire's body will become chaotic.

No matter how much the low-quality omnivores absorb, they can't exceed the quality.

Some vampires are much stronger than those who have sucked the blood of 10,000 people even if they only suck blood once.

But they can resist the temptation of sucking blood to become stronger and restrain the desire to suck blood, which is equivalent to the [Spirit of the King of Medicine]. That's why Yan said that he is a very simple and cute guy.

If you can't do it like Akado, eating people to the extent of forming a dead river, it's useless for ordinary people to eat more.

Although there is no clear statement that the chaos of the soul will affect the degree of strength improvement.

However, among the many high-level creatures that Yan knows, there are very few who rely on [mixing] to become stronger.

...Just when Yan was exploring the story behind the Church.

In the village, the mayor, Hitti, left her nest after a long absence and was distributing candies door to door.

Hitti smiled and handed the candies to the children in front of her: "This is this year's share!"

"It's this day again. It's hard for you to make a special trip!" The child's father said.

"Because it's an agreement."

"Thank you, sister Hitti." The child smiled happily.

Hitti also smiled gently.

For the innocent smiles of the children who can save others, her mentality is similar to that of Andersen, who wrote fairy tales only for children!

Waving goodbye to this happy family, Hitti said, "Then next... Ah! Is it the home of Yan and Ji Zelu?"


"Candy?!" Yan looked at Hitti with a smile on her face, handing her candy.

"This is for every child! I specially left the biggest and sweetest ones for Yan!"

"Do you still think I'm a child?" Yan asked speechlessly.

Although when he first came to this world, his appearance was indeed very deceptive, just like a teenager.

But after experiencing the growth of dragon blood and several wars, Yan now has no immaturity of teenagers.

How can he be classified as a child?

Ji Zelu, who was standing next to him, had a bulging face and crescent-shaped eyes, and was eating candy very happily.

Restia looked at the candy wrapper in her palm curiously, a little confused.

In her past career as a demon king, she had seen all kinds of food and fruits. She knew about candy, but she had never eaten it.

It was the first time someone invited her to eat candy. How should she eat it? Should she just throw it into her mouth?

Just as Restia was hesitating whether to throw it directly into her mouth (with the candy wrapper).

Hitti had already peeled a candy and stuffed it into Yan's mouth.

A sour and sweet feeling came from her mouth. Yan subconsciously licked it. It tasted good?

Restia's eyes lit up, revealing a look of sudden enlightenment.

So you have to peel it before eating it? !

"It's delicious!" Seeing Yan eating it, Hitie's smile became even brighter.

Not knowing what happened to Hitie today, Yan looked at her strangely, and finally took the candies.


It's been a long time since I updated King Arthur!

When the night was approaching, Yan sat in front of the desk that he hadn't visited for a long time.

Chapter 195 Tristan and Lang Shile's prophecy!

Although it is a story with King Arthur as the protagonist.

In the biography prototype "The Death of King Arthur" written by Yan, more than half of the stories are about knights.

This is also the reason why Yan named the book "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" at the beginning, instead of "The Legend of King Arthur" or "The Death of King Arthur".

As the protagonist, he was in hiding most of the time, which was really difficult for Arthur, and this was also related to the excellence of the round table.

——However, there are many Knights of the Round Table, and the stories of each of them can be told as heroic epics.

But if we really talk about the most famous ones, they are still those few.

Several names flashed through Yan's mind.

——Cavining (Gawain), Tristan, Langshile (Lancelot).

... Yan remembered that it was already winter when the war against Kasas started, but he didn't expect that it would be cold before the winter was over.

The next season is spring!

When spring comes, everything has reached the season of transition...resurrection, and the earth will be covered with a green color.

Even the great king in the biography can't help but crown his crown with a more dazzling crown, Yan complained in his heart.

According to his update progress, it will soon be the plot of Arthur being cheated.

In order to prevent the name of the Knight of the Lake from being too ugly, Yan had specially written the legend of the female version of the God of War, and the male version of the big pig's hoof was directly eliminated by him.


Anyway, there is really no way to justify the fact that Lancelot would eventually cheat on Arthur with Guinevere.

He was known as the "best", but he had a bad personal morality and fell in love with his master's woman.

His love affair with the queen was one of the culprits that caused the split of the round table and the death of King Arthur later.

If it weren't for the crusade against Lancelot, Arthur would not have let Mordred seize the opportunity to rebel.

There would not have been the tragedy of Gladiolus Hill later.

And the other culprit who caused King Arthur's death - the naughty child Mordred.

Whether to use the male Mordred of the old sword version or the female version of the little Mordred, Yan has been hesitating. The problems of these two characters are not ordinary!

Let's not talk about Lancelot... Let's look at the problem of Mordred.

According to the old sword himself, the setting of the old Mordred is that of a gloomy man. Although Old Sword did not disapprove of Mordred like Dai Mao, his relationship with his son was not that good, and he was still stabbed in the end.

After seeing the female version of Xiao Mo, Old Sword liked her very much and thought Xiao Mo was very cute. He also lamented that it would be nice to have a daughter like Xiao Mo.

Homura also likes the story setting of the girl version of Xiao Mo in Type-Moon.

She loved the king but did not get a response. In order to get the recognition of her father (the king), she would step on that tragic road step by step.

…If the Mordred in Old Sword’s view is replaced by Xiao Mo’s version, it may be another kind of family reunion drama;

Thinking that the ending of King Arthur may become a story of harmony between father and daughter, and Mordred becomes a brave and perfect king under Arthur’s encouragement and teaching.


Homura ‘……! ! ! ’

Is there something wrong with the script? It seems to be a bit exciting? !


Originally, the master 'Hom. Andersen', who had decided to bring happiness (pain) to everyone from the beginning, actually began to hesitate about the final arrangement of Arthur.

It feels so happy and interesting to write like this! He can't resist this temptation at all!


Whether it is the readers' "tears" of joy or a perfect ending for Arthur, he wants it all!

So, what should he do?

Suddenly, Hom thought of the short biography he published last time, which was about the double ending route of the Grand Duke.

Hom's mind suddenly connected.

"Then write them all! I want both old Mor and young Mor!"

At worst, Arthur will be stabbed "twice"! Hom thought silently.

Well, did he forget something? I don't think so... The setting about Mordred was decided like this!

(Arthur:?!! Where is the perfect ending? Stabbed twice!? I TM——!)

This author is really inhumane! We should strongly accuse him!

After the most crucial part of the ending was considered, Yan, who had no other questions, immediately controlled the magic pen and wrote quickly on the paper.

This time he wanted to finish most of the remaining plots about Tristan and Lancelot in one go.

Why did I say most instead of all, because the rest was the content of the battle of Gladiolus Hill!

The sad love story of Tristan, and the story of how Lancelot was tricked and had a daughter.

Lancelot was written in the version of the Goddess of Guns, and Yan did not let Galahad go, and wrote her as a daughter directly according to Mash's character design.

(I would like to explain here that the previous illustrations of the Knights of the Round Table are all full-cover armor, and it is impossible to tell whether they are male or female. So Yan can now change the gender of the knight at any time according to her wishes.)

And then——

There is also the story that Tristan and Lancelot have to tell in the end! The fierce battle between the two knights who were once praised by Meli as the strongest in the world! (The prophecy in front of Baring's tomb)

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