He absorbed the life from Warrant Officer Schrödinger.

What else would happen besides assimilating the nature of Schrödinger's fate?

‘He’ is Schrödinger’s cat with will and self-observation.

He himself is just a wise cat wandering around in this unpredictable world,

Before he knew himself,

He exists everywhere and does not exist anywhere.

Now he has been integrated into millions of consciousnesses and lives.

He can no longer even recognize himself.

What will happen? "

A sacred lament seemed to be ringing in the void, bidding farewell to Accardo, the original vampire, Dracula!

Really, really, really, I’m going to die!

But this ending is not only unacceptable to the vampires!

The elves and demigods present, and even those who knew more, listened to the major’s popular science in the nearest place,

It’s also unacceptable! A look of confusion.

It seems like I know something, and yet I don't know anything at all.

You understand something, but you don’t seem to understand anything at all!

‘NM said something! ’ Ordinary people’s minds are filled with dark clues, and they wonder if their IQ is not enough.

They understood one thing in the whole article,

That little man is so powerful,

It was so powerful that he would be beaten to death if Akado ate it!

Thinking of this, everyone felt chills rising up their spines and their hairs stood on end! Somewhat scary!

But fortunately, it doesn't matter if the major doesn't understand what he says.

Among the people in the live broadcast room is the legendary sage ‘Merlin’...!

At this time, if you don’t understand, just ask. It’s time to ask for the wisdom of the flower magician.

Although Merlin is quite cheating most of the time,

But people have to admit that he really knows a lot! ! How much human ‘wisdom’ have those clairvoyances seen? !

They don't understand the original concept of "Schrödinger's cat", so they hear it in confusion.

So he posted barrages like crazy and started to refresh the screen, hoping to attract Merlin's attention.

From the first, to the second, and even countless more! !

Then more and more people followed suit and began to request Merlin's explanation.

"You guys are really good at summoning people! Okay, okay, I get it! There's nothing I can do against you..." Merlin said helplessly.

"I want to understand what's going on...

Understand what the numerology of that cat is——

Then we have to mention the future era,

So where to start? "

(At this moment, the corners of Yan’s mouth, hidden behind the scenes, slightly raised, it’s time to fool people again!

Indecisiveness, quantum mechanics! ! )

Chapter 1,644 Schrödinger’s cat, the superposition of life and death! The world of imaginary numbers!

“It was a quantum mechanics thought experiment—

A famous scholar named Schrödinger once proposed an idea. "Merlin,

“Put a cat in an airtight container with a small amount of radium and cyanide.

There is a probability of the decay of radium. If the radium decays, the mechanism will be triggered to break the bottle containing cyanide, and the cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat will survive. "

Merlin spoke very slowly and enunciated his words very clearly.

Although people still don’t understand those terms,

There is a feeling that the more you listen, the more confused you become, and the more you listen, the more confused and sluggish you feel, and you don’t know what’s going on—!

But they still understood the general meaning.

Half probability of living and half probability of death?

But then they discovered that it wasn't just that simple.

Merlin: "According to the theory of quantum mechanics, since radioactive radium is in a superposition of two states: decay and non-decay, cats should be in a superposition of dead cats and alive cats.

This cat that is both dead and alive is the so-called ‘Schrödinger’s cat’. "

Everyone:...? !

Die...and live again? The concepts of death and life are superimposed?

Although people don’t understand any quantum mechanics theory, people subconsciously ignore that information and only take the results——


Are there still such wonderful conceptual life forms in the world?

Merlin: "Before this box is opened, outside observers cannot determine its existence...

And once the box is opened, one of two outcomes is bound to happen. "

Life... or... death!

“Theoretically speaking, a cat that is both alive and dead is a life that violates logical thinking and should not exist in this world at all.

He should have appeared in a world that cannot be established unless it is defined as existence.

Like the imaginary number space, it is a realm that life cannot touch.

That cat has a similar numerology...

As the Major said, when he recognized his existence,

One day it appeared..."

Merlin's voice stopped suddenly,

There is no need for him to say anything later,

People's brains, which are spinning rapidly, also want to pass through.

Vampire sucking blood is the integration of spirit and soul.

Even Accardo,

It’s just a unity on this huge mountain of meat, located on the throne.

It exists like a heart.

But when he absorbed the wise cat named after the experiment "Schrödinger's Cat\

,"My own life also began to change...

Changes in the blood in turn drive changes in the heart.

I see…………! ! I see! ! !

Everyone suddenly realized——!

The major said that after merging into the river of death, Schrödinger himself could no longer tell which soul was his own.

Not to mention Accardo!

How difficult it is to find that cat among millions and millions of souls and to clarify one's own 'existence'!

And if he cannot understand himself,

It will always be in the state of 'the box has not been opened'.

He is dead yet alive, dead but not completely dead, alive yet unable to survive!

Until he discovers that cat and recognizes his own existence, he will merge into ‘nothingness’…

What a terrible method! What a weird trick!

And at this time...

Returning to the battlefield, the major continued to speak: "It is neither life nor death.

So today’s Accardo,

It's just a collection of imaginary numbers. "

Integuera gritted his teeth and shouted: "Akado!!!"

Don't close your eyes! "

Trembling, she must be absolutely, absolutely, absolutely unable to accept the disappearance of Accardo!

That kind of discomfort... there is no need to express it.

People can also feel their anxiety, irritability, and fear.

But on the big screen, Accardo's countless eyes were still closing.

"Open your eyes!! Accardo!!" Integra clenched his fists and trembled.

“This is an order…Accardo.

Don't disappear! ! ” Integra trilled.

"No...goodbye...Integra." Accardo closed his eyes peacefully, seeming to really accept his 'death'.

He disappeared into the sunshine with a smile on his face...

At that moment,

Like the Son of God returning to heaven,

The elves, demigods, and vampires all stared blankly at this sacred and sad scene.

The air suddenly became dead...

Until a voice full of irritation and a ferocious face broke the silence, "No! Impossible!!

If Accardo had completely ‘died’ at that time and disappeared from this world!

Then who are you? ! ! "

Sursin clenched his fists...

Construct this inherent barrier,

Trapping everyone there, constantly reincarnating, struggling in a hellish world, and never able to welcome the real dawn...

Who is the person who made them what they are now? ! !

What a joke...!

I thought that by the end, I would be able to find the weakness of this legendary vampire king.

Wait until Accardo ends the war in this reincarnation,

Maybe this is the time for them to really fight with their 'original body'.

That was the decisive moment that people had guessed, been waiting for, and expected.

The last glimmer of hope to escape this reincarnated world!


But--! ?

Crazy, crazy!

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes turned red.

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