Looking at Amadeus with a smile on his face, he was inexplicably irritated.

Sanson: "That's just because you have no sense of responsibility!

You are a scumbag who runs away as soon as you find something that makes you unhappy! "

Amadeus: "Hahaha, let me see your so-called sense of responsibility!

You caused him a lot of trouble when he was in France.

It’s simply not enough to just stand in the background and help.

At least you have to stand at the front as the protagonist and work ten times as hard, right?

And this time he was fighting to save people.

It's a hundred times stronger than standing on the execution platform, right? "

Chapter 14 Rebirth? Then reborn and killed every time!

Seeing these heroic spirits chatting so easily,

There is no doubt that these heroic spirits are all old acquaintances from the singularity of the Evil Dragon's Hundred Years' War.

Leave the battle to them, to these familiar ‘partners’,

Even the people watching felt inexplicably relieved.

It seemed like everything was settled now that they were here.

On the other side, Amadeus suddenly asked Matthew, did she still remember the only 'suggestion' he gave her?

Before Ma Xiu could reply,

He ended the topic on his own, saying that it was not the right time to chat.

However, Amadeus' words still attracted the attention of many people...

It reminded them of the time they had taught Matthew under the moonlight,

After all, it is a scene that has been repeated in the promotional video,

People still remember it!

...and Mashu's mental journey and her growth... have always attracted everyone's attention.

But he didn’t give Matthew a chance to respond.

People can only restrain their minds,

His attention was quickly drawn to the changes on the battlefield.

Amadeus expressed no interest in the so-called absolute dignity of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars.

After Xiaodi and Princess Mary fed people a bunch of dog food,

The heroic spirits threw themselves into the battle with the Demon God Pillar.


After a battle, the Demon God Pillars were suppressed.

Demon God Jiepai: “Unheard of—never heard of such a prediction!

What on earth is the Control Bureau doing!

Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

Not due to negligence that allowed the intrusion!

Our Nine Pillars will be suppressed by these heroic spirits,

There are obvious flaws in the design -! "

Two more familiar figures, Qing Ji and Long Niang, also appeared.

Kiyohime: "Oh. It's so shameless to ignore your own immaturity.

There's nothing wrong with calling it a "control bureau".

As long as it's for Master, Qing Ji, I can pursue her to the ends of the earth and the borders of the universe.

All this is caused by the girl's love. "

Then there are Saint-Georges, Dion, and even the Impaler...

Several people were talking and laughing, as if they didn't take the Demon God Pillars into their eyes at all.

The Grand Duke even complained that the iron stakes, which were enough to pierce 20,000 soldiers, would sometimes be insufficient.

Vlad III: "Although it is natural that maggots will emerge from carrion,

But this is too much, right? "

That tone...

To say that the Demon God Pillars are treated like pork on the chopping board is a compliment!

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly I felt why the Demon God Pillars were so miserable!

Before, Chaldea, Guda and others were in deep despair.

So quickly the suppressed parties completely switched over.

It really feels like you are still living in a dream...

On the other side, even if the Grand Duke belittled the Demon God Pillar,

The Grand Duke did not underestimate the enemy. In order to help Guda and others, he even used his hated Noble Phantasm to completely transform into a vampire.

‘The Grand Duke turned into a vampire? ’ People showed surprised expressions,

Those who know this crazy-level Grand Duke,

We all know...

He should be a heroic spirit formed after the death of Lord Impaler in the original normal history.

Unlike Accardo,

The impaling male who insisted on his human identity until death,

I am extremely disgusted by the legends that spread rumors about myself as a vampire.

I deeply hate and am ashamed of the name 'Dracula the Vampire'!

Willing to let him lower his body to deal with the enemy...

‘Is this to strategically despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy? ’ Everyone’s face twitched.

People looked at the Demon God Pillar with pity.

This does not give the enemy a chance at all!

Lancelot also roared: "FuuuuuuUuuuuuuu——

Aaaaaaaaaaaa——! "

Kuang Lan seemed to want to completely tear these demon pillars who bullied his 'daughter' (Ma Xiu) into pieces.

Gil, De, and Lei (sword): "Although we have the upper hand on the surface, the enemy is still deep in the water...

With such an elite force, they were still unable to open a gap in the enemy's formation.

The defense of my flag alone is still too weak.

——Can you help me, Jeanne? "

Joan of Arc: "Yes. In the battle between you and me, there was never an unbreakable formation.

Let's go, Jill.

Now is the time to live up to our vows!

【My Lord is here,

Gather under the holy flag and roar! ]"

With the liberation of the true name, the saint's precious phantom, the iris flag, bloomed with shining white light, and then the heroic spirits marched forward!

But I haven’t waited long to share this joy with people!

Demon God Naberius: "Terminal unit diffusion confirmed.

The connection with the Amyrlin was released, and he began to work on his own recovery.

Jie faction. Botis. Bachchin. Celios. ——Rebirth.

Pulsen. Morax. Impos. Aini. ——Rebirth.

Smelting furnace Naberius, restart.

Expelling enemy servants——"

Roman: "Sure enough,

No matter how hard I beat them, their numbers didn't decrease at all...! "

The Demon God Pillars ‘appear’ again! !

It’s like he can’t be beaten to death!

Regarding this…

Joan of Arc said that as long as they continue to fight, it will be fine.

Among the information provided by Da Vinci,

The magic power provided by the stronghold here to the Amyrlin Seat has stopped,

In other words, at least the Nine Demon Pillars can no longer return to the central Amyrlin Seat.

Joan of Arc: “Then there’s only one thing we have to do——!

If the Demonic Pillar could be resurrected forever,

Then we should continue to do our best to suppress them.

It is up to us to make the way to the Amyrlin Seat.

Everyone in Chaldea, please move on.

May blessings and the Lord’s protection be with you along the way! "

After the words fell, the saint said...

Just leave this to them!

So Guda and Mashu said goodbye to him and headed to the next fortress.

And looking at this situation,

The flames in people's hearts are burning brightly again!

Of course they also——

Choose to trust these heroic spirits!

Now I can finally follow the original tactics!

Although it was not the original plan to conquer the fortress first and get all the way to the Amyrlin Seat,

But with the help of these reliable heroes,

With their contribution of combat power!

The Demon God Pillars are nothing to worry about anymore...

People got excited and even thought that they might encounter other heroic spirits in the next few fortresses.

There were more than just a few meteors in the meteor shower just now!

Trapped in various fortresses, Demon God Pillar can only be killed continuously.

Even if they are all immortals, the memory of being killed is still unpleasant!

Everyone: ‘I hope they won’t leave a shadow in the future! Hey hey hey! ’

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