If he can maintain this state forever,

Indeed... very handsome!

This is a hero...

But - he can only be handsome for three seconds.

After hindsight, I realized what horrible words I had said!

Jason suddenly shouted in disbelief and panic: "Ah, damn it.

Am I going to die needlessly here too! "

Chapter 21: An Tusheng is in charge, how can he lose? !

He may always behave in a humiliating and unsatisfactory manner.

It runs around in embarrassment and screams when encountering any setbacks.


and people's memories,

The figures that died alone in the sunset gradually overlapped.


Under that skin, there is a fiery heroic heart that is not willing to be mediocre or die useless.

Rather than death, he is probably more afraid of how he will choose to live a lonely life (death).

To be wonderful and generous...

Everyone who saw through that man's true talent "..."

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice.

? ? ? : "...It makes me doubt my own eyes. I didn't expect that after becoming a heroic spirit, I would have the opportunity to admire you.

To be honest, it left me speechless. "

Jason: "Huh?!"

He calmed down: "By the way...this voice is..."

The next moment, Mother C appeared in front of Jason: "I mean your policy just now was correct.

Letting Hercules attack with all his strength is the most correct choice in this situation. "

Then C’s mother prepared to help Guda under the pretext of helping Guda.

Such a situation is very rare!

What surprised people a little——

Even if Mother C and Jason appear at the same time, Medea, who has become a witch, hates Jason deeply.

She would never help the man who abandoned her...but——

Uh-! This is not C.

It's incredible that he was able to convince the witch Medea who had already betrayed her.

Jason: “Yeah!!

It’s the real deal——! ! "

Mother C said with a speechless expression: "...Why do you always show such a troublesome reaction?

That Medea is also genuine.

Although we are indeed here to be consumed,

But even if we can get one more second, that’s our duty.

You are the captain after all. I'll protect you.

Just pilot the Argo to disrupt the enemy. "

As she spoke, Mother C showed a gentle, free and easy smile to this man for the first time in a long time.

Then——! The tone changes! "Okay, now that you understand, get to work!

In the handling of sails, you surpass Heracles in genius! "

Jason: "Damn, this is a nightmare...!

There are actually two! Two at a time!

If this is a dream, please wake up quickly! "

'Not only are they old enemies... but these two people, whose relationship is extremely complicated and entangled, are also united? It’s incredible...” Everyone looked at Jason shouting anxiously among the two Medea!

In the end, they could only come to that conclusion,

Attribute all this to the results of Guda's efforts,

This Master who was once the least favored in Chaldea...

The last master of mankind,

It is the biggest miracle and the most incredible existence in itself!

People sigh...

Regardless of whether they are heroic spirits or anti-heroic spirits, those who were once enemies can be united together.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is that indispensable link!

Then people watched the Demonic Pillar being blocked by these fleets of heroic spirits, covering Guda and others as they continued to take the lead.


Guda and the others arrived at the control room.

The new Nine-Pillared Demon God has appeared again,

Many familiar names appeared this time.

Demon God Barbatos, Demon God Paimon!

Someone couldn't help but suddenly said: "Wait a minute...Isn't Paimon an emergency food? Can this Demonic Pillar be eaten?"

Suck it~! After saying that, the man couldn't help but laugh.

Unknowingly, they no longer have much respect for these Demon God Pillars as the heroic spirits continue to appear.

On the other side, I couldn’t hear what horrible things these despicable foreigners had said.

The Demon God Barbatos is still protecting the last Demon God’s face——

“We, Nine Pillars, assist the general manager.

Our nine pillars remain at the end.

Spelling the name ‘Demon God of the Seventy-Two Pillars’,

We can never agree to stop reunification...! "

However, the heroic spirit that appeared this time was even more arrogant than before...

He struck Barbatos directly in the face with a large sword, interrupting its voice!

That powerful and heavy blow,

The people watching felt pain when they saw it! Take a breath!

Then Xiao Mo's figure appeared in front of them.

Mordred: "Ha! What a shame, demons!

If sorting out is the responsibility of the nine of you——

It's my jurisdiction to cut it into pieces!

Even if it is the glorious round table, I will cut it off with my own hands!

...that's right.

Because the end will come no matter what.

Even the proud and glorious royal city will collapse sooner or later.

Even the knights with swords and armor will all die sooner or later.

Sooner or later, the world will also come to an end.

But, not you. wrong.

This is probably not how the world will end. It should be you who should end it.

By the way, you have burnt yourself thoroughly enough by talking to yourself, right?

So, end it - I'll send you to hell! "


Another very popular character.

Later, Tesla, Jekyll, Babbage, and Frankenstein also appeared one after another!

At this time, people can still remain calm...

But when another heroic spirit arrives...!

After people watched a certain Servant named ‘Andersen’ appear!

At first there was a faint smile on people’s faces;

And that smile suddenly solidified at a certain moment,

The new servant who appears to help is named Andersen...

Oh, Ann...

! ? Wait, what? ! !

woc——! !

wocccc! ! !

Everyone's expressions suddenly became extremely exciting (frightened).

Is this the big boss here? !

Or is he opening a trumpet account with the same name——? Are you kidding...you're just lying.

Everyone was immediately stunned!

For people at this time,

It was like seeing the real big boss behind the scenes suddenly pay a private visit incognito and come out to help the protagonist defeat the mobs. The mood was complicated and indescribable...

‘Is the Magic King scary? ’

If someone asks them this,

They will definitely answer: 'Horrible! ’

But there is one person who can see everything,

Past, future, present...

Even the human incineration that confuses the timeline can be recorded clearly,

And write them into stories,

Only then can people have the immersive reading experience they have now.

A mysterious bard who seems to know everything, and whose name has become a legend.

'This sentence is stable... the poet himself ended up... The ending of the epic is not just arbitrary! ! ’ Some people were so excited that they lost their voices, and they all laughed.

after all--

Good ending, bad ending,

Isn’t it still a sentence written by a bard?

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