People: ‘Well…’

Here they heard Sanzang begin to preach to La Er,

Nitocris, the little girl who is a lesbian,

Although she was also a pharaoh, she was like a loyal little maid, trying her best to explain to La Er.

This caused the displeasure of another party coming to help the heroic spirits!

The eldest sister among the beautiful Hassan suddenly appeared and said unhappily: "Who knows!

If you don't want to fight, get back here!

Even I used the courage to break the jar,

The servant with the highest level of power actually planned to watch.

What kind of golden evil are you?

Plus there’s so much bullshit! A man who can nag on the battlefield,

Always the first to fall! Stupid, stupid~! "

Hiss~! ! !

Cruel person——! Everyone looked at Bai Mang in shock.

This was the first time I heard someone being so bold and speaking so disrespectfully to the king.

Although they were also very unhappy with La Er's attitude at this time.

These glittering kings are good at everything!

It’s just not easy to get along with...

At this time, everyone still doesn’t know,

Gilgamesh has a bad-mouthed side,

Although La Er seems to be more talkative,

But being summoned in a normal Holy Grail War is almost a recipe for death, and is even more difficult to serve than Jin Shining.

This pharaoh is a man who wants to kill his master as soon as he is summoned.

Just because the holy relic that summoned him could only come from his own tomb and the tomb of his beloved concubine.

This pharaoh didn't answer the call for some broken cup that would grant wishes.

I simply wanted to see who would be so bold as to disturb my 'sleep' after death.

If there hadn't been some twists and turns, Cang Yin Zhong La Er had just arrived and planned to use a solar ship capable of destroying Tokyo.

Give your Master’s family a few shots of ‘justice from heaven’!

Arrogance and domineering are the nature of these kings.

Even though these kings are all heroic spirits with good attributes,

But his unreasonable and cold side is enough to make anyone avoid him.

Because of this, people look at Bai Mong with the same eyes as they look at warriors! !

In front of that king's power, just like King Gilgamesh,

People don’t even have much courage to speak normally and express their opinions.

Not to mention dare to directly express all the unhappiness in my heart to these kings!

After all, it is like an idea engraved deep in the souls, DNA and bones of all ordinary people.

These glorious kings are always right,

No one can question it!

And here, Hassan the Cursed Wrist also stood up and started to smooth things over: "Calm down, Baimang.

You are also half-weighted.

Even if you taste the bitterness in the desert, you have to keep one thing at bay.

I am afraid there is no other king in this world who would not hesitate to move his own tomb to show off his glory.

We are nothing but assassins of people.

Without that king's sunshine, it would be impossible to contain the Demon God Pillar. "

Quiet Hassan, who was not wearing a mask and looked like a sweet and quiet girl, also stood up: "...that's right.

I guess my poison won't be effective either.

……it's a pity. "

See this——

People also think of it,

Although many Hassan from past generations came this time,

But they are all assassins!

The frontal combat ability is not very good...

Only the quiet treasure spreads in the wind from the crystal sweat shed while dancing heartily.

That body full of poison is indeed a fatal blow to ordinary people and even most weak people.

Not even the heroic spirits dare to get too close...

But the opponent is the Demon God Pillar...! The real devil,

Compared with toxins, it is obviously not as effective as a light cannon for attacking the city or the army.

It would be great if the first Hassan could also come...

Even the one who gave up the crown spiritual base is still a top Servant!

People can’t help but think of grandpa!

The king Hassan who brought out the art of assassin and turned him into a berserker!

This also made people realize that

On a battlefield of this level, no matter how many ordinary heroic spirits there are, they are not as important as one top Servant!

But the Sun King doesn’t want to take action at all now!

And when people first feel their headaches getting worse——

Gawain, the Knight of the Round Table, suddenly came forcefully and answered loudly: "There's no need to worry. Even if the King of the Desert gets into trouble,

There is also the heat of the sun here.

Knight of the Round Table, Gawain.

Due to the fate of losing to Fujimaru Ritsuka on that land,

Come and check in here.

...There is no blessing in this body anymore,

Even if there is no way to make up for what [I] did in the Holy Land——

I can also make everything dirty - no!

Now let me burn away this evil like a storm! "

Oh oh oh oh! It's Gawain! ! Gawain is three times more powerful under the sun!

Everyone is excited! But then I thought again——

But is there still ‘day’ here?

It seems like the sun can’t be seen in the Temple of Time? !

But...even so, the sister sword in Gawain's hand is no less inferior to the Sword of Victory,

You can also display the power of qualified turrets on the battlefield!

Then Tristan, the Prince of Sorrow, appeared. He was no longer at the singularity and returned to normal, turning back into a noble knight.

Tristan: “...I’m so envious.

Gao Wenqing is so straightforward...

People like me have no face to see others and no place.

There are no friends to make amends with.

At least let me use the demon string to tear apart the existence of the same species...

Please don't care about me...

It’s just some weak-hearted fools killing each other——

Ahh...I'm very sad..."

Lancelot: "Hmph. But your Philnot is sharper than ever.

How could quiet Tristan put so much passion into his fingertips.

No matter what happens now, Qing will never make another mistake.

Lord Bedivere will definitely say the same thing after seeing your heroic figure.

[Although it is like biting ice water, let this matter go to waste.

After all, that's what Tristan would do. ]"

The Knights of the Round Table without the protection of the Lion King,

At this time, it seems that there is no longer the cold, frightening and chilling feeling in the singularity.

The appearance of Lancelot and Tristan also made people more confident.

This time these two powerful knights are no longer enemies!

Think about the singularity,

The scene where Chaldea and his party were cornered by the knights countless times!

The feeling of being haunted by nightmares is still fresh in people’s memories! !

Not to mention that these two are almost one of the strongest people in the round table.

Chapter 28 The big hero’s fanboy—La Er!

One thing to note -

How many people are watching King Arthur's epic poem?

Although they all admire and yearn for the King of Knights,

But everyone knows very well that the power of the King of Knights is not very strong among the knights.

There are not even a few knights who have defeated the king in single combat.

What makes Wang stronger is his charisma, leadership, and his invincible holy sword on the battlefield. ,

In terms of single-round combat ability,

In the epic description…

Not to mention Baling, who died early——

The strongest knight in the back is almost always Lancelot and Tristan!

As for Gawain——

Although he is also very strong, at three times his strength under the sun, he is only as strong as Lancelot.

And what’s exciting is, haven’t these three now ended up in person?

Osmandias: "...The people of the Round Table are also here.

Although it is normal for people to flock to tourist attractions, it is unpleasant.

Forget what I just asked you to fight first.

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